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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my dad’s birthday and I saw this awesome idea for the boys to do for him.  It was for like a father’s day gift but I changed the word from Dad to Bapa (what the boys call him).  This was so easy to make and I thought it was so precious and hopefully something that will be kept for years to come.  Thank you Pinterest YET AGAIN for saving the day.  I really MUST meet who created this site because it really rocks!

Now the lady painted her canvas and then cut out the hands using paper.  I traced the boys hands and upper arm and then painted them (well I painted Caden, Cole did his own). 

  1. Start with a blank Canvas
  2. Paint your canvas. I like my backgrounds mottled. But you can paint it nicely just one color if you like. (I skipped this part)
  3. Trace your kid's arms and hands onto fun paper. (This is where I just traced kids arm and hand onto canvas)
  4. Modge Podge and plaster the hands down. Make sure you leave enough room to paint your saying on. (Since I skipped paper part, I skipped this part also)
  5. Print your saying using cute fonts, onto regular paper.
  6. On the back of your paper, scribble with a pencil to make a transfer. Make sure you get all of the back of each letter covered.
  7. Put the paper on your canvas. Trace over your saying. It will leave a light imprint for you to paint the words in.
  8. Spray it with sealant or cover with some coats of Modge Podge. (Again I skipped this part)

Here is what mine turned out like:


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Happy Birthday Dad, we love you!!  This would be a good gift for father’s day or like I did for a birthday.  Hope you try it, it was super easy and took very little time do!


  1. What a cute, cute craft!!! Happy B-day to your Dad!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your Dad. I am sure he will love his birthday gift from his grandsons.

    Your boys are so cute. Enjoy them!

  3. How adorable is that! Your dad must have loved it. Happy birthday (belated) to him. Hope he had a fabulous day:)

  4. Naw this is such a cute idea! Definateky a keeper ;) ahh pinterest it really is amazing! :)

  5. I have an invitation for Pinterest but haven't accepted it yet because I know I'll be addicted. Cute project!


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