Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Key to my sanity ... Leave the house for the day ...
Quiet Gone, Normal Life Returns?
Back home we went were you know how dull life can be or I guess boring since a certain person kept saying they were bored. So we stayed inside for the rest of the day (oh stop it I wasn't being mean, ok maybe just a little ... just playing). Rick got a hair and took down all the Christmas stuff so I could decorate the tree, yes you read that correct after doing laundry all day long, cleaning and cooking I get to decorate the tree! So I get the boys to help me see you get to do something today! (sorry I couldn't help myself)
Pot Holders.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Ode to Black Friday
Check it out wrapped presents under the non-decorated tree!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I'm a big girl now ...

Ok fine I'll smile!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
No Good News Goes Unpunished!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The talks begin +++ Some WONDERFUL Results!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sleeping in? You Fool!
Since I’m already up I’m going to go curl up on the couch and have some me time. Silly optimist I thought I pushed you down? Not shortly after I get up the whole house is up and running, well except Rick he actually left at 6am to work the tailgate party and then the Sea-Hawks Game. So much for being lazy today, I better get breakfast going before grumpy does the turtle thing. You know comes out of his room peeks around the corner in the kitchen, then walks slowly up to the living room peeks around that corner, looks at me then turns around and goes back into his room. Throw together a quick omelet and start doing the dishes, then I move on to more laundry (I think the neighbor must have added in his again … LOL). After breakfast clean up yet again the dishes and the table, I really wonder how much food makes it in the boys’ mouth!
A real relaxed day I even got a nap in while the boys did woo-hoo! We even made a quick trip to Wal-Mart which made everyone happy to get out of the house, like I keep them locked away (my teenager want-to-be thinks so). So much fun we had with a high energy 4 year old and a 10 year old who thinks he is now the parent and keeps giving stern directions, HELLO am I not standing here right next to you? This weekend was not a good time to push me I finally reached my boiling point and had a few of my own stern talks about pushing and pinching. Just because someone is in your personal space doesn’t give you a right to push, punch or pinch (the 3 “P” rule is now in place).
Once home I started dinner and unpacked the groceries, I even got Cole’s lunch made. Feed everyone and even had a moment to talk on the phone with a friend, a nice night minus the silent treatment from my house guest. Oh well guess a goodnight to you also! Finished up the last load of laundry for the day, hung up everyone’s clothes took a batch to grumpy boy who ignored my knocks and call of his name, after a few attempts I knocked and walked in. Still my house I need to take it back and not let a child run it, Today I stand strong and not taking anymore crap! LOL … ok at least I’m trying.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I want to see the rule book!
Does it really always have to rain when you move? So sorry it's taken me so long to blog but I'm finally getting a moment to sit down and take a breath. Here's a brief list of the past few days(well as brief as I can be, wordy woman here).
Thursday was the real first move day for me, since Wednesday I was working to get that proposal out by the end of day. Thanks to Kari my whole office was almost completely packed, I can't not say thank you enough. She's a world class packer she reminded me of Amy when we moved to this house. Don't step in that women's way because you will end up in a box wrapped in paper. So we loaded the trucks and off my office went, it was a little sad but always pretty cool all wrapped up. My boxes ended up in the black hole (I still haven't figured out where that is) so I helped here and there. By the end of Wednesday my boxes showed up and so did my computer minus the mouse, that thankfully showed up late Friday. I ended up do 2 pizza runs and driving back and forth since no one could make up their mind what office they were going to be out. I was rather comical chasing my tail, I really could have fit into a 3 stooges film. By the time I picked the boys up I was exhausted and just wanted to hit the sack. You know after I fixed dinner, gave the boys bath, did yet another load of laundry, read the night time story, came back to the kitchen did the dishes and said screw it to making Cole's lunch. Oh how sweet it was to fall into bed, into my well worn divot in the mattress that I call home!
