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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Emoji Themed Party ... Perler Beads

And last on the Emoji themed birthday party is the Perler Beads made. The boys and I have loved doing perler beads for all the parties. We will make characters and then put them in the party bags for the kids. I just talked to a mom from Caden's school who told me they still have the minion we made from a few parties back (yes I almost cried someone kept them).

What you Need:
Perler Beads (Colors needed for the character etc)
Perler Board
Perler Paper (like a wax paper)
Hot Iron

I always google first Perler Beads and the theme I'm working on. I then print them out and use as my guide to make. I use a medium board and map out what I'm making. We put two Emoji character's in each party favor box that each kid got to take home. This time I bought clips at Hobby Lobby to make them key chains for the kids to hang on backpacks etc.

Once you get the design you like, you put the perler paper on top. I have got it down when I set the iron on top of the paper I set a timer on my phone for 90 seconds. If I do longer it melts too much and the board gets messed up. I have found that you can warp the board if you heat it up too much. I make so many of these each party that I have to by new boards each time. Thankfully they are not too expensive.

Here is a step by step if you have not done a perler bead before:

  1. Working on a flat surface, create your design by placing beads one by one on a Perler peg board.
  2. Preheat a dry household iron to the medium setting. When carrying the bead design to the iron, be careful not to tip or bump the beads from the peg board! Cover the beads with the ironing paper. Keeping the iron level, gently iron the beads in a circular motion for about 10 seconds** to fuse the beads evenly. When ironed properly, the beads will still have an open center. If you are working on a 3-D project, DO NOT OVER-IRON the beads as it will make the centers of the beads close and can make assembly more challenging.
  3. Once the design is cool, peel off the ironing paper. Lift your design from the peg board and flip the design over onto your ironing surface. Cover it with the ironing paper and iron the other side to fuse it evenly. Your peg board and ironing paper are reusable. 
Here are my workers and a sample of how we do this.
The boys like to see the picture and duplicate. 
Click HERE for the parties I link up to.

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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