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Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July. It was such a great day, not too hot or rainy. I let the boys sleep in and I was on a mission to clean. I did laundry, swept the floor, and did dishes and even a little dusting. I was pooped by the time mom called to ask what time we would be coming up. I sent Rick up to help with the yards and got myself and the boys ready.

Pulled up to mom and dads and was pre warned by Rick that dad was busy and not in the mood for us yet. Thankfully Tarra was down at her property so I took the boys over their. It was so nice they have been working non stop to clean it up, put down bricks and grass and the whole nine yards. Cole got on the paddle boat twice and even got to ride on the big boat once. Caden was just hanging out with me, he even cuddled up to Chantel since she was eating … LOL he is so unfed. Rick came over on the jet ski and took Heather out on it.

The boys and I headed up to see my parents and perfect timing because mom was brining out the food. Yummy … cheesy hotdogs, cheesy broccoli (my favorite) and potato salad. It was great food and even had some coffee with a little yummy baileys . Rick took Cole down and I fed Caden and he fell asleep. I took my new book down to the waterfront and read until it got too dark to read anymore. The fireworks where great and the Gai's put one their annual show. It was a little short but still a nice show. Rick packed me all up and I grabbed Cole and headed up to the house. I found mom and Caden snuggled in a blanket sitting in a chair on the front lawn watching the fireworks. I actually think she needed a little time just Caden and her it was perfect.

Home not too late and a little more time to read my book before my eyes get too heavy.

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