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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Weekend to be Thankful …

What a fun weekend it was like a 4 day break, but I had to work a short time on Saturday like usual but 3 hours was nothing.

As most of you know I spent most of Wednesday after working prepping and cooking and then cooking before my guest arrived for Dinner.  Sadly my dad was sick so he stayed home and my cousin and family didn’t stop by so it was very small with lot’s of food … lol.

If you’re needing some yummy weight watcher friendly holiday foods here are my two post of what I made.

First off I noticed that wow my roots are looking crazy long … then I counted and I was a few weeks overdo for a color.  I gave our cousin a call and she was so sweet and squeezed me in after hours.

Blogger Pics

Thanksgiving was a great day, my mom and grandmother stopped over for dinner.  The boys even got to stay the night with my parents! Yeah!!


Now the stores went and moved Black Friday up to Thursday PM which wasn’t bad it was kind of nice to do it early.  So I put my teenies on and my hat (Well at first the wrong one … lol).  Rick decided to work for his security job they took on security for Walmart shoppers.  That left me shopping by myself.  I was a little nervous to go by myself.  Then by God’s hand I ran into a old friends mom, I hadn’t seen either of them in almost a year.  We said hi and then I went on.  I looped around and again and ran into both of them got to talking and I had instant shopping buddies which was really cool.  So we finished up Walmart & went on to Target.  NOW the only bad thing was Fred Meyers stuck to their 5am so after we tried two restaurants to come to the conclusion who is going to be open Thanksgiving pm, we headed to my friends house for a snack and coffee.  We killed 3 hours watching Son’s on Anarchy, my first time watching.  By 6am I was done with my Christmas shopping.  I finished the boys, the boy at church Cole picked to buy for, Rick and even for me.  Plus I had a pile of things to go back, I have the grab and return later if I don’t need theory Smile.

Blogger Pics2

By Friday I had the presents wrapped and the boys home.  Rick brought down the tree and put it all up for me and even put the presents underneath.  The rest of the weekend was kind of lazy, except Sunday for church and then the boys and I helped decorate the church.  Now to finish up the stocking stuffers and we’re done!



So how was your Thanksgiving?  Did you Black Friday shop?  Is your shopping done?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Thanksgiving Feast Part II

I started my Turkey day up at 7am to make sure everything was done up right and ready to go for my guest to come visit.

The night before I made my list of what I needed to do and the order I needed to do it in.  Made my day run smooth.  I even found a way to put up my note with a magnet on my stove hood … lol


My morning started with taking the turkey out of the brine rinsing it and putting it in the oven. Then came next on my list to do the Mashed Sweet Potatoes Brulee. Which turned out so yummy.  I had Rick take his torch to the top to caramelize it … lol.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes Brulee (WW 3pts)

<p>Servings: 14 • Size: 1/2 cup • Old Points: 2 pts • Points+: 3 pts<br />Calories: 113.4 • Fat: 1.5 g • Protein: 2.2 g • Carb: 25.6 g • Fiber: 2.9 g • Sugar: 14.8<br />Sodium: 141 mg </p>

See Mashed Sweet Potatoes Brulee (WW 3pts) on Key Ingredient.


Next on my list was a veggie I hated as a child but now as an adult I love (I’m sure it had nothing to do with it being paired with Pancetta either .. lol).  These Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta were so yummy I think I may have to make them every week.

Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta (WW 1 pts)

<p>Servings: 14 • Size: about 1/2 cup (not packed) • Old Points: 1 pt • Points+: 1 pts<br />Calories: 56.2 • Fat: 2.8 g • Carbs: 6.1 • Fiber: 2.5 • Protein: 2.2 g </p>

See Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta (WW 1 pts) on Key Ingredient.


And then of course the best part and you all know my love of pumpkin, which was a perfect way to end our course with Skinny Pumpkin Pie.  Mine wasn’t as pretty as the recipe I got it from but it sure did taste good!

Skinny Pumpkin Pie (WW 5 pts)

<p>Servings: 8 • Serving Size: 1/8th • Old Points: 3 pt • Points+: 5 pts<br />Calories: 172.3 • Fat: 6.4 g • Carbs: 31.4 • Fiber: 1.7 • Protein: 3.5 g • Sugar: 20.7<br />Sodium: 143.1 mg </p>

See Skinny Pumpkin Pie (WW 5 pts) on Key Ingredient.


