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Saturday, October 18, 2008

In the dog house

that is my husband is in the dog house. Ok ladies this is for all you moms that are worked to the bone, being supermom and trying to hold on to just a little bit of yourself. How is that we can go to bed with only 5 hours of sleep and get up work a 4 1/2 hour shift. Then get dressed, while feeding the kids, then get them in their costumes and oh yeah put a little curl in your hair and a touch of make-up. Then with 10 minutes before you have to leave you go wake up your husband who informs you they are tired!! You want to know tired why don't you try getting up at 6am all week and then on Saturday get up at 5am to work your second job, finish up at 9ish just to get everyone going. Of course your tired BECAUSE you stayed up all night watching TV, now wouldn't that be a life. Now don't get me wrong Rick also works 2 jobs, but technically I have 3 jobs when you count I take care of the kids and the house make that 4 jobs! I'm tired but I'm mom and I just power forward how come you DAD can't do that? This is something I've always wondered I've met some amazing Dad's like mine but it seems most of them are or once were Single Dads and had to figure out what the deal was, I think I maybe the one who needs to run away to give him a little dose of reality. Ok back to my point so grumpy butt wasn't getting out of bed which really wasn't a big surprise since he is by no means a morning person. Me on the other hand rather get there get the kids in and out instead of going at 1pm like he wanted, I'm not a big fan of crowds and people in my bubble.

Fine you stay home I rather not have the dead weight or the attitude so off I went with 3 kids in tow in costume to the zoo. Of course my debate with Rick made me leave the house late which for once with all the kids I was actually going to be on time! So we get to the zoo and thank the lord for Anngie she met me there she is a godsend I so need another adult to do the zoo. We get there with big dreams and hopes and for us adults it wasn't anything big the kids were like whatever it's another day at the zoo. We did do a few fun things, there was face painting (which we had to pay a buck for), pumpkin bowling, and a scavenger hunt (which we didn't get anything for) and the treats along the way were hard candy mints. Yup it wasn't all it was cracked up to be, I think the kids had more fun running around at McDonald's in the play-zone. At least I got some girlie time with Anng so we could gossip and heck just another adult to walk around the zoo with is always something needed.

Here we are starting out fun adventure (or at least our adventure)
Here is Batman and Scooby posing:
Our $1 Face Painting you get what you pay for:
Roy bowling with pumpkins thankfully free and you got a lovely pencil!
Of course had to do a trip down the slide.
Don't you love Scooby's head looks like he's hanging on for dear life.
What you can't see is the other goat thing is licking this guys bottom and the monkey is pulling it's tail. See it's just like at my home someone is always picking on each other.
Just because I know you don't get to the zoo that often. Here is a sloth:
And for you that love spiders (Anng). Here is a tarantula (Yup I stayed back and zoomed in)
And of course a picture in the sharks mouth each time!
Here is Caden stuck in the wagon, but isn't he cute in his Elephant Costume.
The Scooby Doo mini one is still not here, better be here by Halloween!!!
And here is Elephant and Caden passed out (cuts looking better finally):

I get home with only 1 get your butt ready your taking the boys phone call to my lovely hubby, who gets right on it (I'm so keeping this tone). I decided to take a little time for myself, well plus the baby but one is SOOO better then 3. I pick up 2 more dress pants from The Avenue anyone need pants awesome $18 deal going on, I got 4 pairs of $45 pants for $18 each (Thank you 2nd job so paid for it with my money). No all I need is dress shirts and I'm set for the new building and new image of our office. Then I took us over to Target to pick up diapers which of course they were out of the boxes in all sizes (really people it's called ordering), got almost all the way thru before my phone rings. Rick wanted us to meet them at the fish store, he knew better then to say come pick up the boys! So we walked around and let the kids see all the fish and then we headed home. With a little protest I got everyone down for a nap and took advantage of it and took a nap instead of reading like I was planning on doing. Oh sleep oh how I miss you (again got to love being the mom).

Over all not a bad day and the 2nd job was rather slow tonight not many prank callers so hey it was a good day (minus the morning). I better go get some sleep since it's yet another early morning we're meeting my parents at the Pumpkin Patch. Rick knows that his belongs will be thrown on the front lawn if he tries to sleep thru another one this weekend ... LOL. One day ... too the moon Alice (hmmm ... shouldn't that have been Alice saying that to him?)


  1. I totally understand your crazy schedule. Thank goodness I don't have to work more than 1 job but Donny works out of town all week and I get to be single mom! Woo hoo! It is almost impossible to get dinner cooked, homework done with the older one, while still trying to entertain and keep the baby away from him while he's doing his homework. Then have to worry about baths and dishes and lunches and getting the coffee ready for the next day etc etc! Then when Donny finally comes home Friday night he gets to sit around all weekend while I do all of his laundry and everything else I couldn't accomplish the rest of the week. We really need to get together w/out the kids somehow and swap the madness! I'm loving your blog girl! I had no idea what it's really been like for you GEEZ! love ya!

    Lauren F.

  2. Love ya too girl! Wow your life sounds just as crazy and you really do have 2 jobs since being mom takes even more energy then a job! I can't believe you play single mom during the week. I always say how much I give props to single-moms. Even when our busy schedule and being tired Rick usually helps a little and something really surprises me and rocks the cleaning. It's very rare so when it happens I just thank the lord! You go girl or worlds really do need to meet w/o kids just for some adult time! I'm so booking it with you! Hugs, Lex ;)

  3. 1. Rick definitely DOES need a dose of reality!! EVEN if he had to be you for ONE single day!! I'd pay to see it!!!
    2. The pics you got are totally cute!!!
    3. I definitely would have wanted to hold the trantula!!!

    Posted by A. Cullen on Oct 19, 2008 2:23 PM

  4. You Rock girl, he couldn't even handle 2 hours of my daily life. I think that is the joy and sadness of being a mom. You know that you're like Superwoman and can kick butt, but you always have to change back into the "woman" costume that really isn't glamorous or gives you much praise. But you know deep down that you can pull off an awesome costume with amazing jewelery and save the world. Rock on Girls!!


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