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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Refresh those old jeans

Since the boys going to private school and wear uniforms we don't have to buy a lot of play clothes.  But buying jeans just kills me when the boys are just going to go roll around in dirt (ok not really roll around ... oh who am I kidding they do that too).  So I usually hit up our local thrift store and pick up a few pairs for like $4 each.  NOW they usually need a little sprucing up. 

I found you can add a Rit dye to your wash and bring them back to a fresh new look.  I usually buy the liquid Rit dye, it makes less mess and I think does a better job.  I sent Rick out to pick me up the dye and he came back with the powder.  

What you Need:

Worn Jeans
Liquid Rit Dye (I promise this is better then powder worth $)
Washer and dryer

  1. Fill machine with enough hot water for fabric to move freely.   Add liquid to hot dye bath.
  2. Wet fabric in hot water. Uncrumple and add to dye bath.
  3. Set machine for extended wash cycle. Fabric should be in dye bath for at least 30 minutes before rinse begins. (You can reset your washing machine before the rinse cycle begins for extended wash cycle.)
  4. Rinse in cold water until water runs clear. Wash deep shades in warm water with mild detergent and rinse thoroughly in cool water.
  5. Dry item in dryer or hang to dry.
  6. Clean washing machine using highest water level with hot water, detergent and 1 cup chlorine bleach using complete wash cycle. Clean lint traps. Plastic or rubber machine parts may be tinted but will not stain laundry.

I have done this for my jeans too that need a little pick me up!    Hope you can refresh your old jeans!!


  1. That a great idea. I have seen those dye kits in the store, but I kind of like that faded look :)

    On the other hand, my two can't seem to NOT rip holes in the knees of their jeans, so I started buying them their jeans at thrift shops because I was sick of them wearing them once or twice and then coming home with rips.

  2. That does make them look almost new... The teens today wear the old looking jeans that are so torn up.... they might be upset if you make their jeans look new

  3. I had NO idea! Very cool way to extend the life!

  4. That's a great way to refresh them and save some money!

  5. What a clever idea!
    Now is there a dye that will change the size of my jeans so that I will at least think I have lost weight?
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. This is such a neat idea! I may have to try this with some of mine! :-)

  7. I was blacklisted by the PTA at my eldest son's former school because I refused to tie-dye some t-shirts lavender ... for my son's class Christmas project.

    a) I didn't think putting rubber bands on t-shirts qualified as a Christmas craft

    b) I didn't want my son WEARING a lavender t-shirt --- Yes, I'm sexist!

    c) I had a new washer... I didn't wanna screw it up and make everything turn purple for days after.

    that was my only true experience with dye. LOL..

  8. This is a great idea! My son loves the dark jeans look and this is a great way to refresh them! Thanks so much for sharing this on my FESTIVE FRIDAY FIESTA Link Party!!! Love it!!! Have a great weekend!!!

  9. Love this idea! Visiting your blog via the link party at Adorned From Above!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog


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