Hope you enjoyed the meals you had and might like want to make something here.  Thank you again for being a blessing in my life.  Have a wonderful day and I hope a great meal tonight.  Anything special planned for tonight?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Our Turkey Day Part I

Well my all weight watcher meal turned out very yummy and no complaints!  Sadly my dad was sick and my cousin didn’t stop by this year so it was a very small gather with LOT’s of food left over.  Now I must say I didn’t make the end photos all dressed up like I usually do.  My guest showed up an hour later then I planned so it was a little rush at the end to just get everything out before it was too cold.

Let me start with the items I made the night or prepped the night before to make the next morning run so smooth!

First off I started with Brined Turkey that was so easy and turned out VERY most.  I have never done a brine before and was very surprised how it turned out.

Roasted Brined Turkey

Turkey, Brine, Thanksgiving

See Roasted Brined Turkey on Key Ingredient.


Next on the list to make was the Cranberry Pear Sauce that was so yummy.  I’m not a big cranberry fan (ok except the jelly in a can I know STOP judging me). The pears in here cut the bite and made it so delish!

Cranberry Pear Sauce (WW 2 pts)

<p>Servings: 13 • Size: 1/4 cup • Old Points: 1 pts • Points+: 2 pts<br />Calories: 61.6 • Fat: 0.1 g • Protein: 0.2 g • Carb: 16.3 g • Fiber: 1.7 g • Sugar: 10.9<br />Sodium: 0.5 mg</p>

See Cranberry Pear Sauce (WW 2 pts) on Key Ingredient.


Next on my list was a favorite of Rick’s done on the light side. These Skinny Scalloped Potato Gratin were very yummy.  While did get a little crispy on top due to guest late and they had to go back in the oven to warm up, but STILL very yummy!

Skinny Scalloped Potato Gratin (WW 3pts)

<p>Servings: 7 • Size: about a cup (1/7th) • Old Points: 2 pt • Points+: 3 pts<br />Calories: 160.2 • Fat: 4.4 g • Carbs: 24.6 • Fiber: 1.8 • Protein: 7.2 g • Sugar: 2.6<br />Sodium: 42.6 mg (without salt)</p>

See Skinny Scalloped Potato Gratin (WW 3pts) on Key Ingredient.


And my last prep of the night was the Chicken Sausage and Herb Stuffing. I MUST tell you this was the BEST stuffing I have had in a long time and it was nice not to feel guilty eating it.

Chicken Sausage and Herb Stuffing (WW 3pts)

<p>Servings: 12 • Serving Size: 3/4 cup • Old Points: 3 pt • Points+: 3 pts<br />Calories: 136.2 • Fat: 6.4 g • Carbs: 31.4 • Fiber: 1.7 • Protein: 3.5 g • Sugar: 20.7<br />Sodium: 143.1 mg </p>

See Chicken Sausage and Herb Stuffing (WW 3pts) on Key Ingredient.


So there you have it my night before prep work made the day of so much easier.  And thankfully everything turned out wonderful!

How did your Thanksgiving go?  Did your meals turn out?  Did you try anything new? Or did you do like me and do everything new?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Meal Plan

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I want to first off say thank you all who stop by, you make my day and are true blessings in my life.  I give thanks to you all who have touched my life more then you will ever know!

I know we’re all busy and I won’t be around much today but I thought I would give you a taste of what I will be doing around here.  I’m going to try to do a all Weight Watcher Friendly Meal, wish me luck!  All recipes and pictures are from my favorite site Skinny Taste.

Brined Turkey


Chicken Sausage and Herb Stuffing


Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta


Skinny Scalloped Potato Gratin


Mashed Sweet Potatoes Brulee


Cranberry Pear Sauce


Skinny Pumpkin Pie


Thank you to Skinny Taste you have the best recipes and I can’t wait to have everyone try them today!

