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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Detox Apple Cinnamon Water ... Pinned it, Tried it and LOVED it

As always Pinterest has lead me to something new and I'm loving it I'm on day 2 of it!  Ok to be honest I'm not a FAN at all of plain water, YES I know I should be but being honest here.  So I usually do crystal light.  BUT a friend of mine has told me about the artificial sugar in it leading to headaches.  So I gave a whirl the Mio Energy (liquid water enhancer).  It was great but then I saw this detox drink on Pinterest and it was SO easy to do.  And guess what I'm LOVING it.  I actually drank 3 of my 32 oz cups yesterday of it, MOST days I have a hard time getting one down!  And this morning I had a few sips of my coffee and went onto a cup of this instead!  And I must say the next day was even better I think from now on I'll make it and let it sit over night to make it more flavorful.  I think this is a great drink for all!

TIPS: I've had several comments so I thought it would be easy to put some tips we've learned along the way.
* Cinnamon - I can't find the article but I hear is good for your health.
* Some don't like Cinnamon - Suggestions Ginger, Orange, Vanilla Bean or whatever you like but you won't get the total benefit of this recipe if you switch.
* Some have tried powder cinnamon (using items like cheese cloth or coffee Filters).  I don't think EXTRACT would be good.
* Some have tried boiling water with the apples and cinnamon and have gotten more flavor, then adding in the ice water etc and putting in the fridge.  Some have put outside like ice tea to release flavors.
* I use a 1 Gallon Jug (I actually double my recipe since I like a lot of flavor)
* I drink about 1 jug a day
* I'm doing a low fat/calorie diet and lot's of exercise with this.  I have been loosing weight but it's a combo.

BOOST Your METABOLISM Naturally with this ZERO CALORIE Detox Drink: Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water 0 Calories. Put down the diet sodas and crystal light and try this out for a week. You will drop weight and have TONS ON ENERGY! sounds yummy!

Makes one big pitcher, re-fill water 3-4 times before replacing apples and cinnamon-

1 Apple thinly slice (Whatever your favorite is)
1 Cinnamon Stick

Drop apple slices in the bottom of the pitcher (save a few to drop in your glass later) and then the cinnamon stick, cover with ice about 1/2 way through then with water. Place in the fridge for 10 minutes before serving.

(My Notes - I found that with my pitcher I add 2 apples and 2 cinnamon sticks.   I really like the cinnamon taste so I keep a stick in my large cup and just keep refilling and leave it in there.  I have had some suggestions to boil the cinnamon and/or apple to help release some of the juices.  I haven't tried this yet but I plan to and will comment here when I can.  I have tried different apples and my found that Fuji which was recommended is my favorite.  We had some Granny Smith in the house and it didn't give the same taste I like. I don't eat the apples just keep refilling 3 or 4 times to get the taste.  I drink this all day long instead of my coffee that I use to drink or flavored waters.  I'm still eating a healthy diet and exercising.  I'm just using this as a boost and to help me with my weight loss goal).

Nutritional Info:
Calories: 0
Fat: 0
Fiber: 0
Protein: 0
Carbs: 0

(for the person who left a comment about me not linking back to the original post I'm sorry I usually do.  I saw it on Pinterest THEN went back to find it couldn't and saw a FRIEND post it on her Facebook page!  Now I didn't want to put up her personal page so I just took what she posted and added my pictures and notes.  I'm sorry that I didn't have the link I have NOW found it and added it.  IF you follow this blog you would SEE that I 90% of the time will link up when I have it.  So I'm sorry to the person.  But please remember before leaving a not so nice comment you may want to send a note to the person to find out why!)


  1. Much better for you than fake sugary drinks. Good for you.

  2. Oh, this sounds good for you. I am glad you are trying it.

  3. Did you really have more enegy?
    I'll try it :)

    1. Apples are a natural source of energy so I'm sure it does give u a boost. When I was pregnant and had to work early mornings at Starbucks I didn't drink coffee I ate an apple and got energy. :)

    2. I must say I have been drinking this water for about a week now, today I just couldn't get it in, and man I am feeling so tired and dragging! So the energy is missed from my water!

    3. 1 apple is equal to a cup of coffee!!
      Crazy fact :)

  4. I was doing that one last week! I think I would add more cinnamon, I couldn't taste it too much. I never drink plain water but I do squeeze lemon in mine everyday!

  5. Yum...I am sharing this on my workout site! :) Thanks girl! :)

  6. I too hate water, and yes I need to drink more of it, so will try this as it sounds so refreshing. Now where to get cinnamon sticks from...?

    1. Pretty much any grocery store. It is placed with all the spices. It is pretty common.

    2. Instead of buying the more expensive sticks I have just tied up some ground cinnamon in a coffee filter. It works great!

    3. That's a good idea! Cinnamon sticks are expensive.

  7. Did anyone's taste like regular plain water...? Mine did.

    1. Try boiling the cinnamon stick in water then add the water to a container add ice and apples then Place in fridge . Your water will be infused with cinnamon it's yummy I used to work at Starbucks so I've tried every drink mix possible.

  8. I find that flavored waters from home always taste like a very bad, watered down version of ... well, water. This doesn't sound like it would be at all flavored. I tried lemons and limes and raspberries - they all tasted like very unsweetened, just barely fruity enough to make it taste like something bad is in the water drinks.

  9. Anonymous #1 - I found if I drank it right away yes it tasted just like regular water. I found that if I let it sit and came back the next day apple juices and cinnamon released into the water and you could really tell. I also took a tip of a friend and put a cinnamon stick in my mug so it really gave it flavor.

  10. Anonymous #2 - I have found that some drinks are water or some can be very nice. Other fruits yes don't make a dent. But the apples sliced thin and a GOOD stick of cinnamon sitting in the water overnight can really make the difference and flavor the water. One way to find out is to try it for yourself :)

  11. how can it be zero calories if one medium size apple has about 90 calories??? just curious, it sounds pretty yummy though.

    1. That's what i wondering too...

    2. Because, you're not EATING the apple.... The flavors are releasing into the water that has ZERO calories.

    3. Are u consuming the apples?

    4. 90 cal split up in a large water pitcher then split between 4-6 glasses is so close to zero a glass, it's zero. Plus it's water, so it's better than the alternative!

