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Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Break so Far …

It has been a very busy time around here as I’m sure it is at your house too!  This has been a pack it in Christmas Break at our house.  Here’s a little look at what we have been up to!

Santa came to Rick’s work so we stopped by to say hi!

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Cole’s school put on a beautiful Christmas program!

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Christmas Eve we stopped by my parents house to exchange gift since they were spending Christmas elsewhere.  The boys loved their new legos and a Telescope for Cole.

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Christmas Eve night the boys opened their one present the new PJ’s.

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Rick worked Christmas Eve at the Football game and came home in time to take the boys and me to Fantasay Lights.  Who knew Christmas Eve would be so crowded!  It took us a 1/2 hour to get in and then we took about a 1/2 to drive around.  The person behind us was riding our behind to go forward faster. I say if I spend this much I’m taking my time Smile.

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Christmas Morning was an explosion of paper and gifts.  You can see my feet with the coffee to prove I was there since I was picture taker … lol. 

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Christmas night we bundled up the boys and hit the zoo for Zoolights!

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Cole’s school bought a few rows at the Thunderbirds Hockey game so we took the boys!  Since Rick works security there his boss grabbed the boys and took them to the front to shake hands with the players.

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Wowzer and we still have a few more days until peace comes back to my house.  How I can’t wait for school to begin soon Smile.

What are your plans this weekend?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Humble Pie Serving Up a Slice for me …

Sometimes a little smack is what we need … lol.  When Christmas approached I complained about a not so full card tree … and guess what I have here after Christmas with a full Card Tree!

It’s funny how we can sometimes loose what Christmas is all about and get wrapped up in that.  I saw myself the day before in a mood due to a present saying it was delivered but no where to be found and just in a pissy mood over spending the holidays with people etc.  I found myself in a being a moody turd … even posted a snippy comment on FB.  A friend called me and I saw myself threw the looking glass.  Yup God sure has a way of sending us that humble card when we get too big for our britches.

Thank you all for the beautiful Cards that have loaded my tree and sometimes fall to the floor with the weight Smile.  Just what I needed, thank you again.  I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and enjoyed it with family and the true meaning.

As I’m typing this up I was watching Soul Suffer and just at the right moment she said people say the Lord works in mysterious ways, and she thinks that is understatement.  I must say I agree!  Many Blessings!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Soup and a Side (not your normal side)

Some comfort foods to help keep us warm and full bellied here!  I’ve been waiting to try this soup and I finally did.  The boys kind of liked it (more the rice then anything).  I really enjoyed it but that is me … lol.  From my favorite site comes this Stuffed Pepper Soup.


Stuffed Pepper Soup (WW 7pts)

<p>Servings: 6 • Size: 1 1/3 cups soup, 1/2 cup rice • Old Points: 5 pts • Points+: 7 pts <br />Calories: 261.2 • Fat: 4.8 g • Carb: 37.5 g • Fiber: 4.7 g • Protein: 17.6 g • Sugar: 6 g<br />Sodium: 606.3 g (without salt)</p>

See Stuffed Pepper Soup (WW 7pts) on Key Ingredient.

And a healthier side that was super easy and so yummy I could eat for dinner anytime!  Again from comes this Turkey Stuffed Zucchini.


Turkey Stuffed Zucchini (WW 5pts)

<p>Servings: 4 • Serving Size: 2 halves • Old Points: 4 pts • Points+: 5 pts<br />Calories: 214.8 • Fat: 4.6 g • Protein: 31.6 g • Carb:11.0 g • Fiber: 2.9 g </p>

See Turkey Stuffed Zucchini (WW 5pts) on Key Ingredient.

Enjoy these made for a nice dinner here!  It’s been a rough time with everything going on to make a good meal instead of take out.  I’m hoping to get us on the bandwagon today. Porcupine Meatballs in Tomato Sauce (2 Points) I believe is on my to do!

So what is on your menu for tonight?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cookies & a Tray for the neighbor

My dear neighbor asked if I could make some cookies for her family cookie exchange.  She loved the Snickerdoodles crème’s I made before and wanted them. Instead of making the ones I made last time with the betty crocker mix.  This time I made Mrs. Sigg’s Snickerdoodles first.

Mrs. Sigg's Snickerdoodles

Cookies, Snickerdoodles, Mrs. Sigg's Snickerdoodles

See Mrs. Sigg's Snickerdoodles on Key Ingredient.

Then I found this Quick Vanilla Buttercream frosting on the food network that worked perfect for my center!

Quick Vanilla Buttercream Frosting (Food Network)

Dessert, Frosting, Buttercream, Food Network

See Quick Vanilla Buttercream Frosting (Food Network) on Key Ingredient.

Then I assembled them!   8 Dozen cookies made for 4 dozen whoopie pies.  I used the poor man pipping bag, AKA ziplock bag with the corner cut off.


Snickerdoodle Whoopie Pies

Whoopie Pie, Snickerdoodle

See Snickerdoodle Whoopie Pies on Key Ingredient.

