Except this time I spent most of the day at home, not sitting down and relax oh no cleaning! I think Rick spiked my coffee, because I was on a mission. I did get to sleep until 9 which gave me 7 hours of sleep since I went to bed around 2pm after I got done with my 2nd job. Amazingly all the boys slept until shortly after I got up, which is great only if they would do that for me on Saturdays when I work the mornings from 5am to 9ish. Nope that is the day they always decide to wake up around 6:30 or 7am! Go figure, it's just the way my life works.
So Sunday I decided to make pancakes and then why not start cleaning out the fridge. Really I have no clue where this energy came from, maybe it's from reading Rachael's Space, she's ready to have the baby and I'm taking on her nesting habit. Not sure what it was but I cleaned out the fridge and really should have taken a picture of my sink with all the plastic containers that I had to wash. I gave up after I counted 15 of them. Isn't funny how we have gone from a Tupperware society to this cheap gladewear people. I remember growing up with the real Tupperware, you know the kind that your mom threaten your life to bring back home. Now days I could careless if I throw out one, ok I guess I would since I WASHED THEM ALL. Yup I'm crazy thrifty like that, or is an attachment issue?
After cleaning the fridge I tackled the boys room, washed all their bedding which took me 3 loads. Those boys sure do have a crap load of blankets, thanks grandma's for making them 4 each times 2 grandma's makes for a lot of laundry for mom! I then weeded out clothes in Cole's closet. Then came my bedroom, the room that I have been putting off for days weeks months since Rick's closet has literally exploded out and thrown up and is about to consume my side of the bed. Knowing he's going to be grumpy when he knows I hung up his clothes, he has a problem getting them hung up but also has an issue if you help him (yet again just my life). I get to working on his side first since he'll be home in a few hours from helping my parents. Yes I said a few hours because that is precisely the amount of time it took me to hang up 74 t-shirts. No your reading that correct t-shirts Rick hates t-shirts in a drawer, yet again just my life! I'm getting the vacuum when I notice for the umpteenth time a 10 year old pace by my room. I can only guess that he 1 is bored because you know we didn't do anything fun today and he might be hungry. Top Roman it is, oh the memories of college! After I get the boys dished up I lay Caden down with a bottle and start vacuuming. Yup Caden rocks and falls right to sleep even though I'm vacuuming in the same room!
6 1/2 hours later and I have completed 9 loads of laundry, I even folded and put them all away, cleaned 3 bedrooms, cleaned the fridge and vacuumed the cobwebs and the cracks between the floorboards and the carpet. I don't even want to go there again, that was just wrong. I finish just in time for Rick to come strolling in and guess what he's first words are .... "I was going to hang up my clothes today". Really? Not oh hun the house looks beautiful, you did an amazing job ... Nope I get a hairy eyeball. For that I get the table set up for pumpkin carving and make him the carver! So this is where fight #1 started, I took the pages and started cutting where it says remove! According to Rick I ruined the picture and made it hard for him, my reply deal with it. Yup if any of you know Rick you know dealing with a pressure not his thing, the pumpkin not working was making for one happy hubby! 2 hours later and I've carved my pirate and he gave up on the spider and added something else. Oh glorious days! So I baked some pumpkin seeds and went about my business ;).
Just to make my guest oh so happy I made a run for diapers and then noticed we needed some groceries, which wasn't his idea of fun. After much sulking and grumpy looks and asking "what is the menu" I finish my shopping and pick up a quick dinner. Once we get home before anyone can eat they must help me unload the car and then I have my new helper unload groceries with me. Yup that's me the mean one!
A few pictures of our adventures in pumpkin carving
I don't mind the line I have a perfect seat!Of course a spider for our face painting!
Now this is face painting done right & it was free (well included in the $5) take that Zoo Boo
You drive brother, I'll hang on!Corn Maze Adventure
Monnie & Cole Picking a pumpkin
Monnie, Me, Caden & Cole posing with Pumpkins
Daddy, Roy, Me, Caden & Cole (boys just wouldn't look forward) That's all folks, time to go home!
Not bad for $10 for the older boys! Now we must rest for real! Night All!