Thanksgiving treats for Cole’s School

So I picked the turkey treat I want to make for Cole’s classmates.  The Rice Krispie Turkey Pop Treats turned out so cute and THANK God my friend April was here for Tuesday night dinner to help out.  Let’s just say these little suckers were not my friend at first.  I might have said a few not lady like names and thrown the whole batch away if it wasn’t for her.  She had the idea to take a knife and but a whole before putting the candy corn in.
Happy Early Thanksgiving, it will be a busy day at work today and some serious cleaning before my parents come over and of course a bunch of cooking.

Hope you have a wonderful day and if you get a chance make these little guys. 

Turkey Treat Pops

<p>I made these for my son&#8217;s class to celebrate Thanksgiving.</p>

See Turkey Treat Pops on Key Ingredient.

Here is what we did last year Smile.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It’s feeling like Fall …

I found another great Ham recipe.  I found Jenn-o makes turkey ham that is very tasty and perfect for recipes.  This Ham and Apple Casserole was a perfect for these cool nights we have been having.


Ham And Apple Casserole

Dinner, Ham, Potato, Egg Beater, Cheese, Dinner, Casserole

See Ham And Apple Casserole on Key Ingredient.

A quick and easy meal for when you’re in a pinch.  I have to get my Thanksgiving menu together! 

How about you are you ready for Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 21, 2011

After the Holidays what to do with left over ham?

So I technically didn’t have left over ham but I had to make this recipe it looked so yummy.  Not on the best healthy side, but still good in small portions.  Usually I will make my own mac and cheese but I was in a pinch this night and had to go to my back up plan cabinet. I found this Cheesy Leftover Ham and Broccoli Casserole Recipe.  I did use Jenn-o Turkey Ham and FF 1/2 and 1/2.


Cheesy Leftover Ham and Broccoli Casserole Recipe

Macaroni, Macaroni and Cheese, Broccoli, Dinner, Side Dish

See Cheesy Leftover Ham and Broccoli Casserole Recipe on Key Ingredient.

So a little break from the weight watcher menu but you have to do that every once in a while.  Smile

So what I on your menu tonight?  Are you prepared for Thanksgiving?  I got the menu set up and the shopping done, I’m so excited!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Treat Ideas

While being sick with no voice, the only thing I was really up to has been to watch tv (blah) or search the internet for recipe ideas.  Most of you know by now that I love to make treats for Cole’s classmates.  So I went on a search.  Last year I made the Rice Krispie Turkies that were so cute (But of course it snowed last year so Rick’s work got the treats … lol).  And being the crazy person I am I can’t make the same thing again, so the search to find a new turkey treat started.  Here is what I found, What do you think?

What I did last year: Turkey Rice Krispy Treats


Ideas for this year:

Pretzel Tailed Turkey Treats

Pretzel Tailed Turkey Treats

Turkey Shaped Cookies


Turkey Cookies


Turkey Cake Pops


Turkey Candy Corn Cupcakes


Oreo turkey cookie


Fudge Stripe Cookie Turkeys

Fudge Stripe Cookie Turkeys

Turkey Rice Krispy Treat Handprint

Turkey Rice Krispy Treat Handprint

Turkey Rice Krispy Pop Treat

Turkey Rice Krispy Pop Treat

Turkey Reese’s Cookie


I think I have narrowed it down to Turkey Rice Krispy Pop Treat and/or the Turkey Cake Pops.  What do you think?

Do you have any special to make?  What are you making?

Thursday, November 17, 2011


A few weeks back I went to my friends church and the pastor was talking about Gratitude.  It really got me thinking about how we thank people.  He made a great point about how we don’t always thank the people that help us.  It could be your husband that is doing something we already just expect them to do so why say thank you.  Like picking up the kids are fixing something around the house.  That one really made me go hmmm … YUP.

Also thanking people like the helpers at Sunday School, I watched the week after he talked about this how the parents rush in and grab there kids and never say thank you.  Now I know it’s not because they aren’t grateful it’s just in people in a rush.

He also commented how we probably couldn’t remember the 5 sermon titles but we could list the 5 people that have helped us the most.

I thought this was a perfect timing with Thanksgiving coming for us to think and maybe make an extra effort to thank those around us.

I’m trying:

Thanking Rick for doing things around the house (even though my brain keeps telling me I need help he should).  Hey I never said I was perfect I’m working on it Smile.