Then I found this on Pinterest to do a peppermint Candy tray.  I took the green ones and shaped a cross.  At first I started with a small pan and had to go to the big one!  NOW be very careful it will break as you can see in my picture below!

Peppermint Candy Tray

<p>A fun way to spice up your holiday treats</p>

See Peppermint Candy Tray on Key Ingredient.

So there you have it some simple fun things to make!  Sorry I skipped yesterday was running around delivering cookies Smile.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Caught Santa Video Giveaway (First Five win)

santa_cornerOne of my fondest memories of Christmas is waiting up for Santa, but of course I would always pass out before he came.  I would wake up to find presents left for me.  Wouldn’t it be great to catch Santa?  I just watched a movie last night about a girl that did just that.  Well instead of making a contraption to tie up Santa why not take a video?  Would your kids LOVE to see Santa filling their stockings?  A video of Santa in YOUR living room is easy to do!  And guess what for the first FIVE people who reply to this post will do just that!

The Santa Video gives you a gallery of different options to choose from to please every little boy and girl!


For you who are not lucky enough to win these first five spots don’t worry you can head to their site or their Facebook page. 

Now all you need is:

  1. Upload your picture (Supported Image Formats: .gif .png .jpg .jpeg, Image must be taken Landscape Style (lengthwise) Upload File Size Limit = 10mb)
  2. Choose a Video (Collection of Scenarios)
  3. Add a Song (handful of classics)
  4. Finish and Share!

Super easy I promise, it took me around 5 minutes to do (and that was only because the boys kept walking in and out and mom had to switch screens quickly)!!  For $14.95 you will have a memory that will last a lifetime!  I can’t wait for my boys to see this!  Merry Christmas All and to All a good Night (sorry just had to say it!)

Thank you The Santa Video for a memory my boys will be talking about for years!

Now first five here is your chance, come over and leave a comment on what song you would choose:

  1. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies
  2. Jesus, Joy of Man Desiring
  3. Jingle Bells
  4. Oh, Little town of Bethlehem
  5. Silent Night

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas 2011 Gift Jars

Finally I got my gift jars photos together to post them.  I found these really cute jars at the dollar store that I used instead of the mason jar’s I usually do.  First off I made an Oatmeal Craisin Gift Jar.


Oatmeal Craisin Cookie Gift Jar

Cookies, Oatmeal, Craisin, Gift Jar,

See Oatmeal Craisin Cookie Gift Jar on Key Ingredient.

Next on the list was a silk Hot Cocoa Gift Mix, I didn’t have the chocolate jello so I used the jello mousse caramel flavor, figured that would be  nice touch!

Then for the coffee & hot cocoa lover. I made this Spicy Mocha Mix.

Spicy Mocha Mix Gift Jar

Spicy Mocha Mix, Gift Jar, Mocha

See Spicy Mocha Mix Gift Jar on Key Ingredient.

Then I found these peppermint mallows that worked prefect for this Peppermint Dark Hot Chocolate Mix.


Peppermint Dark Hot Chocolate Mix Gift Jar

Peppermint, Hot Chocolate, Gift Jar

See Peppermint Dark Hot Chocolate Mix Gift Jar on Key Ingredient.

So there you have this years gift jars!  I think I’m done, maybe  few little treats for my church friends.
Hope you all have a wonderful day!  I’m going to put up a giveaway tomorrow for icaughtsanta pictures!

Easy Fudge & Caramels

First off on the list of goodies made are some super easy ones that ALL could be made in the microwave!  Yes it was a easy type of goodie year!
I had 3 good ones and ONE epic fail .. Yes I took a picture of the fail.
This was a very easy and yummy recipe done in the crockpot! This skinny Holiday Fudge is a must!

Crockpot Skinny Holiday Fudge (WW 3pts)

<p>Nutritional Content 1 serving = 1 piece of fudge</p> <p>Calories: 114 g Total Fat: 8 g Saturated Fat: 5 g Trans Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 21 mg Carbohydrates: 13 g Sugars: 10 g Dietary Fiber: 1 g Protein: 1 g</p>

See Crockpot Skinny Holiday Fudge (WW 3pts) on Key Ingredient.

I made this last year and it was so easy I had to make it again.  This Homemade Microwave Caramel is simple and so tasty!


Homemade Microwave Caramels

Dessert, Caramel, Microwave, Watkins

See Homemade Microwave Caramels on Key Ingredient.

And then I found microwave Peanut Butter Fudge and found a new favorite!


Microwave Peanut Butter Fudge

Dessert, Peanut Butter, Microwave, Fudge

See Microwave Peanut Butter Fudge on Key Ingredient.