I get home with only 1 get your butt ready your taking the boys phone call to my lovely hubby, who gets right on it (I'm so keeping this tone). I decided to take a little time for myself, well plus the baby but one is SOOO better then 3. I pick up 2 more dress pants from The Avenue anyone need pants awesome $18 deal going on, I got 4 pairs of $45 pants for $18 each (Thank you 2nd job so paid for it with my money). No all I need is dress shirts and I'm set for the new building and new image of our office. Then I took us over to Target to pick up diapers which of course they were out of the boxes in all sizes (really people it's called ordering), got almost all the way thru before my phone rings. Rick wanted us to meet them at the fish store, he knew better then to say come pick up the boys! So we walked around and let the kids see all the fish and then we headed home. With a little protest I got everyone down for a nap and took advantage of it and took a nap instead of reading like I was planning on doing. Oh sleep oh how I miss you (again got to love being the mom).
Over all not a bad day and the 2nd job was rather slow tonight not many prank callers so hey it was a good day (minus the morning). I better go get some sleep since it's yet another early morning we're meeting my parents at the Pumpkin Patch. Rick knows that his belongs will be thrown on the front lawn if he tries to sleep thru another one this weekend ... LOL. One day ... too the moon Alice (hmmm ... shouldn't that have been Alice saying that to him?)
My night at home started with Roy who is taking band and guess what instrument he chose you got it the drums! Not wanting to be outdone Cole decided to break out his drum set and to make it even LOUDER he found Rick's drum sticks! So after 20 minutes of this I decided I needed to get out of the house before my ear drums really did explode!
Caden dancing to the lovely drum beats:
Why not let's go get Roy a Halloween Costume, since of course he has now decided he wants to be Harry Potter which I now is one of the hardest costumes to find. We run over to Spirit store and grab the last one! It does not come with the white shirt or Tie, so we run over to Goodwill pick up a shirt and while I'm there why not buy mine and Rick's costumes. Since the kids will be Scooby and Scrappy, Rick will be Shaggy and I'll be Velma. So I only find parts of my outfit and then remember we need wigs, so back over to Spirit thankfully it's right next door.
We get home in time for bedtime, and Rick to come home. I tell him about the costume when he reminds me that earlier that day he asked me if he could take a security job Halloween night for a killer pay. Oh crap yes I did say take, no don't cancel I'll just take the clothes and wig back. Well that would be a GREAT idea if both of them were non-cash returnable just in store credit! Yup I have a sign on me to just let it pour down.
One quick funny note while in Goodwill Caden kept throwing items out of my purse. After like the twenty time I smack his hand, oh stop it wasn't hard or anything. The funny part was the lady working there that looked over at me and gave me the worst look. Now I just thought silly lady, until I was putting Caden in his seat and looked at his head. Oh crap I forgot about his bruise from the door crash and it looks like he must have rubbed it and blood finally came out. I'm surprised the lady didn't call CPS on me, the slap paired with the bruise must have looked very bad! This is one heck of a day, I really should have called it a day earlier!
Look the head looks so great, no wonder she looked at me crazy!
Cole and his buddy Bella
Stop Squeezing my hand Cole ;)
Ready to feed the chickens, here is some bread.
Feeding the chickens
Digging up Potatoes
Come on buddy
Get on the hey ride
Mom it's too heavy you carry it! Don't you love the face!
After the farm we head to the chiro since I'm starting to walk with a limp again and my back is hurting really bad. We did a pretty good job playing since they have a cool playroom for kids, we didn't have to wait that long to be seen. After being adjusted and told to go lie down with some ice I call into work yet again ... GRRR I'm so dead! Not feeling like taking Cole to daycare I take him home with the treat to be good! It actually worked he ate lunch and went took a nap! After icing and needing to stand I figure I need to take out Roy's garbage. Guess all the fun stuff I found in there, a open can of Spam (that was just opened not eaten just opened), a can of Pepsi have drank, bags of food yet again! So on a hunch I open the draw and guess what I find string cheese, a yogurt drink, bags of beef jerky and a box of cookies. Kids, and when it's not your kid what can you do? I call to the host people and find that I should take it out of his room and talk to him about it and tell him that if it happens again I'm going to have to take something away. Oh boy tonight is going to be fun, he's going to nod and say yes and then continue to keep doing it. I don't want this to be a long 7 more months! Any advice?
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