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Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Week at New School in the BAG!

As some of you may know the boys have been attending faith based schools (Cole since PreK to 3rd and Caden K).  When it came time to enroll them I had to step back and really think what was best.  Cole was having a hard time in 3rd Grade, he was being bullied by 2 kids and the new teacher that also teaches 4th and 5th just didn't gel well together.  We had several problems and you know about the science fair how that turned out.  Cole was not wanting to go to school, since it's a small school the 2 kids that bullied him would always be in the same class and follow him to all grades. UNLESS one leaves, and it turns out that one leaving would be us.  NOW don't get me wrong Cole is a handful, with issues sitting still and needing more one on one time I totally know how it goes.

But what do we do, we bought this house as a bankrepo to fix it up and sale before the kids go to school (that was 10 years ago). Market crash etc and here we still are!  So I wanted the kids to go to private to not be in the school next to the house.   I was torn all summer long on what to do.  A few weeks at the end of summer, Caden bugged me to go see our old neighbor son who moved a few blocks away. I got a hold of his mom and we set up a playdate by chance she asked me about school etc.  I'm so excited the boys will be going to her house before and after school and since she is in a different school same school district.  

Tuesday was our first day!  I took off the morning to get them to school meet their teachers and gave the teachers their gift.  It was perfect place and the people where so nice.  I'm thrilled to say that Cole came home saying how much he loves his new school and teacher and likes that she only has 4th grade not other grades to teach.  Giving more attention to him and his class, perfect for him.  Class size is small also around 20 which is a little more then the 16 he had before but really it works perfect.  Yes it's the first week and I'm sure we'll have things happen, but I thank God that it seems to be a good fit.  Cole also told me that he wants to be nice in class because he doesn't want to disappoint his teacher, may also help she is young (24) and very cute :).

First Day & Lunch made
First Bus ride home!
Cole's Sign Says he wants to be a Scientist
Caden's Sign says he wants to be a baseball player
(for you who know him giggle, he is so not a sports kid)

2nd Day First Bus ride to school!
Lunches Day 2 and 3.

Have a GREAT weekend!!!


  1. I'm glad that the new school looks like it will be a great fit!

  2. I am glad to read the transition is going well.

  3. Glad their first week went well! I hope I can say the same when mine go back next week.

  4. yeyyyyy!!! Good for you guys! I hope everything goes well at this new school, I'm I nervous wreck for the last couple of days because my little monster is going to K! can't sleep, can't cook, can't blog (which stinks when you mostly blog about food) and have eaten everything in the fridge except for the pickles!! lol please tell me it gets better!!!..Big hug my girl, stay pretty!

  5. So, a "faith-based" school and bullying goes on and is (apparently) ignored by teaching staff? I've heard that one before and am glad you took your tuition dollars and walked right out the door! This year the bullies will find a new target, and next year that one will be gone too!
    Sorry for the rant, but I've been a high school teacher in one of these "faith based" places and wore myself out as the lone voice on behalf of some kids who needed an advocate. Staff who ignore issues like this should be criminally prosecuted for child abuse!

  6. So glad they adapt well to their new school!

  7. Glad things are going well! It's so stressful making such a big decision for our kids, but following your gut is always the right thing to do!

  8. I swear a poor teacher can ruin a kid for life, I had a really bad teacher during first grade. I know it was her that made me hate math and just numbers in general. Happy to hear he now likes going to school

  9. So far so good, I'm so happy about that. Wishing the boys an awesome school year and how perfect that they can hang at your old neighbors place. Great pictures!


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