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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cyber Bulling ... Who Knew I could be a target

I wasn't going to post this but something told me it's a great awareness that we need to talk about. 

Image result for anti bullying

Last week I received a weird msg on my profile picture on FB telling me to stop. I recognized the name as a person who asked to friend me earlier. I'm not a teen or need to collect friends so unless I personally know you and talk to you I won't except a friend request. I replied back to the stop msg with stop what and who are you. What came back was stop posting pictures of myself. I told him to have a good day and go bother someone else. Before I could block him he put one last comment telling me I was gross.

I keep seeing post of teens and younger taking their lives from cyber bullying and bullying in school. It just breaks my heart that someone would feel the need to put another down and then that person thinks they have no hope and take their own life. I was bullied as a kid being a fluffy girl and thankfully I had a strong support system that lifted me up. I just read a while back about a kid taking her own life, she was just a teen in the high school my friends' daughter went. 

I posted this on FB and the out reach of my friends and family just overwhelmed me to the point of tears. His words didn't do a thing to me as an adult who is working her way to a healthier me but it reminded me of those nights as a youth when I would sit in my room thinking I was ugly and unlovable. 

I just wanted to throw this out there so we can remember what our words can do to others. Taking a second to lift those up around you and watch for the signs of it happening to our youth.

Stepping off the soap box now .. lol :).


  1. I dont people that have that much time to just try & hurt people with words & comments... don't they have more important things to do in life?
    So sad

  2. I'm sorry you had to go through this. You're beautiful, inside and out.
    It's amazing what mean things people will say while hiding behind a computer screen.

  3. I don't know why people are so fricken mean. I know you are sensitive, so I am happy you're not taking his words to heart. You are awesome and keep posting your pics. Whoever they are, they were just jealous of your hawtness.

  4. It is sad that someone would look for opportunities to hurt others, so sorry that it happened to you. I like that your story has the silver lining of internal confidence in who you are. That's awesome that you are strong enough in who you are to not let his words cripple your self esteem. You are amazing!


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