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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Emoji Themed Party ... Emoji Birthday Banner!

Next on the list was a Birthday Banner. As I've mentioned before I came back from a work trip the day before the party. I did use my Cricut the week before I left to cut out the banner and glue it all together. ALL that was left was to string it with twine to hang it up. The night before the party my bestie came over to help finish the cookies and food. I had her on the banner duty, well the day of the party we found that was the one item we didn't finish .. lol. Now I have a banner that needs to be strung up. Anyone having a Emoji Party that would like one, it's yours .. hehe!

What you need:
Yellow Card Stock
Red Card Stock
Black Card Stock
White Card Stock
Craft Glue

I used the Circut to cut circles in the size I needed, play around with how big your area is.  I used the George Cartridge to spell out Happy Birthday, #, heart (for eyes), Circles for the words and for the one eye, circle cut in half for mouth, Oval with top cut off for tongue, < sign for a wink and rectangle for teeth.

I use a good craft glue to hold it all together. The PLAN was to use a hole punch and twin to string it up at the party! As you can see I didn't get that far .. lol.

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. My daughter wants a Poop Emoji birthday this year, although she said we have to do all emojis because she doesn't think we can come up with that much poo. LOL!


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