    5. Apples are a 0 calorie food naturally. Yes, technically they do have around 60-90 calories per apple but they are considered 0 calorie foods because it takes your body more calories to digest the fruit then the amount you are consuming. Also, adding ice makes your metabolism work harder to heat up the water once you drink it which subtracts more calories. I'd say this is more of a negative calorie drink!

    6. Zero calories no, but very few. Some of the apples natural juice will be released into the water (apples have fructose in them which is a sugar) but it won't be the full 90 some odd calories and you are diluting it in a gallon of water so really not all that bad. As for the negative calorie hype that's a wives tale. Plus you aren't actually eating the apple and its fiber to have anything difficult to digest. This drink probably has less then 5 calories per glass.

  12. Absolutely loved it!!! Nice change up fr the lemon water that I always drink. Thanks for sharing :)

  13. Did it give you more energy?

  14. how many pitchers a day?

  15. I will definitely be trying it is also much more cost effective:)

  16. The Mio's have propylene glycol in them, which is anti-freeze. I'm sure it's a very minuscule amount, but I'm not taking any chances ;). Can't wait to try this apple water out!!

    1. Anti freeze is ethelyne glycol, not propylene.

    2. I worked for an airline and propylene glycol is what we used to de-ice the aircraft during the winter months. the MIO commercials made the product look good but when I read the ingredients, I was shocked!

      we used to have to study the material safety data sheets (MSDS) in order to know the best medical treatments for inhalation, ingestion, skin or eye contact, etc...

      google the MSDS for propylene glycol.... please don't drink that stuff!

      apple-cinnamon water sounds like a much better alternative to me!! can't wait to try it!

    3. Propylene glyclol is miralax

    4. Propylene glycol is in a lot of products and is USDA approved for use. I had a flood of my apartment with sprinkler water, which has PG.....this is why I researched it.

  17. So for the whole week do you just drink this? You don't eat anything else?

    1. Omgosh absolutely not.

    2. Yes it is a cleanse, meaning you only drink this for the week.

    3. no. it's just a replacement for water.

  18. I'm going to make some now.. Sound yum!! Thanks :))

  19. Anonymous - I just got the title off pinterest. You're right about the apple having calories but maybe cause your not eating the apple just using a small amount of whatever juice it releases into the water?

  20. Anonymous - I'm so glad you like it. I AGREE much better then the lemon water!

  21. Anonymous - I have been drinking it for over a week and I must say I do have more energy but I'm also working out more which could because of the energy.

  22. Is there a replacement for the cinnamon?

    1. if you don't like cinnamon, I bet you could try fresh ginger.... I think fresh ginger is pretty strong so you'd probably want to start out with a small amount. apple and ginger would probably taste good together.

  23. Anonymous - I usually can drink 1 of my large pitchers a day. I usually drink around 84 oz a day.

  24. Alexis - by the way love the your name :)! Yes so much more cost effective!

  25. Anonymous - I drink it during the day and have cut back on what I eat. I stick to around 1200 calories a day and exercise. I'm down 26.2 lbs :)

  26. Anonymous - OMGosh I better read the bottles better I didn't know Mio had that in it!!!

    1. It's a liquid flavor enhancer for's actually pretty good but I didn't know about the antifreeze

    2. There is no anti freeze in it.

  27. Anonymous - U hope you did make it and enjoyed it too!

  28. So basically you drink a pitcher full everyday for 7 days? 60-84 ozs

  29. I don't know if you are aware, but Mio has Sucralose (Splenda) in it. It's not a good alternative to Crystal Light.
    You're much better off with the ones containing Stevia.

  30. Also, to anyone wondering where to find cinnamon sticks, they should be in your grocery store's spice aisle.

  31. I don't have cinnamon sticks can I just use powdered cinnamon from my spice cabinet?

    1. I don't think the powder would dissolve then you'd be swallowing clumps of it

    2. You can always put powder in a coffee filter and run some water thru to brew it ...? Sounds like it would work. Just play with the amounts to find the strength that suits you. or...use cheese cloth and mull it like spiced wine

  32. I'm excited to try this drink! Where are cinnamon sticks usually found in the grocery stores? I don't think I have ever seen them? I'm guessing by the ground cinnamon?? Thanks for sharing!!

    1. With the spices, they come in a similar comtainer

    2. Yes, in the spice isle, or I found it in the mexican food/spices, and at a much cheaper price. Great quality, packed in a clear plastic bag. I have been steeping mine in boiled water, like tea , then adding it to pitcher with cold water and fugi apples. I loooove it. And I really do think I have more energy. This makes drinking my water sooooo easy

    3. I was about to say us Mexican ppl use cinnamon sticks all the time and they are not expensive at all...

  33. I wonder if you made this like you were brewing iced tea if it would be more flavorful? We put jasmine green tea bags in a pitcher and fill half way with boiling water, steep for five min then fill with ice. If you brew iced tea with cold water it's incredibly weak. Maybe if you made this apple cinnamon with boiling water then fill with ice after it "brews" the flavor may be stronger? I may try this, thanks for sharing!!

  34. Anonymous - Mio Energy is a new liquid water enhancer almost like crystal light. It's suppose to be better for you.

  35. Anonymous - Yes about a pitcher a day. I usually not much of a water drinker but the taste of cinnamon has really made it easier and I've been drinking it instead of my coffee.

  36. Anonymous - I was under the impression Mio was with Stevia. Which I drink in my coffee if I have it these days.

  37. Anonymous - Yes cinnamon sticks in spice isle. Or if you have a bulk section you can find them there a lot cheaper. I hit up our Winco bulk isle.

  38. Anonymous - Powdered may be a little bit of a mess. Let me know how it works.

  39. Surfing into first Grade - Yes by the spices or in the bulk section if you have one :)

  40. Anonymous - GOOD idea about the boiling water! I'll try it out and report back.

  41. As a fellow Pinner I'd just like to say SHAME ON YOU!!! You didn't link back to the original post, you just blatantly copied and pasted it and are now gooing because Pinterest has caused you to have an incredible amount of visitors. You only casually mention you found the post on Pinterest, you basically just stole someone else's post, even the picture is almost identical! Anyway, anyone caring to give credit where credit is due visit And you really ought to put that link SOMEWHERE in your post.

