The first project I did for this party was the invites. I saw several on different sites for sale but I only needed 5 with Cole only having 5 spots for the paintball game I bought. So why not make my own.
I did a google search for paintball mask, paintball splatters, cammo background etc. I made sure my Google search was set for .png images, these are images without backgrounds so you can place them on top of each other and see behind. Have fun and add what you want.
What you Need:
Word - Open a 5x7 paper size
Google - .PNG Images
5x7 Card Stock (I used photo paper, bought a pack at Dollar Tree a while back and used it)
Make sure to add RSVP with your Ph #, Location, Drop off and Pick up, Date and Time.
I added the extra words:
You've Been Targeted!
It's a Paintball Party