Friday started with a little extra sleep, a 1/2 hour which was so nice! I dropped Caden and Roy off at their stops and head to Cole's school for his teacher conference. As some of you know Cole started a preK program in September, so we're 3 months in and loving it. He's been going to a home daycare since birth, which is a very loving grandma but had no structure or class time. So the conference went over a test that he took back in October (1 month of school under his belt). Cole did well but test low in some area's that if I had brought him to a school/daycare before now he would be ahead of the curve. Now mind you he is a head of the kids that go from nothing to Kindergarten, but still not were some of the other kids are that have been going to this school/daycare for a year or so now. Yup if I didn't feel like a bad mom before this I did now, so more homework and things for us to work on. Geez do you think I can get the government to add 5 hours to each day? That way I can still work, clean, and take care of everyone and hey add on school teacher at the same time. I know I could have been one of those moms that had learning stuff up around the house, but darn it I never thought about that. My main concern has always been on his well being, so now I kick myself and hope that with some help, Cole can excel over average in those areas to match the other areas that he scored 2 years over (hey I must have done something right with score like that).
After being a little bummed over my report card as mom I went back to fun of packing. So since yesterday rained I decided today no wet feet. I put on my SUPER cute black with white whale boots and made a very cute outfit with black cords and a pink S&H (our logo) Sweatshirt. Ok maybe not a fashion plate but I loved it. Yeah well that was until I was razed by all the guys, you would think none of them have seen rain boots before. I know they use to be for kids only but now a days they are in for adults too! After hiding out for a while I ventured with the girls to pick lunch up. We picked up sandwiches at the Poppy Seed Cafe, yummy stuff but OMG $11 for lunch is a little to much for this take out girl! Plus again my fashion was not meshing well with the uppity clients that were dinning in! Yup check out my boots you know you want a pair! Ok back to packing, I floated around to were I was needed and even got my office unpacked. I even threw out almost a whole garbage bag of crap, how did I accumulate some much crap in 3 years?
On to today which started at 5am and calls to make, today wasn't too bad only got one guy that really was a PAIN to say the least. Since I'm trying to keep this blog PG I won't go about what was running threw my mind talking to him. Of course the boys all woke up at 7am, you know 2 hours before my shift ends. Rick sets them up with trains in the front room! Really because I'm not working here in the kitchen. Well guess since most have trouble hearing, my kids running around whining about food wasn't something they would hear! I finish up and Rick goes back down for a nap! Wouldn't that be nice? I end up making breakfast, do a load of laundry, clean up the dishes and deal with not 1 but 2 explosive diapers. Oh joy don't you love my world?
To Rick's defense he does get up shortly (we won't go there) after that and gets cleaning the house. He even does 2 loads of laundry, vacuums, bleaches the countertops and fixes my garbage disposal. I even got to run out for an 1 hour and go to Fashion Bug to pick up some new sweaters for my new look. I finally got to use my check from my 2nd job for something for me, mind you it is something I wouldn't have boughten if I didn't have a new dress code, but hey I at least got to spend it on myself. It felt kind of nice to spend it on myself! I got home and got everyone ready to go to dinner with my parents. Rick actually even got Caden dressed for me, I think he felt guilty for his nap. We went up to my parents house since I'm a dork and thought the place was in Auburn, come to find out it was in Tacoma. Oh well mom was super nice and bought the boys new outfits, she even got Roy a new shirt and tie. She tried to style their hair and spike it which Roy was not having and even told my mom he didn't like it. I felt bad for her I think he hurt her feelings, since she went out of her way to make sure he was part of the family. Oh well he was in a foul mood all day, unhappy when were home and unhappy when we go somewhere he doesn't think will be fun. Oh yeah can anyone say moody teen in a preteen body?
The dinner was at the Elk's Club, now if your over 65 this is the place to be. Being that we're not and it was a buffet, which totally creeps me out all I can see is people touching food and not taking it and then I grab it ... YUCK! To make it worse it was $21.95 per person!!! My parents were super nice and bought mine and Roy's. Which of course I never get money worth either at buffets, I had less then 1/2 of a plate and couldn't eat anymore. Not that I wasn't hungry but corn that is waxy and undercooked potatoes are so not my thing! Looks like it will be a bowl of cereal tonight for this gal. Over all it was a nice night, minus Caden crying and Cole not listening and oh yeah Roy clutching on to my cousin who kept looking at me like HELLO (yes he was male, see a pattern here?). The celebration was for my Great Grandmothers 100th birthday, she passed away a few months ago but darn it she almost made it! She lived by herself in her own house up until about 98, talk about a full life! So here to you Grammie, Happy 100 we miss you!
