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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

PacMan Party .. Inside the Goody Bag (PacMan Ghost Marshmallow Pops)

Continuing on with the goody bags. Pinterest several food items, and most you know that I like to put fun creations instead of toys. I found PacMan Dots Tube idea on Festa Teen and had to do for the party! I kept mine a little simpler to make the 20 I needed. Another HUGE shout out to KandyKreations for these amazing PacMan tents. This is one of the BEST sites I've come across for party needs and she has a ton of FREE downloads which makes this mom very happy!

Large Marshmallows
Card Stock (White)
Hole PunchPaper Cutter
Candy Eyes
Royal Icing (glue for eyes)
Food Coloring 
Twine or Ribbon
Small Clear plastic bag

I took the Extra Large Marshmallows and took some food coloring with a little water to coat them I used yellow, purple and blue. After they dried I added the candy eyes. I found the royal icing is the best due to it acts like glue (a lot of ppl use it for gingerbread houses). After the eyes are harden onto the marshmallows I then put them in a clear plastic treat bag. 

I downloaded PacMan Font from DaFont, this is my go to place for font's. Now her tents were made to make a tent. I copied and put into a word doc to give me 8 per sheet. Since I was putting on the top of bags I didn't need to fold over or extra paper. PLUS I'm cheap and like to maximize my paper to the fullest . 

I attached the label to the clear bags using twine.

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