    1. Calm down its not plagiarism

    2. Calm down turbo. Your being a bit over the top. No one wants to see crap like this in their posts. The only thing you have successfully done is make yourself look like a jerk. She fixed the issue.

    3. Chill out. It's not like she's collecting royalties from a super seller book that she copied. Good grief.

    4. You are incredibly rude, shame on YOU, she not once tried to act like she came up with it.

    5. Mariam, it's not like there's profits to be made or lost from the pin. Situation has been clearly explained by Alexis in her July 10th post. I agree with previous comment so congratulations to you for making a FOOL of yourself since I do notice that you did not retract your statement.

      Alexis - great step by step instructions and photos! Need to buy cinnamon sticks and try this.

      BTW: anyone know how to delete undesirable comments or at least hide them from viewers??

    6. You need to calm down because it's not that serious!!

    7. People just have to step in and make drama with everything. She explained the situation .She was not trying to steal the credit. There a lot of things that you can help make right in the world but no one needs you on the pinterest patrol. You were just rude.

    8. It's the internet. get real. anything put out there becomes free to all. if someone is lookin g for sole credit apply for a patent and don't put it on the internet til patent is received.

    9. Agree with all above, and do you really think that pin was the first ever to impart this info? Please! This pinner got it from another pinner who found it somewhere else who also wasn't the first ever to do this. Get over your PinPolice self!

    10. Wow...feel better? You should be ashamed of YOURSELF! I think the recepe is great and feel sorry for anyone that would let something so small become such a big deal in their life (obviously you don't have a life). Get some therapy and get to the root of YOUR real issue!!! Now I feel better!! ;-)))

    11. Just get your panties out of a twist. She said that she couldn't locate the original post and it wasn't like she was receiving millions from posting this. There was no reason to be so incredibly rude to her.

  42. I tried it both cold and brewing it first. I have to say brewing it first did release the flavors more, but, If i wanted a tea type drink instead of flavored water then I would buy tea bags. The longer you let it sit in your fridge the better the taste. And yes, I have tried different fruits. Helpful hint, break your stick in half before dropping in the water, It releases more flavor as well. Otherwise LOVE the idea.

  43. Mine tasted more like cinnamon water than anything and I only used one stick?

  44. OK I left a comment earlier but I'm not sure it went through so i am going to try again. If this is a repeat just ignore kids usually do :)
    As far as the powdered cinnamon, I would not recommend it since it is not water soluble and would probably sit on the top and give you a huge whiff of cinnamon on your first gulp of water. I am a huge fan of flavored water. i usually use orange, lemon and lime slices or lime and cucumber slices which oddly give off quite a bit of flavor. When i do purchase a flavor for my water i love the Ocean Spray blueberry lemonade but I water it down quite a bit from what the package recommends.
    Happy drinking!

    1. Why so angry?? People make mistakes!

  45. I've been using Mio too but am now finding the taste a bit boring. I'm very willing to try this out, once I hit the grocery store. Can't wait to see the results it'll have on me. I would love to lose 5 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

    1. please read the ingredients for Mio. one of the ingredients is propylene glycol, which is also used to de-ice commercial aircraft. not good. why would the FDA approve something in a consumable beverage enhancer that OSHA requires airlines to keep material safety data sheets on and train employees on the proper use of? (excuse my grammar)

      just please research it before drinking it

    2. Shut up. Good god.. I'm sure that if that was really what it was it wouldn't be approved by the fda or allowed for consumption if it was that bad.

    3. That is found in everything food coloring to beverages to toothpaste to hand sanitizer. There are different grades of it and a wide range of uses. The chemistry of it can vary according to use. Go read Wiki for goodness sake and stop fear mongering!

    4. That is completely rude and unnecessary. In addition, do some research. The FDA is not perfect. They do allow trace amounts of dangerous substances in our food. Any synthetic chemical is not good for your body and will catch up to you.

  46. I really love cucumber in my water. It's really refreshing!!

  47. How long do you to the detox for !?

  48. Can you eat or is it just a liquid diet?

  49. Is this detox drink considered a detox, because your drinking water and that always flushes your system and boosts your energy? Or does the apple and cinnamon somehow detox you?

  50. Miriam - I really wish if your going to put a comment you could link your name or put a email for me to reply!

    I'm sorry I usually do. I saw it on Pinterest THEN went back to find it couldn't and saw a FRIEND post it on her Facebook page! Now I didn't want to put up her personal page so I just took what she posted and added my pictures and notes. I'm sorry that I didn't have the link I have NOW found it and added it. IF you follow this blog you would SEE that I 90% of the time will link up when I have it. So I'm sorry to the person. But please remember before leaving a not so nice comment you may want to send a note to the person to find out why!

    Just in case you feel free to come back. AND I could have just deleted your comment but I feel so often ppl make comments with out knowing the whole story so here you go :)

    1. That lady is over the top. You should just ignore her and delete her post. She is obviously the only one bothered (since SHE didn't bother to read your explanation of the situation). Thanks for sharing!!

  51. This sounds like something I need to try! I love water, but drinking plain water can get old really fast. I've been a fan of Crystal Light for years, but hate the artificial sugar. Thanks!

  52. Should this be kept in the fridge all day or can it sit out after the flavors have combined? I work in an office and getting up to get water kinda gets old after a while and I tend to go without. I do like room temp water but curious if the flavor is compromised any?!


    PS... Thanks for the honesty

  53. Anonymous - I let mine sit, but this weekend I plan on brewing it. Such a great idea!!

    Anonymous - I love cinnamon so I do 2 sticks but yes I would say cut down to 1 and maybe add more apples?

    Lloyd & Kristi - Thanks I so should have said that about powered you put it perfect! I always do the water down too it works perfect :)

    Anonymous - Thanks I was thinking that too since you didn't eat them you don't get the calories!

    Anonymous - I didn't know that about apples but it makes so much sense. Oh working at Starbucks would get me in trouble .. lol

    anonymous - Boiling the stick another GREAT idea, Thanks!

    Anonymous - Thank you for breaking down the calories, I didn't find the best way to write that.

    Anonymous - I felt the same about Mio. Oh girl I which I only had 5 lbs to loose :).