So there it is in the shortest version I could do, and that is saying a lot for me. I leave you with some pictures to make you smile.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Going back to my roots ...
Well close enough to the true color! Yup I'm talking about my hair not my heritage. What fun would family history be compared to my new hair color? Stop rolling @@ your eyes at me, really because it's not doing anything since I can't see you! So back to me (ha-ha) I went and had my 1.5 hours of mom time yesterday, oh how I love that little slice of heaven every two months. It's worth every penny to sit and read my book, which a cry, a scream or something being spilt. Well that is if I don't spill anything there, which this time my coffee safely stayed in it's cup this time (no I will not talk about my klutz ways). I'm now back to blonde a little bit more blonde then I usually do in the winter, but the cut and color look cute! Shhh ... I know I plan to go renew my license this Saturday. Do you think I can shed 30lbs by then? Maybe if I suck in my cheeks and hold them in with my teeth and do a shy smile it will do wonders on the new license. Darn new WA license that last 8 years!
Ok here's me with glasses
I don't wear contacts that often anymore.
Before of my office
And after a lovely Kari helped pack my office
Almost there! Hey stop it, it looks better!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Change is in the air (Good or Bad it's Coming)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
But Only MOM Will Do!
It's quite for a total of 20 minutes before I hear screaming coming from my bedroom! Really why is everyone up at 7am and making so much noise and why is only mom can fix the problem? Once again I finish up my call and walk to the bedroom where I find Caden in a fit of non-stop crying and Cole at least laying down trying to pet his head. I fix another bottle and hope he will lay down with Rick and Cole. I don't even get my butt in the chair before the crying starts again. REALLY?? I march in there to find Rick out his wits end, really wanting to go post and ask him why he can't handle this. Since you know he had yesterday off, got to sleep in and not deal with kids! When do I get a day to sleep in and no kids? But I restrain myself knowing after my shift it's on! I grab Caden and head back to my computer, ok I can do this! I get Caden a toy and start back on a call, thankfully it's an answering machine since at that moment Caden starts puking. NOT just on him, but me, the floor I mean that boy had some amazing aim. Once more I stand up grab a towel to clean up the floor. I undress Caden run a bath and babywipe myself. Quickest bath known to man and we're dressed and I'm back on the phones. Mind you one handed since Caden is resting on my left side. You know how hard it is to type with one hand while holding the phone?
After breakfast and bread making and oh yeah more dishes I head to laundry duty. I strip beds and get some help from Cole which is awesome. Then I head to my room where grumpy sick boy is bed and oh so not happy. He finally gets up and goes to work and I start folding and put another load in the dryer and another one in the washer. I think I have done no less then 2 loads per day for the last week and half. Every day I've had to do Caden's sheet do to puke or diaherra (Note to self it might be a good idea to get a second crip sheet, cut down on the turn around need for the sheet ... just a thought). I finally get Caden settled down and asleep on the couch start watching a program and my mother law calls to see how I'm doing. I must say I have amazing friends and family they are have been calling and checking on me and it means so much to me. It's sad that we really only talk to a lot of people of sick or something has happened, I don't usually have time to sit and talk on the phone. When I'm about to hang up a light bulb goes off in my head to remind me that the baby shower (you know the one I made the diaper cake Friday night) started an hour ago. Double crap, ok monsters everyone get dressed we're heading out. I guess a shower probably would be a good thing to, only my family can stand me smelling like puke.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
House of Cards ... Falling Down ... Falling Down
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I call uncle ...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Caden's 1st Birthday Cake is Famous
Waiting game ...
Monday, November 10, 2008
One down and now another to go ...
First one going down:

Ok one down, now to wait a few hours and #2 will be done also.

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