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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Manicure in a Jar Gift Idea (Trimmed & Polished Birthday Day) ... DYI Gift a Jar

One of my favorite dance instructors had a birthday. I wanted to do something special for her. As you all know I love gifts that you make, it comes from the heart and isn't just something you buy like a GC. I know GC's are popular but I hate giving because it doesn't take thought. Don't hate me it's just gifts are something special to me and when I give them I that to be known that I feel special for them.
I found this idea for Manicure in a Jar on Pinterest and figured it was the perfect gift! I hit up my favorite beauty store and found a ton of fun manicure things on clearance. Makes for a inexpensive but thoughtful gift.

What you Need:
Mason Jar (Find at Dollar Tree - to buy a single or a box at Walmart)
Ribbon (I used one I had from a Easter project)
Nail Polish (I found a killer deal on OPI and bought two)
Nail Clipper Package
Nail Files
Nail Buffer
Fuzzy Socks (Deal at Old Navy)
Card Stock to print (That's What Che Said FREE Printable is HERE)
I also put in some lip stuff and Candy because how can you go wrong with chocolate. Make sure you go over to That's What Che Said to give love for this project and FREE printable.

Arrange your items in the mason jar. I put the socks in back and everything else in front so you could see in the jar. I had some Easter ribbon left over I used (it was cute with carrots, not my first choice but I couldn't run back to store). Print out the free printable, cut out the circle. I took a hole punch and attached with the ribbon.

Click HERE to see who I link with.


  1. That's a neat gift idea. I don't like to give out GC's as gifts either. Like you, I prefer to give something personable.


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