Thanking the Sunday School helpers because I know I could NEVER take care of a room full of kids with out loosing my mind. So yes many thanks to them and if they are huggers that too!

Thanking those people in my life that are blessings.  The ones I can call when I’m having a day like no tomorrow.  When I think the world is crashing down I can call them in tears and know that even if I haven’t spoken to them in months they will be there.  The friends that know your family is crazy and till love ya!

Thank you to my bloggy friends too, you have put up with me being MIA with this stupid cold (which YES I still have) which is giving me blah zah to writing blogs Sad smile.

i love my life

What are you grateful for?  Who are those people who you call your blessings?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I promise the last crockpot recipe …

Ok well it’s not the last one but it is for this week .. lol!  I’m back to feeling KINDA normal and that means normal cooking again.  I have one more crockpot recipe to share with you.  Slow Cooker Tasty Mex Casserole (5 Points) was a great way to throw in everything!


Slow Cooker Tasty Mex Casserole (WW 5 Pts)

Weight Watcher, Crockpot, Slow Cooker, Pasta, Ground Beef

See Slow Cooker Tasty Mex Casserole (WW 5 Pts) on Key Ingredient.

So there you have it one last crockpot meal for well at least this week Smile.  I think I’m ready to go back to baking and cooking real meals … lol. 

Anything special planned for tonight?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Crockpot Meal?

I know I know … but it’s easy and when your sick that is what you do … lol.  So this is not the prettiest meal and it’s a little on the monotone color palate but it sure was yummy!

Here you have it a family pleasure Burger Heaven Casserole (WW 5 Pts).  The boys of course loved it and that makes me smile!


Burger Heaven Casserole (WW 5 Pts)

Weight Watcher, Crockpot, Slow Cooker, 5 points, Hamburger, Potatoes, Dinner

See Burger Heaven Casserole (WW 5 Pts) on Key Ingredient.

So there you have it not a beautiful meal but a VERY tasty one!

What is on your menu for tonight?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Feeling Like the Holidays … Making Meals that give me that feeling

Hi Gang well I’m starting to feel better but this cold really did kick my butt.  I haven’t felt this down an out in years.  I’m now at the stage where my body feels like it needs more sleep.

Getting close to the holidays I love to bring the flavors we love on the special occasions to our regular night meals.  Now I did use the crockpot again to make these.  NOW I know some of you think any form of crockpot cooking is not real cooking.  Now I could make these meals in the oven but sometimes busy schedule + sick mom = lot’s of crockpot meals.  Plus even when I’m not sick the crockpot does help make sure if I start a meal in the morning that by the time I finish my work we have something to eat.  Sometimes work doesn’t always mean I’ll be off early and have time to cook a good meal so there you have it crockpot haters … lol.

First on our list is Ham & Potatoes au Gratin.  I was fortunate enough to have my dad stop by and drop off some meats he smoked.  He brought over some ham which was fabulous and perfect for this recipe.


Ham & Potatoes au Gratin (WW 3 Pts)

Weight Watcher, Dinner, Ham, Potato, Potatoes Au Gratin, Crockpot, Slow Cooker, 3 points

See Ham & Potatoes au Gratin (WW 3 Pts) on Key Ingredient.

Next on the list is something with stuffing, no usually during the holidays I make my own stuffing but this was a fun twist on a classic.  Here is Crockpot Chicken & Stuffing.


Crockpot Chicken & Stuffing (WW 7 Pts)

Weight Watcher, Crockpot, Slow Cooker, Stuffing, Chicken, Dinner, 7 Points

See Crockpot Chicken & Stuffing (WW 7 Pts) on Key Ingredient.

And we end with one of my favorite flavors Pumpkin!  I used my favorite brownie mix from Winco, because the bulk section is my friend Smile.  So we do the best thing and mix the two for this Pumpkin Swirl Brownies!


Pumpkin Swirl Brownies

Brownie, Pumpkin, Betty Crocker, Dessert

See Pumpkin Swirl Brownies on Key Ingredient.

Happy Thursday, sorry all the food post are 2 days late.  I’m getting my groove back … lol.  Do you have something special planned tonight?  Are you doing holiday themed meals lately?

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

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