I returned this past weekend from my Boston Trip for work. It was a fun tip with a lot of funny stories.
I thought I would be good on my work out journey so I packed my 5lb hand weights with my DVD. WELL my new suitcase weighs a little more then my last one! SO you guessed it I was OVER the 50lbs by 8lbs!!! OH yes I had to open up my suitcase, butt in the air and remove my hand weights! They even had to look up if weights are ok to carry on a plane from TSA. LOL Oh so my life! So I had to carry around 10lbs of weights in my purse, talk about heavy!
When I flew into Boston it was early morning around 7ish AM their time (yes 4am my time). When we landed the captain came on with the most unconvincing almost comical tone that in his 25 so years of flying this has never happened to him. I was just happy that we were on the ground when his voice came over. It was Negative 5 and the fuel lines had FROZE! Yes you read that right! The fuel was frozen and could not fuel said planes that needed to take off for us to get off the plane. Thankfully I just dozed off for a while, it took about 1 1/2 hours for us to be able to get in and unload.
While I was on the tarmac waiting to get off said plane, my car service was scheduled to pick me up. So when I got off the plane then waited for my luggage to get unloaded. Around 2 hours or so late I got out to walk in the freezing cold to try to find my car. It was so cold my fingers with in 30 secs thought it had frost bite. You know it's cold when the drivers don't even get out of their cars they are holding up their signs and showing threw the window. After walking up and down all the cars and not seeing my name, I call the car service. To find that my car had left me! Oh yes they said "We thought you weren't coming in so we left" oh yes those were the words told me (while freezing my rear off). "We can call the driver and get him back" ... UM yes please! I'm from WA in MA and don't really have a buddy I can just call, hence the reason I arranged said car! So I went back into the airport and ate a not so healthy burger king breakfast meal (yup telling on myself). Another 20 min and car is back for me!
I get in the car, now most of you know me know I get the CHATTY driver every time! I am on of those people that get stuck in bathrooms with strangers who need to tell their life story. And for the life of me I can't be rude and walk away (On the phone for work I have no problem, in person it's a loss cause). So when this gentleman wouldn't even give me eye contact and when I asked a few questions gave me the short one word reply. My radar went off, then driving was like driving with your spouse after a fight you can feel the tension. Oh yes I could tell this man was NOT pleased to be driving me. I guess the whole waiting and having to come back to get me was not in his plan for the day!

When I got to the airport I had to wait do the normal "All our rooms are full". I've been here probably 6 times so far and EVERY TIME I fly in early they are overbooked .. lol. Thankfully I set up on the couch and worked my spreadsheet for the event. I got a room about 2 hours after I arrived. I even took the bus over to the mall across the street, less than 2 min ride. Oh yes and had to tip him both ways .. lol I was like really hehe.
The rest of the week went well except the one morning I ran down in my PJ's to grab breakfast to bring it to my room to get ready. Oh yes you guessed it something happened! The fire alarm went off, meaning the hotel had to be evacuated at 8am. At least my PJ's were my Gap sweats, others in PJ's with no socks etc. Let's just say it was very brisk and we were pushed outside until fire department could come turn the alarm off. Thankfully only 20 minutes. Oh yes it's also the ONLY day I didn't' go downstairs with my phone .. lol.
As I say it always makes for fun blogging and facebook post.
I hope I made you giggle with my traveling adventures!