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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Small Olaf Cake

A while back I made a large Olaf Cake for a charity I help Birthday Dreams. A friend of mine asked if I could make a smaller version for her daughter that was having a couple friends over.  I made one batch of a homemade cake and scaled it down to this size. 


  • Creme-filled cookies (I used Black Modeling Chocolate)
  • Miniature creme-filled cookies
  • Chocolate licorice
  • Orange frosting (I used Orange Modeling Chocolate)
  • Black frosting
  • Buttercream frosting
  • 1 box of cake mix (I made mine from scratch)


1. Bake your cake mix, according to instructions. Use your mix to make two 8-inch round cakes. Since mine was small I used a square 9x12 pan and a small round pan for the feet and neck.
2. Allow cakes to cool.
3. Freeze cakes, preferably overnight.
4. Make your Olaf template. Since this cake was small I did this by hand and using bowls to trace the body.
5. Once satisfied with your Olaf cake template, take your cake out of the freezer and place template on top. Using a sharp knife and small cuts, carefully cut around your template to shape the cake. Remember to go slowly… it’s tougher to add cake back on than it is to cut a bit more off.
6. Put cakes back in the freezer.
7. Mix your buttercream frosting (I use My Sturdy Buttercream Frosting).
8. First, spread your cakes with the buttercream frosting.
9. Refreeze frosted cakes while you prepare the rest of your ingredients.
10. Here’s what I used:
  • For eyes: Half of a creme-filled cookie for each eye. Use a mini creme-filled cookie for the inside of the eye. / This time I used black and white modeling chocolate.
  • For nose: Dollop of orange frosting. / This time I used orange modeling chocolate.
  • For mouth: Black frosting mixed with our white buttercream frosting to make a charcoal grey. Tip: We made a separate template for his mouth. We cut the inside of the mouth out, set it on top of the cake and spread our frosting in the middle, using that template like a stencil. When we pulled our stencil, this gave us a sharper edge all around. / This time I used black modeling chocolate.
  • For tooth: I didn’t want to spend money on fondant for such a small piece. This was a little tough, but I gently scraped the inside of a creme-filled cookie and called it a tooth. / This time I used white modeling chocolate.
  • For buttons: Creme-filled cookie. Use just half the cookie – or the full. / This time I used black modeling chocolate.
  • For eyebrows: Chocolate licorice / This time I used black modeling chocolate.
  • For hair: Chocolate licorice
  • For arms: Chocolate licorice
ALEXIS NOTES: I made my notes above, since this is a smaller cake I had to use smaller items then the oreo's etc. I just used modeling chocolate I had on hand and made to scale.

When you leave left over cake out from making the body you find this.

Have a great week!

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE


  1. I love Olaf! The cake came out really cute.

  2. Looks great, the design and decor shows the creativity in you. Well done...

  3. So, so cool. My daughter would freak is I made this!

  4. Wow that's so gorgeous and creative! What a wonderful job you did!

  5. Olaf!!! I love this character from Frozen. What a cute idea for a small cake. Great job. Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again next week. :)

    Life With Lorelai


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