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Monday, July 4, 2016

Firework Cookies

I know this a day late and a dollar short but these cookies turned out so awesome I had to share. Save for next year or other colors for a different season. I've seen where you drag the toothpick one way and then another way to make look like a poinsettia ... hmmm idea!!!!

I found these awesome idea on Making it with Danielle I've make other cookies she has done and they all amazing!
What you Need:
Sugar Cookies (I use my go to recipe here)
Royal Icing (I use my go to recipe here)
Red Gel Food Coloring (I use AmeriColor)
Blue Gel Food Coloring (I use AmeriColor)
NOW most people pipe the white on the cookie, I found a while back on Pinterest the dunk  and tap way. You place the cookie in the royal icing and tap off the extra, I then put on the table and tap again so no bubbles. I colored 2 batches of royal icing with Red and Blue. Pipe rings on the white like a bulls-eye. Red, Blue, Red and then blue dot in the middle. Take a toothpick from the center blue dot pull out to the tip of each cookie. I used a similar cookie cutter of hers that had scallops on the ends. Let the cookies set up and serve, I found the best is to make these a day ahead so they have several hours to harden. NOW I LIKE thick cookies and my royal icing is a bit thicker than the normal person. So it takes longer to dry!
 Cookies and Skewers Made!

I know I'm late save for next year .. lol
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. Those came out so pretty. Mark happened to see a photo over my shoulder and was very impressed!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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