    Anonymous - Cucumber is also very yummy!

    Anonymous - I've just do this drink everyday. I've cut out my coffee and all other drinks. :)

    Samantha - I do eat. I am doing a low cal diet and exercising :)

    Julie Deane - From what I read do to drinking the water and the energy that comes along with it :)

    Thank you again everyone for stopping by it's so nice to meet new ppl and to share fun things that I try :)

  54. Has anyone lost any weight on this?? Trying it today!!! :)

  55. Can you pour cinnamon from a spice bottle into the drink instead of using a cinnamon stick? Just curious because I would have everything I need to make it if so!

  56. Jen - I've been doing it a week and I was finally able to get over my plateau. Now I have been exercising more, but I do have more energy so that could be because of that too! :)

    Anonymous - We've been talking about this and the cinnamon would just float to the top and make a goop that would be hard to drink and get stuck in your throat. :)

    Anonymous - Thank you yes easy to find in grocery store.

    Anonymous - Thanks! I'm not sure why she was so angry. I'm human and try to connect when I can :)

  57. Anonymous - Thank you very much! I try to make sure I give credit and only if she would have looked at all my other pages she would see that.

    Thank you for your comment!!

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Can I use regular cinnamon or does it have to be in the stick form?

  60. If you want to use powdered cinnamon put it in a coffee filter or cheesecloth and seal it. Use it like a tea bag. You should still get the flavor but not have to worry about getting clumps of cinnamon powder. :)

    Well done on your response to the "nasty" comment. There is really no excuse for being rude.

  61. Jus found your blog from pinterest of course! I am not a fan of plain water and i need to drink more of it. So Im super excited to try this love that it is 0 cal and you said it gives you energy! That is like a dream come true I hate energy drinks, I love to find natural ways to give my body energy! Thanks so much

  62. Thanks again Felisa for posting that I'm so glad to hear it works and isn't like that cinnamon challenge I saw online ... yup that was the picture I had in my head :)

    Kendara - I use sticks but Felisa above did it with powder and it worked.

    anonymous - You all just amaze me with the things you come up with. I'll have to try the coffee filter! And thank you so much I was really put off and had to take a moment to walk away from the computer and respond.

    Anonymous - Don't you just love Pinterest :). I'm not a energy drink either but I really must say this is really helping me get moving and exercising more :).

    Thanks everyone for stopping by!

  63. Very cool! Sounds pretty good. I don't understand how it gives you more energy or detoxifies, though. Is there any info online about the properties of apples and cinnamon? I love plain water but I might have to try this! Thanks!


  64. This is a great idea and I'm trying it tonight! I'm glad I read some of the comments. Since I don't have cinnamon sticks on hand and am too impatient to wait til I buy some, I'm going to use the coffee filter for my ground cinnamon. Here's hoping it works! ;-)

  65. Sadly, I am allergic to cinnamon. I would love to try this but I need to substitute cinnamon with something else. Any suggestions?

    1. Maybe vanilla? Or a vanilla bean?

    2. Ginger goes great with apple. I put ginger in apple juice all the time. It is very strong though so i'd try it with a small amount.

  66. Sounds like something worth trying for sure! I have some cinnamon sticks that I bought for another purpose, so looking forward to using them. Going to buy apples tomorrow and give it a try. I think the cinnamon stick is the way to go rather than the ground cinnamon, but if I find that mine isn't getting enough cinnamon flavor, I'm going to try just scoring along the length of it to get some of the flavor from inside the stick. Cinnamon sticks do get "stale" but this will help to release the inner flavor. The person who said breaking the stick was onto something as well, as it does the same thing. I've also read that cinnamon is great for keeping blood sugars level. I don't have a problem with my blood sugars, so can't vouch for it, but maybe someone else trying this has that problem and could try to track the difference?

    So now I'm thinking, if apples and cinnamon make a good flavored water, what about oranges and cloves?

    1. Your right. Cinnamon tea is great for people who are diabetic, so says a dr. friends of mine. It also has some anti inflammatory properties as well.

  67. I've been doing some thinking about this whole "taste" issue. I, too, have never cared for the "taste" of water. As I've gotten older, I realize I'm starting to actually crave water, which could be because I don't drink enough. I'm starting to think that if we don't like the taste of something as basic as water, this means we have a deeper issue: the 'perversion' of our taste buds and our perception of taste. If you change what you perceive to be good or change your taste buds, then you appreciate the tastes of more healthy foods. I believe we have come to expect certain things to be sweet. This is a problem when attempting to eat healthy. Now, I am pretty much over-ruling 'taste'. Ex: no matter if it tastes good...drink the water anyway. Change the mind...and the body follows. Train your body to NOT like the sweets and your body will reap the benefits. I believe this drink would be great and am going to try it since apple and cinnamon would be natural flavors...but I'm still going to keep drinking my good, ol', plain water, too.

  68. Not sure why that one poster flipped out on you but you handled it very well so kudos. Had she read your post from the beginning she would have seen the exact same explanation you gave in the comments in response to her. The part I found funny was that she acted like this was some recipe that the original pinner created themselves and boo on you for not giving them's sliced fruit put in water...I am sure it is a combination that has been done forever so I am pretty sure it was not the original pinners idea. They probably got the idea from somewhere else in the first place and just tried it out for themselves. Suggestion for your blog though, you might want to specify better that it is not a weight loss detox program. I noticed a lot of people were getting the impression that you just drink this instead of eating to lose weight.

  69. From reading the comments, I'm going to try this: Cinnamon and apple slices in your coffee filter basket. Make a whole pot, pour into your pitcher the fill the rest of the way with ice cubes.

  70. I'll be trying this! Thanks! I usually use cucumber, lemon, mint and ginger. It's great for those looking for an alternative. I'm thinking apples and ginger would be tasty for those with cinnamon allergies. (I found the recipe on pinterest but I'm not going to bother looking it up to get the link. Yikes! Don't tell Miriam! ;)

  71. Lesley - I would have to do some research but I have read about these being ingredients that help your body with weightloss and giving you energy. But I'm sorry I couldn't tell you what article that was in.

    Melanie - Let me know how the coffee filter works!

