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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Despicable Me Birthday ... Minion Cupcakes (2 Versions)

Well the party has come and past.  Since we live in Washington I'm use to rain.  NOW late June almost July I'm usually pretty safe or just a brief sprinkling.  But it was like the sky had open up and I was waiting for Noah to come by and pick me up in his ark.  YES no lie it poured for like 20 min then we would have 30 min of sun and so it went for 4 hours like this!  Then EVERYONE left and sunshine from 7p on!  Thank God for a pop up tent and kids who could careless about rain since they would get wet anyways swimming in the lake.  

So I made 2 cupcake versions for the party!  Both very simple.  I made 2 dozen cupcakes using my favorite homemade yellow cake recipe along with my FAVORITE go to Sturdy Buttercream Frosting.  I tinted my frosting with Americolor Soft Gel Paste in Lemon Yellow I picked up at Hobby Lobby.

Frost you Cupcakes (Here is a pic of me frosting with the Lemon Yellow color):

First Cupcake's were minion faces. I found a picture of these minion cupcakes on Pinterest, but ONLY a picture no website or person to give credit too.  So if you are the owner of this original idea please send me a message.

What you Need:
Yellow Frosted Cupcakes
Mini Marshmallows
Black Food Gel

Frosted your cupcakes with your favorite shade of yellow.  I cut my marshmallows in half so they didn't stick up too far.  I made some with one eye and some with two eye's.  Use your black gel to decorate a mouth, eye glasses and hair.  Have fun and make all the faces you can.

Second off was a twinkie minion cupcake.  They used a food writer pen to make theirs.  I used my frosting gel, which went on great but when assembling I did get a few black finger prints on my cupcakes ... lol.  I found SEVERAL versions of this on Pinterest so I'll give credit to Erica's Sweet Tooth one of the sites I found them on.

What you Need:
Yellow Frosted Cupcakes
Black Food Gel (Or Black Food Writer)
Candy Eyeballs

NOW I tried to use my food writer to do these but the Twinkies were too moist and the writer didn't look great so I went with the gel instead.  BE-CAREFUL when assembling not to get your finger in the gel or you'll get finger prints on your minion's.  I didn't assemble the cupcakes until we got to the party so the Twinkies would stay nice and not get knocked around on the drive to my parents house.

Take your frosted yellow cupcakes.  Take your Twinkies cut them in half.  I took candy eyeballs and added a little gel to hold them on.  I then took the black gel to make the hair, glasses and mouth.  Have fun make as many funny faces you want.

Here are minions ready to travel. 
I kept them like this until we got to the party


  1. Both are super cute. But if I HAD to choose one over the other it would be the twinkie minion cupcakes.

  2. Darling!! I love the twinkies. We did some for Valentine's day and it was great!!

  3. So charming and cute. What really makes them stand out is all of the different expressions on each cupcake. Thank you for linking at the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party. Hope to see you again next week.

  4. I love all the little details. Super cute.Pinned. Hugs! Lou Lou Girls


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