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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Emoji Themed Party ... Emoji Birthday Banner!

Next on the list was a Birthday Banner. As I've mentioned before I came back from a work trip the day before the party. I did use my Cricut the week before I left to cut out the banner and glue it all together. ALL that was left was to string it with twine to hang it up. The night before the party my bestie came over to help finish the cookies and food. I had her on the banner duty, well the day of the party we found that was the one item we didn't finish .. lol. Now I have a banner that needs to be strung up. Anyone having a Emoji Party that would like one, it's yours .. hehe!

What you need:
Yellow Card Stock
Red Card Stock
Black Card Stock
White Card Stock
Craft Glue

I used the Circut to cut circles in the size I needed, play around with how big your area is.  I used the George Cartridge to spell out Happy Birthday, #, heart (for eyes), Circles for the words and for the one eye, circle cut in half for mouth, Oval with top cut off for tongue, < sign for a wink and rectangle for teeth.

I use a good craft glue to hold it all together. The PLAN was to use a hole punch and twin to string it up at the party! As you can see I didn't get that far .. lol.

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Emoji Birthday Party ... Emoji Fruit Tray

Next on the Emoji Birthday was some fun food that kids would love and a little healthy! I saw this done with gumballs but I really didn't want wads of gum all over my parents waterfront or in someone's hair. So fruit it was, it may not be the yellow color we needed but you get the point!
What you Need:
Green Grapes (if you find a yellow fruit that will hold up use it)
Round dish
Start forming your face with grapes, fill in for eyes and mouth using the blueberries. There is no real science to this it's just an eyeball it kind of thing!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Emoji Birthday Theme .. Emoji Buckets (Chips, Popcorn etc)

Next on the Emoji Birthday was a bucket to hold the chips, popcorn etc. I love using sand pails for this at parties. They are simple to clean, cheap and hold a lot! I have these buckets from previous parties (the yellow I had from last years Minion party).
What You Need:
Yellow Sand Bucket (Dollar Tree $1)
Red Card Stock
Cricut (Used my George Cartridge for the Heart)
Hot Glue Gun
I was out of town until the day before the party so I had to make most of the things ahead of time and that of course was right before I had to leave for said work trip and the end of school. So I made a simple emoji face on the buckets. You can do more if you would like but I liked the simple heart eyes!
I cut the hearts on the Cricut and then used my hot glue gun to attach them to the buckets. Easy!!!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Emoji Themed Party .... Let's Get Emotional birthday invites

The next post is actually one of the first items I made for the party. I found several options for birthday invites, some free downloads but none I loved. I found several options on Etsy and one I loved was this Let's Get Emotional. Being the creative my own type person I am I decided I can make these.
A little play around in Word and BAM I got this! It probably took me an hour and to pay the $12 she was charging for the each one may be worth it .. lol. 
I went to Word and created a new document, with the 5x7 size. I turned the background yellow and adding the wording. I went to Google and searched for the characters with .png so they would be translucent background. For the side way wording I added text box and used the side way words (make sure to use the no background and no outline with your text box). You can then move the text boxes around how you want them placed, I found this is the easiest way to get all the wording in. I used a free chalk font for the words.  
Emoji's used:
Monkey - See No, Hear No & Speak No
Face w/ tongue
Heart Eyes
Laugh w/ tears
Play around to find what you like the best. I printed on 5x7 photo paper I had, you can print on 5x7 card stock if you want. I'm a use what you have on hand kind of girl, and had the photo paper left over from a previous project.
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Emoji Photo Booth Props

More on the Emoji themed party for my son. I LOVE to take photos so I'm always looking for ways to have people to have fun and let me photograph them. When this new theme of photo booths started to be come popular for weddings etc I can't tell you how excited I was! I've done different props at parties for the kids but this was the first time I made actual props on a stick for people to use! In my mind this would be HUGE, well kids don't always follow what I want to do but hey ... lol.
I found a Cricut Photo Booth Prop Cartridge on Amazon and made these fun props. 
What You Need:
Cricut Photo Booth Prop Cartridge
Yellow Card Stock
Red Card Stock
White Card Stock
Black Card Stock
Purple Card Stock
Craft Glue
Hot Glue Gun
Bamboo Sticks

Use the cartridge to make the faces. I attached them with craft glue and let them sit and dry. I used my hot glue gun to attach the faces to the bamboo sticks. Let them dry and they are ready for the party!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Emoji themed Birthday Party ... Party Bags

I'm back! Well I've been here just this summer has ate up all my free time and sadly my blog is really suffering! 

I had an Emoji themed party for my youngest right after school ended! As you all know I'm crazy about a theme! At first Caden picked Zelda and I almost died when I saw themed items for that. BUT then he changed to Emoji's and I was super excited! This was the coolest party and I LOVE LOVE all the fun things I got to make. I wish I took more pictures of the kids with all the emoji stuff!

As I have said over and over I hate passing out dollar tree crap to people that come in. I hate when that stuff comes home with my kids. I have gotten in the habit of making fun things for kids to take home, and you need something for the kids to take those things home in. So here comes the treat bags!

What you Need:
Black Card Stock
Yellow Card Stock
Red Card Stock
White Card Stock
Black Treat Bags
Simply Charmed Cricut Cartridge
Cricut Cartridge
Tacky Glue

I used my Cricut to cut circles, hearts and sunglasses. I also used the George cartridge that came with my Cricut to make the mouth's using the moon option, Small circles and rectangles.

I made 4 different versions of the bags you can make more but I find to keep it simple and I don't go nuts! I made the sunglasses guy, surprise guy, heart eyes and the stern face! There are so many emoji's to choose from I just made the easy one's that I had shapes for on my machine.

Close up of the Heart Eyed Bag

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

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