    Anonymous - Someone suggested cloves which might be nice with apple or Oranges as suggested below :). Also Ginger was suggested :).

    Anonymous - Scoring might be a good idea. I really like cinnamon so I find keeping one in my water jug I drink from helps keep it with that flavor. I'll have to check out the blood sugar thing I don't have that problem but my husband does! Good idea abou the oranges and cloves!

    Anonymous - I think you are right about changing your mind :)

    Jen - THANK you I really appreciate your comment! I think you're very right. It sounds like something my grandmother would have done years ago. Maybe I should have gave her props too :). Thank you I put a comment lower under with my notes about the recipe about my weight loss but a good idea to put it up higher too.

    Michelle - I think it is a good idea about the whole pot idea :).

    Anonymous - I'll have to try the cucumber, lemon, mint & ginger one! Apples and Ginger may be a good idea too. LOL you crack me up! Got to watch out we may be hauled to the courts over recipes :)

    Molly - THANK YOU!!

  72. Has anyone talked about the benefits of cinnamon? It actually aids in weight loss because it inhibits blood sugar levels from rising. Jennifer Jolan, a fitness guru says to put it on everything or drink it down with water before you have dessert. It also makes it so that sugar doesn't get into your blood stream....excellent for weight loss! Enjoy!

  73. Anonymous - THANK YOU so much, I really wasn't trying to steal someone's creative idea. I guess I really should have tried to find the original post more but I don't have sometimes hours to filter threw dead links and google post to find it. I'm human :). Thank you again!

    Anonymous - THANK you so much for your comment. YUP not making any money off it. HECK if I was getting money for click threw I would be rich but so not the case :).

    Thank you so much I'm a very visual person and hope for ppl like, want to see the step by steps :).

    Yes in blogger you can go to the comment section you can either click the radio box next to comment and click delete. Also if you hover over the comment there is a box that appears underneath to delete :)

    I believe it's best to just to leave it ... lol it made me upset at first but then I thought about it and figured she was the one that looked rude not me.

    Michelle - I ONLY use Cinnamon Sticks. BUT a person above has commented that she did it and it worked out fine. I like my sticks so I stick to that :)

  74. Ziggygirl - THANK YOU for posting that I thought I read something about it but wasn't sure and didn't want to misquote and get myself another nasty comment :). I knew I LOVED Cinnamon for a reason :).

    Bring on the weight loss. I'll keep you all posted on what week two has done to help me with my weight loss.

  75. Has anyone actually lost any weight from this??????

  76. I saw this pinned on Pinterest and HAD to come check this blog post out.

    I read through the comments hoping to find someone who had success using powdered cinnamon, as I do not have any cinnamon sticks. I saw the post about using a coffee filter, but of course we don't have any of those either.

    So what I did was boil some water with cinnamon powder in it, and this actually helps dissolve the cinnamon really well into the water. Then I strained the cinnamon water over the apples in my gallon jug; the hot water helps get some of the juice out of those apple slices. I finished up by filling the rest of the jug with filtered water. Put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes and am now enjoying my first water bottle full of this deliciously flavored water. It almost reminds me of apple cider, and I imagine it will taste even better by the next refill.

    FYI - The cinnamon water will be brown, so your water will look more like ice tea, but if you don't have any cinnamon sticks or coffee filters this is a good alternative if you're dying to try this water.

    Hopefully this will at least get rid of some bloat, and maybe cut cravings down. Thank you for sharing this! :)

    1. Thank you for the step by step with powdered cinnamon! That's all I have as well, and no coffee filters so I'll try it this way :)

  77. I've heard that apples can count as "negative calories" because they take more energy to digest than they actually contain (to the person who said they have 90 cals and thus the drink can't be 0 cal.) I think it's got something to do with an apples density and high fiber content.... not for sure :)
    This is an interesting idea and I may have to try it. I don't mind drinking plain water but it doesn't seem to be my drink of choice. However, since I don't drink pop and I've heard that tea can actually take water out of your system, this might be a good alternative :)

  78. I just made a pitcher. Love apples and cinnamon. I think cinnamon is supposed cut cravings and is good for your immune system. :) I'm sorry someone was mean to you.... some people just like to get angry. I can't tell you how often I "see" something on Pinterest never to be able to find it again! We only had ground cinnamon, so I dusted my apples, put some water over them and microwaved them for a couple of minutes. I put that in the bottom of my pitcher, added ice and filtered water and gave it a stir. The water tasted good immediately. So I can't wait til it steeps a little. ~Missy

  79. Thanks for sharing this!
    It's winter here in Australia, and I always struggle to get through more than a glass a day!
    I was a bit over herbal teas, and had been trying apple slices in hot water, but just now trying it with Cinnamon as per your suggestion :)
    As mentioned above, I used 2 shakes of cinnamon powder, and a slice of apple in my mug with boiling water. It tasted pleasantly of Cinnamon, but the apple is not yet strong. Hoping the other mugs I have brewing will be yummy warmed up in the morning/day tomorrow ;)

  80. Hi ladies. I just put a batch in the fridge for the first time. Can't wait to try it. I wanted to share something that I heard from Martha Stewart. I use to make cucumber water but it didn't have enough flavor for me . . . Martha said to peel the cucumber and put the peels in the water as well as the slices for more flavor . . . totally works!!! YUMMO! SOOOOO, for more apple flavoring and hopefully more nutrients, I peeled my apples and added the skins to the water as well. :-) Hope it works! :-) I recommend organic when peeling and using the peels . . . just like you would with zesting. I do NOT do all organic but if I'm going to soak it and drink it's juices as a detox, i prefer organic. Just a thought.

  81. Hi ladies! I have my first batch in the fridge as we speak, can't wait to try it. I would do anything to have more energy these days! :-) One tip I heard from Martha Stewart was to peel cucumbers and USE the peels in the water when making cucumber water (totally works, YUMMO!) . . . so I peeled my apples and used the skins as well. Hoping it flavors more. Just as you would when zesting, I would use organic for this especially since it's a detox. I do not buy all organic but if I'm going to eat the skin, I do think it's best. Just a thought.