And the epic fail … I thought it was going to turn out I was so excited it tasted so yummy but all I got was goo!  Yup it happens and I must post.  Sadly this Microwave Pumpkin Fudge didn’t turn out and the worst part is I doubled it so I would have enough.
Next up is the gift jars I made!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Have a S’Moretstastic Day

Yet again it has been crazy around here I can barely breath or sit down just for myself.  I do have my gift jars up but haven’t had a chance to download the photos and put them together.  So we go to something fun I did.  My friend Debby posted about making this little s’more bags and told me it was on her pinterest site.  So I hoped over there and found them and thought what a fun project to do with the kids.  I even found one to make for Cole’s teacher!
I found this easy S’more Teacher Appreciation gift to make for Cole’s teacher.  A free printable label is there also!


S'More Teacher Appreciation Gift

Dessert, S'More, Teacher Gift

See S'More Teacher Appreciation Gift on Key Ingredient.

Then I made this S’more gift for our friends, it has the link for a free printable also.


S'Moretastic Gift Bag

Dessert, S'More, Gift Bag, Holiday Gift

See S'Moretastic Gift Bag on Key Ingredient.

Crazy times here we don’t have anything go on tonight so I hope to clean up hurricane Alexis in the kitchen. And maybe lay down I now have a stupid headcold again! UGH
So what are your plans tonight?  And more special treats to make?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cut out Cookie Time

I signed up to make cookies for Cole’s classroom, of course it was the same night as our Christmas party for my women’s church group.  I made the treats for the Christmas party and a potato soup for the potluck and then ran home to make cookies.  It turned into 4 dozen … lol.  Cole had a ton of fun rolling these out and cutting them all out.  I let him choose what cookie cutters and do everything except pull them out of the oven.  He loved being able to do the whole thing himself.  I did make up my gift jar’s hopefully put those up tomorrow.  Now to make it to the post office, maybe sometime today … lol.

The recipe calls for drop cookies, but we rolled out.  I did make mine on the thick side.  I found the recipe here.

Soft Sugar Cookies

<p>These weren&#8217;t for rolling out but I did so my son could cut them out in shapes for his classmates.</p>

See Soft Sugar Cookies on Key Ingredient.

Enjoy, this was one of my favorite cookies to make and super easy!  We didn’t frost since the kids were going to do this in their class today.
Do you have any cookies that you’ll be making this week?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ham & Brownies what could be better?

Our Tuesday dinner friends came over and I whipped this dinner up!  This was a easy casserole that was suppose to be done in the crockpot but I threw it all together and in the oven and the muffins were super easy!

First we started out with a Creamy Ham And Broccoli Casserole, that was a hit even if my rice was a little mushy … lol.


Creamy Ham And Broccoli Casserole

Dinner, Ham, Rice, Cheese

See Creamy Ham And Broccoli Casserole on Key Ingredient.

Then we ended with a super easy Yum Yum Brownie Muffins that is made up of TWO yes 2 ingredients.  Now I read the boards and a lot of people thought the points weren’t correct on this recipe but if you only use the 2 ingredients than it is true!  If you add the eggs and oil the box calls for then YES it would change the points but you don’t need that extra stuff.


Yum Yum Brownie Muffins (WW 5pts)

<p>1 Muffin, or 3 minis &#8211; 181 calories, 3.5g fat, 37g carbs, 2g fiber, 2g protein &#8212; PointsPlus® value 5*</p>

See Yum Yum Brownie Muffins (WW 5pts) on Key Ingredient.

I hope to have some yummy Christmas Fudges done to post tomorrow.  Hope you all have a wonderful day! 

Are you ready for Christmas?  What’s on the menu tonight?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Movie Time!

As most of you that have been friends with me for a while know that I LOVE Christmas Movies.  This is my favorite time of year and my DVR gets a work out!  Hallmark has the best but so does Lifetime.  Here is the list of ones that I’ve watched this year and thought I’d give you a heads up so you can catch them too.  Most of these are new to this year, I did have one that is older that I just caught.   The only movies that I will watch more then once are classics like it’s a Wonderful Life.  Hope you find one you may like, click on the name to find out more about the movie.

Looking for a good romance and heart warming story:

A Princess for Christmas

A Princess for Christmas

This is the movie I caught that is a little older.

A Christmas Wedding


I love Jennie Garth since 90210. Cute movie with talking dogs

A Christmas Wedding Tail


Mitch Albom’s books make me cry and so do the movies.  This is a MUST to see.

Mitch Albom's Have a Little Faith

Have a little Faith

We’ve seen this theme before but still a cute movie

Holiday Engagement


Now I’m not a BIG fan of Elizabeth Berkley (loved her in saved by the bell, but then that movie killed it for me).  This movie did help my love for her again.

Lucky Christmas

Lucky Christmas

What a cute movie that gives you a warm feeling about Christmas Spirit.

Mistletoe Over Manhattan

Mistletoe Over Manhattan

Take on a classic with a new twist

The Case for Christmas


This was such a cute movie, I’ve seen one like it before but still worth the time to watch.

The Christmas Pageant


And the last for today turned out to be one of my favorites!  I saw a movie last year about trading houses for vacation and this was better!  You know my love of Debbie Macomber’s is one of my favorite authors.

Debbie Macomber's Trading Christmas

Trading Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you have find one you like.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

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