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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Green Wash Ball (Eco Friendly) Giveaway

I'm so excited to show you a product I'm in love with because one it saves you tons of money but it also makes it so I don't have to go to the store that often. Yes you heard me right, 2 boys plus 1 exchange student makes go to the store more then a choir more like a NIGHTMARE. So let me tell you anytime I find something that helps me save time and money I'm all over! That leads me to my newest review and giveaway. When I saw this on another bloggers giveaway I just had to contact the company and ask ok beg to do a review for them!

GreenWashBall is washing with out buying all that detergent. Ok some of you are thinking no way, how could this clean my clothes! So you know me the test here we come. Remember my post about doing the yard with the soil that has just a touch of animal poo for fertilizer. Yup I put my pants in there from that day, they were covered in smelly dirt and poo! No suds no extra soap and guess what they came out smelling clean and looked amazing! Still don't believe me, try it for yourself or even better win a GreenWashBall Eco-friendly Laundry Balls–Wash Without Detergent for yourself!

Ok I know you want to know more about the GreenWashBall Eco-friendly Laundry Balls–Wash Without Detergent:

Forget harmful detergents that damage your clothing and irritate sensitive skin. GreenWashBall is antibacterial, hypo-allergenic, leaves clothes smelling fresh and it softens your fabric without any harmful chemicals. The GreenWashBall is composed of natural ceramics contained in a plastic non-toxic sphere for washing purposes without chemical detergent. The friction of the ceramics in the GreenWash Ball and the water in the washer cause the pH level to rise which unlocks the stains. GreenWashBall can remove chemical, grease and organic stains in just one cycle.

Now comes the easy part just put the GreenWashBall in your washer with the wash. When finished take it out and once a month put it on the windowsill to get a little sunlight to help it last. Now here is the part that made me just giddy! The GreenWashBall is good for up to 1,000 washes (yes I said 1,000) about 3 years of washing. Ok so at first you buy the system that includes the dryer balls if you buy online! For $29.95 you can use up to 1,000 washes that equals about 3 cents a wash, what that doesn't sound good! Ok let me do it this way for you, let's go to the store and pick up a bottle of your favorite detergent. So on a good day I can get a good brand at Wally World for $7.99 (+tax) for 96 loads ... yes this is me grabbing the calculator so for about 8 cents, but then you must calculate in the fabric softer that you use and won't have to now that you have dryer balls. I just love the dryer balls too, talk about cutting down on drying time and when they come out all fluffy and non static! Yup I'm totally loving it, ok I don't love doing laundry that will never change. But I do love that I have clean clothes and helping with the plant also. And yes saving $400 a year really helps me want to be earth conscious. Oh what you were thinking it too! I love being good but sometimes being earth friendly is more expensive and these days I don't have extra. So this is right up my alley and yours too!

And before you ask yes that is my laundry, I just had to show how fluffy it is out of the dryer. But I didn't want to leave you with that picture in your head, really I did fold them. Yes I took a picture but now looking at it, it really doesn't look folded but REALLY it is :)!!!!

Would you like to win a GreenWashBall Eco-friendly Laundry Balls–Wash Without Detergent of your very own!!!! I know you do! I have ONE for you to win, sorry no dryer balls but this at least gets you on your way!

This is a very simple one for your first comment (mandatory) tell me what you do to save money or be green. Yup it's that easy!

Extra Entries if you would like (do one or all)

  1. ONE (1) for being a follower
  2. TWO (2) for having my cute button ~ code is on left side (leave 2 separate comments)
  3. TWO (2) for subscribing via email ~ left side also (leave 2 separate comments)
  4. ONE (1) for going to GreenWashBall and telling me something about their company.

I told you it was SUPER easy!!! Giveaway goes until Sunday May 31, 2009 11:59pm.


  1. Look at you being the Queen of giveaways!

    To save money I try to buy in bulk when I shop for groceries and household items.

    Great giveaway!

  2. Oh you know I try LOL I try to save on everything, water, electricity, when doing shopping we try to go in one trip, we recycle,I have a garden...Do I need more LOL
    Awesome giveaway BTW!

  3. buttonn #2 on both sites :)

  4. And I subscribe over email :)

  5. I am a have to try this!

    I am a follower!

    (two toddlers and a teenager plus a husband and me=a lot of laundry!)