  82. Hi there! Brewing my first batch as we speak. Wanted to share that I learned from Martha Stewart to use your cucumber peels IN the cucumber water. Works soooo good, so I peeled my apples and threw in the skins hoping for more flavor and nutrients. :-) Also, just as you would with zesting, I would use organic for this especially since it's a detox. I do not buy all organic, but if I'm eating the skin, I try to. Just a thought!

  83. I was wondering what size pitcher do you use?

  84. Weight Watchers does not count any fruit in points for that very reason anonymous. It takes more calories to break them down than they contain.
    Also, the idea that there are no artificial sweeteners in this flavored water (like like there is in Crystal Light) is good for weight loss because artificial sweeteners actually hinder your weight loss.

  85. I love, love, love this water! I first had it in April 2012 at the Westin in Langkawi, Malaysia. I liked it so much I bought a Spa Water recipe book. My other favorite is cucumber and fresh basil. Slick the cucumber and tear the basil to help release the flavor. Absolutely delicious and so refreshing.

  86. I love, love, love this water! I first had it in April 2012 at the Westin in Langkawi, Malaysia. I liked it so much I bought a Spa Water recipe book. My other favorite is cucumber and fresh basil. Slick the cucumber and tear the basil to help release the flavor. Absolutely delicious and so refreshing.

  87. to people complaining that there isn't enough taste: perhaps your taste buds are just more accustomed to stronger (ie: more sugary/fake)flavours. The beauty behind making your own flavoured water is that you know what is going into it. What do you think is in the commercially sold flavoured waters? A little more than just fruit and water I think! I love the idea of making your own flavoured water at home and will definitely be trying this one!:)

  88. Love all the suggestions to vary this or make it work with what you have, this is why I love reading comment sections of blogs and not just the posts! :)
    Can't wait to try this. I just wanted to suggest something for people wondering about substitutions for cinnamon. I would say whole cloves in the water or ground cloves in a coffee filter as someone suggested. That or nutmeg would be good too.
    I would say that really its a no brainer that drinking this would give you more energy because of apples but also just because you are drinking more water. If you cut out crap drinks and add more plain water you'd still lose weight and have more energy. That's because drinking enough water flushes out any fluid retention and most people don't drink enough water as is so our bodies tend to hold on to at least 10 lbs of water so most people will lose 5-10 lbs very quickly once they start drinking more water.
    Ok just my 2cents. Great blog!

  89. Love all the suggestions to vary this or make it work with what you have, this is why I love reading comment sections of blogs and not just the posts! :)
    Can't wait to try this. I just wanted to suggest something for people wondering about substitutions for cinnamon. I would say whole cloves in the water or ground cloves in a coffee filter as someone suggested. That or nutmeg would be good too.
    I would say that really its a no brainer that drinking this would give you more energy because of apples but also just because you are drinking more water. If you cut out crap drinks and add more plain water you'd still lose weight and have more energy. That's because drinking enough water flushes out any fluid retention and most people don't drink enough water as is so our bodies tend to hold on to at least 10 lbs of water so most people will lose 5-10 lbs very quickly once they start drinking more water.
    Ok just my 2cents. Great blog!

  90. Oh my goodness, stupid comment thing. I wrote a comment and it kicked me off and i have to start over again. Grrrrr :) oh well.
    OK, first have to throw my 2 cents in on the energy and weight loss. Drinking enough water everyday and cutting out crap drinks will always help, this is just a great alternative for those who don't like to drink plain water with the added benefit of apples giving you a slight boost too. :) Our bodies hold on to water when we are drinking enough so when you start drinking enough water you will lose 5-10 lbs of just water weight and will have more energy simply because our bodies have been running on low and needed more water, flavored or not.
    Second, seriously love all the variations from comments, this is why I love reading comments and not just blog posts, though I did enjoy your post. So for my little suggestion...for those wanting a substitute for cinnamon I would recommend nutmeg (I don't know if you can get it whole so I would wrap ground nutmeg in a coffee filter like someone else suggested) or you can use whole cloves or ground cloves in a coffee filter. Either of those would taste great with the apples.
    Thanks for posting this, can't wait to try it for some variety. :)

  91. I'm going to try this for sure. Has anyone lost weight????

  92. Just curious---since this is called a detox drink, does it make you, umm...."go" a lot? I mean, when I hear that someone is doing a detox, I usually think of the things that make them poop a million times a day. Hate to be gross, but I'd hate to make a pitcher of this before going to read books at the library or before church or something. ha ha!

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  94. I replies to a comment and said this but you might want to edit this info into your post...You can tie some ground cinnamon in a coffee filter and it works great.

  95. Has anybody try it with Mexican cinnamon?? It has a stronger flavor I personally like it better than regular cinnamon

  96. While taking this detox drink what im I suppose to eat and how many times do I drink it a day????

  97. Where can I find the day spa water?.

  98. This is a great idea and I love to try different things in my water. I seen on Pinterest about freezing mint in your ice cubes..I wonder if that would work?

  99. Ashley Hansard - I have been doing it a little over 2 weeks and I have lost around 5lbs. I am exercising and eating a good diet on top of it.

    Anonymous - I thought I heard that about cinnamon tea. Thanks for the comment!

    Kristie - Thank you so much for stopping by. Thanks so much for your update on boiling and straining. I have found it cuts my cravings. Let me know how it works for you :)

    Anonymous - I've never heard the negative calories I'm going to have to look into that!

    Anonymous (Missy) - Thank you for your kind words I always say I'll go back to pin that and then poof it's gone. Or I just get busy and then well life ... lol

    Little Misters Mum - I am the same during winter! I'll have to do the boiling water for the cool days!

    Unknown - I'm going to have to try that Martha Stewart tip thanks!

    Anonymous - I use a 1 gallon and double my batch :)

    Anonymous - I've been hearing more and more about sweeteners hindering never would have thought that!

    Beemer Babe - I will have to find a spa book. The Cucumber and Basil sounds GREAT!

    Anonymous - I do to like making my own flavoured water :)

    Crystal Andersen - Sorry I have comments turned for me to review for older post and it probably kept going to a blank screen for me to review. The whole cloves sounds like a great trick I may have to try that with some oranges! Well I wish to say I loose it quick but i'm a slow and steady girl :)

    Hunterk - I have lost about 5 lbs in the last 2 wks but that is also diet and exercise with this.

