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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Pokemon Birthday Invites Done

Yes it is full on Pokemon Birthday Party Mode here!  And we start with the Pokemon Ball Invites to be sent out. I found a ton of ideas on Pintrest and figured I can make these myself! I got out my circut with the George cartridge it came with and went to town!

What You Need:
White Card Stock
Black Card Stock
Red Card Stock

I cut the Ball first, Black in 4" size, I then cut a red and white in the same size. I cut the red and white in half, I then glued a red half and a white half to the black.  NOW you can use a white ball with the info already typed on it. I should have done this but you try and learn :). I ended up typing up the party info on regular paper then cut out the circle and glued to the black. I would suggest printing on white card stock and using that as your back instead of the black but it's up to you.

For the front of the ball I add the black line (I cut mine too short so I cut in half and the gap was hidden with the black ball center. I then glued a black ball and a smaller white ball in the middle. Black ball 1 1/2" and White ball 1" on the dial on the Cricut. Use craft glue to hold it all together. I printed out the words "I Choose You!" and then cut that strip and glued on the front of the card.

Calling all Trainers, Let's Battle!

Have a GREAT day!

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE


  1. Those came out awesome! We did a Pokemon theme last year :)

  2. Those came out really cute. Your the best!

  3. These are amazing! I would have loved this when I was a kid!

  4. Love these! I didnt know kids still liked Pokemon. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty

  5. I love all your Pokeman posts! I’m always so impressed by your masterpieces. Pinned and tweeted. We appreciate you taking the time to party with us. I hope to see you on Monday at 7. Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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