Sunday, August 31, 2008
Really need to check first ...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
How much can you do in one day ...

What I don't get to go on the Merry-Go-Round?

Thursday, August 28, 2008
What a whirl Wind of a few days ...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
And one more boy to add to the mix ...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Have I lost my mind?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Back to being part of the world ...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
And the hits keep coming ....
Well the plan (I know stop laughing soon one of you is going to really bust a gut) was to leave at 2pm, the proposal was due at 4pm in Olympia about a 40 minute drive in good traffic. At 2 o'clock I was running around grabbing all the help I could get. I think I may have set a rug burn fire from my feet running and not leaving the floor. I sent a very nice co-worker over to make laminated copies of the cover. Poor guy got there took 2 minutes to laminate and stood in line 20 minutes. Mean while I can't bind the proposal with out the cover so I'm pacing the front lobby. I think the receptionist was about to throw a stapler at me, or at least move me over before I burned a whole in front of the door! Finally she took pity on me and call him, he was at the light not even a minute away. But wait guess what today is you know it give burn the boot, it's a wonderful charity the firemen put on. The bad thing in my situation is my runner is stuck at the light where the firemen are walking door to door to get donations. So at 3:02 he pulls up and so nicely tries to help, I think I may have bounced him with my hip to move. Sorry! I was done and in the car at 3:09, oh yeah 51 minutes to make it there! I can do this I start out great moving with traffic just a little over the speed limit. Then it happened the brake lights started and we went to 10 miles an hour, oh please no only 12 more exits to go! Then light showed down on my car and the sea of cars parted, ok really this didn't happen but it did start to move again. Thank the makers of google maps I made it to my destination that I've never been to before with, now get this, 3 minutes to spare! They were only on the 2nd floor and the elevator was in my favor so I didn't have to sweat my way up the stairs, because you know sweat on the proposals may not be my best foot forward! I walk it oh so nicely into the office, oh only after I passed it twice! 1 minute to share ... oh ok maybe 40 seconds, but it was there before the deadline. I think I scared the receptionist when I handed it over and stood there, hey I wanted to see the time stamp go down. Nope no luck she just told me she would give it to them, I don't budge that easy. Yup I stood there until she got up and took it back, only then did I breath and go back to the car! And then sat in traffic to go home, what an amazing day.
I picked the boys up and homeward bound we go, sure it will be a relaxing night? Yeah right, oh I forgot my dad called on my way home and said he's on his way to the house to look at the broken computer! Oh crap ... the house is a mess like usual, but I always clean up before my clean freak parents (I mean this in the most loving way) come over. Like I've said before they are so clean I could only wish to be half as good! Well I knew I wouldn't make home before he got there, so I turned on the bat signal for Rick. HELP!! He was slammed with paperwork and so nicely (yeah right) offered to go clean. I must say I've found the answer to my cleaning prayers! Just send a bat signal to Rick, I walked in the door to a fresh smelling house. I mean literally "good" smelling he even sprayed fluffy stuff! My floors were clean and the dishes were done. For a minute I even thought he made the bed, which even I don't usually do I think it's my inner child revolting from childhood making it every day, but no worries he didn't. But he made the house sparkle, my savor! Dad worked on the computer for a while before he called it DOA, ok a bunch of computer geek terms were used that flew over my head. All I heard was I'm taking your machine and will try to fix it! Yup that's the way my life always goes, we'll see if it's back in time to do the second job Friday night. Fingers crossed everyone!
Dad did bring a little sunshine to this damp day, mom had packed a bunch of dinner foods! All homemade yummies, the kids and Rick may fall over from surprise. Homemade mac and cheese for dinner tonight, I never saw Cole shovel in the fast before! Well he usually eats fast, but this time he made sure it all made it in his mouth that's when you know it's good!
It's been a day I think I'll put everyone to bed early and take a breather and maybe a glass of wine. More to come I'm sure of it!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Burnt dinner anyone?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Mother of the year award here I come!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Parade to a Reception to a Pool Party... Just a normal Saturday
Friday, August 15, 2008
And the bug that keeps giving and giving
Well my plan of leaving at noon turned into 1:30pm, I dropped off some drawings to be copied and begged oh so nicely that they could please deliver them ASAP. I ran and picked the boys up and called my mom to see if we could come up there where it would be cooler. She was taking Dad to an appointment but told us to head up. We stopped at home to get a few items and up to their house we went. It was great Cole and Bapa went to the waterfront, while Caden, Monnie and I hung out at the house under the fans. Monnie made a picnic lunch and down towards the water we went. The boys even got in the water to cool off a little, it was a great way to end this crazy day.
I got home put the boys in bed and started my training. Then at the end of it I hear Cole coughing. I go into my room to find him gagging and then oh yeah you know it puking on my bed. I get the bedding taken care of and then him on the couch with a puke bowl. Get myself back in front of the computer and hear he puking, thankfully in the puke bowl. I have just enough time to clean out the bowl and get it back in front of him before my new jobs starts. I'll let you know how it goes!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Farmers Market Day
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
It's Wednesday right?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Dog whisper for kids?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fingers Crosssed ... drum roll please
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sunday ... Sunday ... If only it was like a song!

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Do all Saturdays have to start like this?

Friday, August 8, 2008
Anyone for used toner?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
And the toner goes on ...
Ok back to reality and the constant parade of people that keep coming into my office asking about the copier machine. I now know the true meaning of going postal! Next person that comes in may get something stapled to their head! It is driving some people nuts I think it may make their heads explode. This guy is the typical maintenance person that is always stereotyped being slow and not very up and up on how to fix things. His inability to get the copier fixed in the time frame he gave us is making people see red. And you got it I’m the one that keeps getting all the questions and frustration why he’s not done.
So I had this bright plan to leave early, which since I came in an hour early would be on time. I had this great plan to take the boys to the zoo. Tarra and I got a zoo membership, which is going to be GREAT I can take the boys they can look around and I can get in my walking. Win win for everyone involved! Well that plan didn’t pan out at all, the copier finally was done let me see 4:30pm!! So of course I had a plan that needed to go out and oh yeah be hand delivered also! So here’s a picture for you, me taking a 100+ page document sending it thru the fax machines document feeder! Oh yeah life is grand, plus sending my runner to the local copy shop to make copies of 11x17’s because of course my fax machine doesn’t do that.
So an hour later than I wanted I made it out of the office, to pick up the boys oh yeah and drop back off the ground package that also had to go out. Made it to the zoo with an hour before they close, good times is all I can say! Ok pulling two kids in the wagon is hard work! I took a look at myself in the review mirror after I was done and let me tell you it was a sight! Thankfully most people were gone by the time we go there, if not they have run screaming from the zoo.

Look at this mom! MOM!!!!

Mom why did we stop? Why do you look like that?

Time to go home and
I'll take my monkey home.

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