  6. 3 cents per wash which equals a $400 a year savings! Okay sold.

  7. Another one. Really? I follow you.

  8. Ok Quit taking comments I want to win. I follow you already!

  9. I have your button on my site!

  10. A little about it!

    Lasts for 1,000 washes
    Only 3 cents per wash
    Wash without detergent
    Save around $400 over 3 years

  11. Oh! I want I want! For money I cut back on my fun spending. Less coffee out...more coffee made at home. I also use reusable bags for groceries.

  12. Seriously...I have your button. Leave me alone now!

  13. I like that it won't mess with my daughters allergies and skin issues :)

  14. I must have this...If I dont' win I will probably be buying for myself with the dryer balls...

  15. I'm following...glad I found you!!

  16. Hey there! I am in Texas right now. that is why you have not heard from me. Will be back home on next Wednesday.

  17. That sounds way too good to be true! Very interesting.

    We just bought our upright large capacity washer and dryer this year and our water and electricity bill should really be helped by this. I love how much laudry you get done in one load and how little detergent you use:)

    Good luck everyone on the contest!

  18. We try to be green by using reusable totes instead of plastic bags

  19. I know I shouldn't use paper towels, but I just can't live without them. We have been good and we've been buying recycled paper towels!

  20. This would save me a lot of money with all of my rugrats. I LOVE that you don't have to use detergent!

  21. I have recently been using reusable shopping bags. It is way easier to get them into the house that way too!

  22. I love the fact that it is hypoallergenic b/c my husband and toddler are both sensitive to harmful chemicals. And it removes chemicals AND grease from clothing! My husband's work clothes get so nasty sometimes so that is perfect!

    Oh and my other favorite thing: $.03 per wash? Amazing!

  23. Subscribed via email! Maybe this way I'll catch your giveaways faster. I can't believe I am just now finding this one sifting through my unread posts in my reader. Being out of touch for 3 days put me way behind!

  24. Cool - never heard of this! I have the dryer balls, though and LOVE them!

  25. We changed every light bulb to CFL and are finding it is saving a lot, hang clothes outside to dry whenever possible then toss in the dryer a few minutes to fluff, rarely buy anything without a coupon anymore, turned the thermostat down on the hot water heater, turned down the thermostat on the furnace and upped the thermostat on the a/c.

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  26. following - bloggy finds

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  27. button on sidebar here:

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  28. email subscriber

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  29. email subscriber

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  30. GreenWashBall put 7 years of testing into the product

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  31. I try to do quite a bit to be green, but to stick with the laundry theme, I always use cold water for the washing machine. I also like to dry clothes on the line when the weather is nice. :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  32. I'm a follower.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  33. We go green by recycling!

    courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

  34. Subscriber #2!
    courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

  35. I read you can save around $400 over 3 years!

    courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

  36. We recycle! Everything. Bottles, cans, papers and clothes. It helps to make extra money and be green.

  37. The company is located in Los Angeles, and offers a 30 day money back guarantee

  38. The green wash ball is good for 100 wahses, just 3 cents per load and doesn't use detergent.

  39. I only run the dishwasher if it's a full load. I also take my reusable bags to the store. I always have two attached to my purse.

  40. To save money I use coupons and try to only buy things on sale matched with a coupon. Thank you for the entry.

  41. I subscribed. Thanks!

  42. And, I am a follower of your blog. Thanks again!

  43. I save money and I'm green by walking or biking on most in town errands rather than driving. I've also discovered the art of couponing and ad shopping. It's a challenge that's so worth it!

    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  44. Man there are a lot of entries! I hope I win!

  45. i wash my laundry 2 times a week or when the washing machine is full

  46. grab ur button #1 at

  47. grab ur button #2 at

  48. a great company in promoting to be green everyday!

  49. i take shorter shower and off it when i put the soap over the body or shampooing...

  50. To save money we cancelled our cable tv and rent from the red box kiosk and check out movies from our library. I replaced my Starbucks mochas with hot chocolate and tea that I make at home.

  51. GreenWashBall has an antibacterial effect and eliminates bad odors.

  52. I learned: Using GreenWashBall eliminates the use of detergents, therefore avoiding risks of allergic reactions due to detergent residues on clothing or linen

  53. I found this site that offers free shipping on the greenwash ball.

  54. I found this site that offers free shipping on the greenwash ball.


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