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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Santa Cake Balls

One more recipe for Christmas that I made last year but didn't get to post before the end of the season. So I saved it and now the time has come around again and I can post.

I made Santa Cake balls with an oreo cookie ball recipe base (I found several recipes for this, I'll link the one I found on All Recipes.


  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 36 OREO Cookies, finely crushed


  1. Mix cream cheese and cookie crumbs until well blended.
  2. Shape into 48 (1-inch) balls. Freeze 10 min. Place in single layer in shallow waxed paper-lined pan.
  3. Refrigerate 1 hour or until firm.

What you Need:
Red Melts (I used Red Velvet Flavor)
White Melts
Shredded Coconut
Cake Balls (I used Oreo & Cream Cheese)

Melted in microwave usually takes 1 min 30 sec depending on your microwave. Mine for a whole bag takes about 2 min. Dip half the cookie ball in red melts, let dry on parchment paper. If you get creative when you drip do a swirl to make a tip of a hat. After the chocolate hardens dip the bottom half of the Oreo ball into the white melts (melted as listed above), put aside 1/3 of the white for decorations.  Before the white is set dip into coconut (to make your beard). Let the white/coconut dry, while that is happening take the 1/3 of white melts you put aside into a pipping bag (I love to use Wilton disposable bags), snip a small tip. Pipe on the trim of your Santa hat also to add a dot of white at the tip of the red hat to be the pompom.

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