    Liz - OK sorry ppl TMI moment - Yes I do have to Pee a lot wish I know is good sense it is flushing out all the bad stuff :). Not too much poo ... lol at least not the kind that makes you make a mad dash in fear for your outfit :)

    Anonymous - I hired a person to design my website her link is on the left column. Custom Blog Designs .

    Anonymous - I've been hearing more and more ppl liking the coffee filter and ground trick! Thanks for sharing!

    Anonymous - Thanks a few have said it here in the comments about the cinnamon and coffee filter. I kept my post on what I've tried to keep it form what I know :)

    Anonymous - Thanks I was wondering about the anti freeze.

    Anonymous - I haven't tried mexican cinnamon. I'll have to look it up when I go to the store next time. Thanks

    Anonymous - I stick to a 1200 calorie diet but it depends on what weight you are and how much you want to loose. is great to help with that :).

    Anonymous - You make it, the recipe is above

    Tuesdaym2006 - A few have commented before that the coffee filter works :). I do want to try the cheese cloth too.

    I will have to check out the mexican food section I never thought about it being cheaper over there. I will have to try the boiling water trick.

    Anonymous - I saw the mint cubes too, I bet it would work. I want to try it soon!

  100. You're right it's a cleanse, but I figure drinking water everyday isn't bad for me so I will continue to drink it everyday. I'm drinking my water which I never do so that should be right? :)

  101. For the person who mentioned being allergic to cinnamon; some people like the taste of nutmeg with apples, you might try that in a coffee filter 'teabag'. to replace the cinnamon.

  102. This sounds and looks like a great way to start losing weight. I'm currently starting a new diet n exercise regimen. I need to bring my sexy back lol! Love apples and cinnamon. Sick of the 5 hr energy drinks for sure!! Not so tasty. Water is key I've heard. So I'll give it a go. Thanks for the post!!

  103. I would love to have the amounts needed for cinnamon tea. Does anyone have some that they have used??

  104. I'm going to venture a guess that this is not, in fact zero calories, as suggested, particularly if you allow this to sit over night. If you are tasting the apple, then you are tasting the fructose from the apple, which is not calorie free. Nonetheless, a refreshing alternative to sodas, juices, and coffee.

  105. Can I do cinnamon spice instead of the stick?

  106. I'm on my 3rd 2Qt. pitcher. Very refreshing! It has a hint of apple pie flavor.

  107. Am I missing something? Do the apples/cinnamon do anything beyond flavor the water, therefore making it more palatable and therefore you are more likely to drink more? I tried it, and while yes, there is a flavor to it, I didn't notice a change in anything b/c I was already drinking 6 16oz bottles of water.

    I know this sounds snarky, it's not meant to... I'm just trying to see if there are benefits gained from the apples/cinnamon beyond flavor.

  108. Does anyone know if this is safe to do while pregnant? I'm 6 months pregnant and don't want to "lose weight" but would love to boost my metabolism. I know that cleansing isn't safe while being pregnant.

    Anyone have advice on whether to do this or something similar to boost metabolism while pregnant?

  109. I actually love this, but if you want something besides the cinnamon, you can use a little bit of ginger that you use a slicer to slice very thin.

  110. I'm an RD and this will not "detox" you. It may taste good and get you to drink more water with very few added calories, it will not make you lose weight. Basically just flavored water

  111. Hi,

    Thanks so much for sharing my recipe! I have many more original Metabolism Boosting meals on my site

    When I posted the Apple Cinnamon Water back on April 1, 2012 I never thought it would get this much talk! I am so glad you are helping me get my message out there.

    In the name of fairness can you please post a link to my site where the original post was copied?

    Thanks so much :)

  112. This is one of the best to flavor the water. I am also trying to loose weight. Been on diet, not a diet associated by company. But choosing more fiber foods. Losing weight from 119 to 111 lbs, need more 5 lbs and i am in my recommended weight. Thanks for posting this. I will try it.

  113. How do you lose weight drinking this?

  114. Anonymous - Thanks!

    Anonymous - Nutmeg sounds great I believe we have had someone comment they tried it and liked it :).

    Mama Will School - I hear ya bring sexy back or heck the non webble wabble look would be great :).

    Marcia - Sorry I'm not sure on the amounts for the tea.

    Anonymous - It has been talked about a lot her about zero calories. Since you're not eating the apples and the juice is so low it's no calories. It is so much better then the others.

    Anonymous - Yes ppl have tried the spice instead using coffee filters etc and its worked.

    Minnesota Creator - I'm so glad you like it. That is GREAT way to describe it!

    Ms. Batman - No it just flavors the water. But it has been said that cinnamon can help with blood sugar and loosing weight. Not snarky :). I think from what I read it does help boost.

    Anonymous - I'm not sure about being PG. I would think it is ok, but that is my personal opinion. I know I ate apples and did have things with cinnamon in it while I was pg.

    Anonymous - Ginger that is another great tip. Thanks!

    Anonymous - I'm not sure about the Detox but it has helped me with loosing weight.

    Tone Tiki - Thanks for the recipe and stopping by. I will connect to your post you want.

    Bea - WOW way to go loosing that much weight. When I'm all done that is where I hope to be. Congrats!

    Anonymous - Thank you!

  115. This really sounds good. I don't like plain water unless it's ICY cold. I need to drink more water! Time to go buy some apples and cinnamon sticks! Have you ever added other fruit?

  116. if you want the flavors to be stronger i would reccomend pouring hot water over the apples and cinnamon and letting it sit for 30 minutes or so before adding ice and chilling it.

  117. I just stumbled upon your blog and this apple/cinnamon water concoction. It really does sound refreshing, and I can't wait to try it. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

  118. To Merriam,
    your message was uncalled for and quite frankly insulting. There was no need for you to assume that this was "stolen"...
    You over-reacted...Get over yourself..

  119. I love the flavor. I put the apples, cinnamon stick and water in a container and set it outside in the sun (same as my lemon sun tea). The flavors were enhanced.

  120. I saw your post on pinterest and I will try it..Just wondering if you have tried to use some of it to make ice cubes so the flavor doesn't lessen?

  121. can you use cinnamon extract? instead of cinnamon sticks??

