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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Movie Party in the Bag!

Another birthday is done and in the bag! Cole had a great 12th Birthday, I'm so happy it is behind me! I was crazy and let Cole have a sleep over including my 2 boys we had a house of 8 BOYS!! Yes I had to work Saturday AM so I had to keep telling kids to go to sleep. ONE kid decided he was going to hide in a closet and not just hide but climb UP on my closet organizer and hide. He of course broke the WHOLE organizer! Thank God my dad came over and fixed it before my husband saw the damage!
Party table set up!
 Boys and more boys!

Kids that went to movie theater!
My friends who did 4mile walk with me while kids watched movie!
And of course the cheesecake us ladies had!!

Cole also got to go to a baseball game w/ our exchange student.
Caden and I had a date night and went to Saturday night service.
A review of the cupcakes done for Cole!

Friends have changed but always a theme party (that was a superhero theme)

Have a great day!
 This mom is beat lol!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Movie themed Treat Gift Bags (Movie Candy)

Since I couldn't do the big parties like I normally do, I had to still put a theme to Cole's party. Since we were going to the movies I ran with the movie theme. I wanted to give each kid a treat bag and I wanted to save on what I had to buy when we went to the theaters. I'm sorry Mr. Theater I had 8 kids sneak candy in to save my a crap load of money .. lol!
I found several ideas on Pinterest and kind of just ran with it and made my own.
Small Popcorn Bins (2 for $1 Dollar Tree - I hit bonus days 3 for $1)
Movie Candy (Several candy boxes $1 Each)
Large Clear Bags (25 pk for $1)
Ribbon ($1 Roll)
Card Stock
I started with a word document and made little cards that I could attach to the popcorn gifts. I Google searched a popcorn .png (a transparent background picture). I copied the picture into the word document and added words Thanks for Popping by My Birthday Cole. I needed 9 cards so I made 9 cards on the one sheet of card stock and printed out. I cut into squares. If I was wanting to be more fancy I would have used my circle cutter and do that but I just went with the normal square and hole punched the corner to attach with the ribbon to the bag. I placed the bag into the popcorn bin and each kid got one!

Thanks for Stopping by!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Movie Themed Birthday Invite (And Sleepover)

Cole celebrated his 12th birthday this past weekend. He wasn't into the big themed party like I normally do so we did a smaller get together at the house. Well I planned small but we ended up with 7 boys (including my 2) sleep over and then 2 girls show up the next day for the movie excursion. 
For invites for him to pass out I couldn't find a free template so I went and made my own. Using word document and google search for .png pictures (transparent background) to make the look I wanted.
What I did:
Blank Word Doc (picked 5x7 page size)
Google Searched for Images:
Red Curtain .png
Lights, Camera Action .png
Movie Clapper .png
Movie Popcorn .png
Movie Stars .png
Printed on 5x7 photo (can use 5x7 card stock) 
Open up Word, pick a 5x7 page size. I changed my margins to .5 (top, bottom, sides). I did a Google search to find .png images (they have a transparent background not the normal white). I added the images I found (click on top of word to make some of the pictures go on top of the curtain image). I added a text box to add my wording (used Broadway font). I created it in Word and uploaded here to Google drive (if you open open it into a word doc and then do your changes.  
Thanks for Stopping by!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Basketball Modeling Chocolate Cupcake Toppers

Cole had his last basketball at the YMCA and I wanted to bring a little something for the kids. I had some orange modeling chocolate from a previous cupcake and thought I bet I could make some toppers for a cupcake. If you haven't made modeling chocolate at the bottom of post you'll find the recipe.

What You Need:
Orange Modeling Chocolate
Black Edible Food Writer
Circle cutter (small or large depending on how large you want your ball)
Frosted Cupcakes
I took the orange modeling chocolate rolled out and cut out 24 circles. I took a black edible food writer and drew lines to match a basketball. I made cupcakes and frosted them and added the basketball modeling chocolate on top. It was a simple idea that came out very cool.
Modeling Clay
12oz Candy Melts (Orange)
1/4 Cup light corn Syrup

Melt your Candy Melts in microwave (mine takes about 2 minutes). Stir them to become smooth and add the corn syrup.  It will become thick and form a ball.  Wrap in plastic wrap and let it sit out and dry.  Takes a few hours or over night is best. (Alexis note: I found to roll this out use a little powder sugar (like you would do with flour), also you have to kneed it a little like you would dough to make it easy to roll out).
Thanks for Stopping by!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Command Center .. DYI Menu and Family Calendar Board

I'm back! It has been a whirlwind around here. Adding an exchange student means one more person's schedule added. I usually use my phone for my reminders and calendar BUT that only HELPS me. So after a friend suggested I make a calendar I went on a search on Pinterest to find a board I could make. I found several ideas using Dollar Tree picture frames as a white board of sorts. That also included make a board etc, well my husband is still out of town and I wasn't into any wood shop projects. So I went to Hobby Lobby and found my own board that matched my kitchen and added what I needed.

What I bought:
Tack Board (Reg $19.99 use their 40% off coupon on the app)
Clips (Found in the Scrapbook section $2.99 on sale for 50% off)
Mini clothing clips (On clearance $1.50 for pack of 4)
Hot Glue or Tacks (my board didn't allow for tacks so hot glue)
My board wasn't very thick so the tacks I bought to hold the clips on didn't want to nail in, so I switched to a hot glue gun and glued them on. I then placed the clips where I wanted everything.  
For my Menu Plan I went to google and searched Menu clip art. I found what I wanted and copied. I opened up word and made 4 boxes (use the column maker then you can make how big etc you want. I pasted the Menu photo and added the days of the week. You can also print off many free templates that I found while googling. Our week starts on Sunday and everyone I found starts on Monday so I had to make my own.
For the Calendar again went to word and made the boxes but selecting how many columns and rows I wanted and the wizard created. I googled different clip art for each family member (Rick / Security Guard, Me / Head Set, Cole / Basketball, Caden / Soccer / Ana / Brazil girl for where she is from).  I put the days of the week on top and the people on the left side. I then typed up the things I already have like school, YMCA Classes etc. Then room to write in more. 
My board cost me around $15. You could make for cheaper using the dollar tree items and plywood. But I liked the look of this more. I will be using more paper but maybe I'll find something else to do.
Thanks for stopping by and  putting up with me being MIA lately!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I'm Alive ....

I'm sorry friends I really am alive. I have been a little overwhelmed with work and kids. AND I took in a exchange student to add to the crazy world I call my life. I'm so lucky she is a very sweet girl from Brazil.  This week is spring break and husbands is doing his business thing too. I hope to be back blogging regularly each week shortly.  This popped up on my facebook and it made me giggle because it so is me in a nutshell!

Have a GREAT week! Miss all your blogs and comments!

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Baby Pop
cafe Press
Easy Lunch Boxes
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Glasses USA
Great Wolf Lodge
Jump Start
My Baby Clothes Boutique
My Blog Spark
red envelope
She Speaks

tote bags
Strap Doctor
You Can Make This

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Awards I've been Given! You Really Love Me!! (Yes my best Oscar Speech)

friendhip2 from Anissa
passoinate-blogger-award (Heidi @ Tried & True Cooking)
You're a Superstar Blogger
you-dont-say-post - Kristie Notes
Annisa (Over the top)
Jessica Mommy Needs Coffee (Lovely)
Annissa (Queen Award)
Your Blog is Fabulous
Best Comedic Performance
Splash Award
Best Blog Award
Dragon's Loyalty Award
The Heartfelt Award
Daffy Commenter Award
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