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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

18th Birthday Candy Bouquet

A break from the cookies ... LOL! I just love giving a gift that you put effort into, I'm always on the hunt for something new or fun. I haven't done a 18th birthday in sometime, so I was excited when one of my favorite dance team members daughters had an upcoming birthday. I did a Google search and found a fun candy bouquet and added some fun things to it! Turning 18 comes with a few perks like gambling lol, why not start our youth off with some scratch tickets. And of course Starbucks gift cards ... LOL!

What you Need:
Plant Bucket ($1 Dollar Tree)
Dum Dums (5 Bags / $1 Dollar Tree)
Foam circles (2 - Dollar Tree)
Butterfingers Mini
Butterfly / Flower Cutouts (I found at Dollar Tree or you can cut on your Cricut)
Pipe Cleaner (Cut in half to make the Butterfly antennas)
Happy Birthday Sign (Dollar Tree)
18 numbers (found magnets at Dollar Tree that I glued on to sign)
Scratch Tickets
Starbucks Cards
Sticks (I used lollipop sticks Wilton)
Hot Glue Gun

I started with placing the dum dums to make a bouquet. I stacked two foam rings to get the height I needed and arranged the dum dums to make the rounded look. I started with 3 bags thinking that would be enough and found that it didn't cover. I had to run back to the store and buy 2 more bags to fill. I took the paper butterflies hot glued a butterfingers in the middle to be the body. Then cut a pipe cleaner in half to make the antenna's and hot glued them on. I took a long lollipop stick and hot glued it on the back and stuck it into the bouquet. I found a happy birthday sign that I hot glued the number 18 on to it. I took the scratch tickets I bought an hot glued a small lollipop stick onto the back and stuck them into the bouquet also. I also picked up 2 Starbucks GC and did the same adding a small lollipop stick and stuck them in.

Click HERE to see who I link with.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

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