  122. Debbie - I haven't tried other fruit yet I do want to try oranges.

    Anonymous - Yikes I really need to read more on Mio. Thanks!

    Anonymous - Thank you for the suggestion. I think Ginger would be nice.

    Anonymous - Thank you I thought she was too. I figure I leave it up so in case she stops by she hopefully will see the error of her thoughts.

    Anonymous - Vanilla Bean ... YUM

    Anonymous - Thank you I will look up Mio.

    Anonymous - I have to try this hot water idea!!

    Kelly - I hope you like it, I sure do enjoy it.

    Anonymous - I have been very lucky and have found the sticks in the bulk section cheap. But the powder tricks seem to be great ways to help.

    Anonymous - Thank you so much for your kind words. I did not mean for anything to be "Stolen" but we are all human :).

    Jodi - Sun idea is a GREAT idea! Thanks!

    Anonymous - I'm sorry I'm not sure about the Mio and the FDA. Trying to let everyone say there side but please in a nice manner.

    Anonymous - I haven't tried the ice cube trick. I bet that would be the BEST! Will try this week. I've been adding an extra stick in my water bottle.

    Anonymous - I don't think extract would be good at all.

  123. I just started drinking this myself and I LOVE it! It tastes great and its a nice alternitive to just plain water!

  124. Oh also I've that for me just making it in my water bottle is much easier since I'm always on the go. I cut an apple into my water bottle and toss in a cinnamon stick then fill it with ice and water. Sometimes the night before to enhance the flavors. Then through out the day I Just add more water and ice!

  125. Disappointed. It tasted ok-only ok. But within 20 minutes the water was brown. I live in an area where the sand blows a lot and can still remember back in the 70's when the sand would turn the water brown in the faucet. Not a big fan of brown water. :(

    1. Weird you would mind brown water, I'm thinking tea, and even coffee. Obviously dirty water is different than a glass of clean water infused with fruit and spices.

  126. THis was recommended by a friend so I figured why not give it a try....I was truly amazed how much of a natural energy boost I had...I'm not trying to lose weight or boost my metabolism but this apple,cinnamon water recipe works for me...of course with consuming water you do have to go relieve yourself more often then if you weren't consuming water....I minor Inclusion I can certainly deal with....2 thumbs up for me!

  127. I am going to try this today, sounds yummy. As for the filtering of the powdered cinnamon, I think I will just use a tea bag, open, empty tea leaves, add cinnamon, tie or staple.

  128. I just made a gallon jug of this I hope its good. Its just takes so much for me to drink plain water but I also don't like sugary drinks. Thanks for giving me something new to try.

  129. This sounds good I don't like just plain water and really dislike sugary drinks. Just made a gallon. Hope its as good as it sounds. Thanks for the recipe.

  130. This looks so good! I will certainly be trying it out for myself.

  131. Apples naturally have carbs, so why wouldnt this??

  132. A good place to find cinnamon sticks is in the Mexican aisle. There is a spice section where spices are in little baggies.

  133. I have never had a problem drinking plain water but it had to be Agua fina brand. That gets expensive after awhile. So I have been trying the flavored waters made with tap water and find that they are actually very good and I am drinking more. I have tried ginger/orange, cucumber/ginger/lemon and now I am going to try the apple/cinnamon. I slice the ginger thin and then score it before I put in water because the first time I used it I found the ginger didn't really show up in the taste.

  134. Is this safe during pregnancy?

  135. You should use your extra energy to clean your countertop grout ;)

    1. Wow, freaking rude. Judgmental, petty people like you are so annoying. Don't bother people with your stupid opinions and snarky comments. Btw cute little wink faces don't hide the fact that you're not a nice person. This wasn't a "look how clean my countertops are" post. Get over yourself.

  136. Wolfburg2:

    Usually my husb bleaches them for me, but if it bugs you feel free to come over I would love the extra help :)

  137. While this is definitely low-cal, it is definitely not zero-calorie. The average apple has over 100 calories, if you're getting the flavour, you're getting the sugar and the calories... But still a very nice alternative to powdered drink mixes. :)

  138. A gallon of Antifreeze is about 98% ETHYLENE glycol (EG) and 2% misc chemicals. EG is extremely toxic, as little as 2 tablespoons will kill a cat...think about those spots in the driveway that have leaked out of a radiator, YIKES!

    PROPYLENE glycol (PG) is in ALMOST EVERYTHING else in the world! Thousands of processed foods, pain relievers, make up, etc.

    Giving credit where credit is due...thanks to Warren Distribution in Omaha, NE, one of the largest US distributors of automotive lubricants, for this education... ;)

  139. Looking forward to trying this ASAP. Husband is a runner and in the Navy so weight control and being in shape are part of his job requirements. I think my teens are going to be very interested as well.

    I am tired of the anti-freeze fear mongering, too. Go read Wiki and see all the various applications as well as the different chemistry and grades. If you can't follow the chemistry, you can see that just because something is used as a component in food and de-icer does not make it toxic. The de icer has other chemicals. You can use baking soda to clean an oven, but that doesn't mean it's

  140. I'm just seeing this. I can't wait to try the water. I do know that if you want more cinnamon flavor, use a cheese grater. Rub the stick on the grater before placing it in the water (do no grate over your water). The spice will come to life!

  141. The Mio drink flavor has the same artificial sweetener as in Crystal Light along with another artificial sweetener! Stay away from anything with artificial sweetener, it is all bad for you. Just drinking that much water a day will do almost the same, but flavors surely make it better. Try using cucumber & lime, or raspberry & lemon, these are great also!!!!

  142. I used one gallon of purified water, one fuji apple, one granny smith apple, and two cinnamon sticks and let it sit in the fridge overnight. It is so flavorful and refreshing! I LOVE IT! I'm not completely positive that it's given me more energy but it has definitely done wonders for my digestive system! If you don't like apples or cinnamon try lemon, cucumber, and mint!

    1. Like hearing what you have shared Laurin. I want to try this so I may just use your receipe. Hope you won't mind..

    2. Thanks for sharing your receipe Laurin. Think I may just use it tonight and enjoy tomorrow

  143. dont use tap water unless filtered, also to all the mio fans, ascuflame is a cousin to asperthame it is all very un healthy! Crystal Light Pure is ok.


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