That being the no fast food wagon, come on guys I haven't drank that much since College. Ok I guess I should start with my day yesterday so you'll understand the falling off the wagon.
Today starts with a project that is due in 2 weeks but we're wanting out by the end of this week, yup no problem I can do that! Crap everyone stop coming into my office and needing me to do things for you. I've been told to be rude and tell you to leave, and you all know how good I am at saying NO just look at me taking on a 3rd kid. NO problem, just smile and work it out right? Thanks Tim Gunn your stupid saying has become part of my daily life! So here I am putting together my proposal and oh crap I have to take some to the airport. Sure no problem I can't find anyone to do it, so that leaves me. Ok so I'll find a company car to take him in, yup I had 2 options and guess what. You got it one just got snatched up and the other one belongs to a person that doesn't really fly with the company car for anyone to borrow! So it's my car, we get into the my car only after I wipe his seat from whatever crumbs one of the boys left there! And sure just put your suitcases on the car-seats in the back not a problem. Then we take off and of course my gas light is on, which earlier this morning I wasn't worried about since it's payday and I can deposit the money and then go fill the take. So here I am no gas and unsure the debit card will work, crap! I go to Costco Gas and of course my passenger wants to help pump, so he got a GREAT view of "Card declined". Can I tell you how embarrassing it is to have someone see that! So we have to hope back in my car, with a brave smile I say ok let's try another place that takes cash. Thank GOD I sold 2 Halloween Costumes and have $30 in cash! Then I see a Shell station and remember that Tarra gave me a $10 card, yippee that will give me 2.54 gallons just enough to make it there and back! So we fill up and I try to sit in the car with as much dignity I could, please just put the $10 in. I so wanted to go home and hide under the covers!
I get back into town and was going to pick up sandwiches at Nordstrom's Cafe since that is what me and the girls always go on payday. To my surprise the Tacoma one is closed until the Nordstroms is open. Taco Bell anyone? So I pick Cole up and drop him off at Grandma Pat's. Then I swing thru Taco Bell, well at least it was off the Fresco Style (which is lower fat). So that was my day at work in a nutshell, just add in a few dirty looks and shooing people out of my office.
On the way home I remember that I called in my RX to Target on Monday, hey it's only Wednesday and I might want to take my Thyroid Meds here soon! So I give Tarra a call to let her know we'll be home shortly. Only to find out that her mom is sitting down the block from my house and she's on her way home. So I go home and have to WAIT ... LOL I'm just joking Tarra made a crack that since she made me wait that I would put her in my blog, and I told her I would just to make her famous! So look Tarra your famous!
Here is something funny, how many kids can you pack into one car? 3 in back and 1 in front and oh yeah me too! Don't they look comfy?
So a quick run to Target where of course Cole has to have a Hot Dog, Roy has a popcorn which I tell him he has to share (not too happy there). And since it's so late why not do a double whammy and stop at Wendy's for dinner. That is one good thing that has come out of having Roy stay with us, no more quick dinners. I actually make real meals and sit with the boys and eat just like my mom and dad would do. Rick gets his plate warmed up when he comes home, it's actually a nice settings. But today as you can see I feel of the Wagon and not only did I have fast once but twice! At least Taco Bell was lower fat, I tried to order Wendy's the same with no cheese and chili instead of fries. But of course the boys didn't eat all the fries so it was ok to eat a few right? And then the burger had cheese, so instead of peeling it off I ate that too! Oh geez I won't even mention that Rick brought home pizza from his class, I'll just leave it at that note!
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