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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Teacher Appreciation Gift ... Redbox Code's for a Teacher who Rocks!

I'm still trying to balance work travel and my personal life and kind of sucking at coming here to blog. I made these before I head to Boston for Teacher appreciation week.  I was only planning one for Caden's teacher and one for a special teacher who helped with Cole for two years. Then Cole asked for his teachers (YES plural) to get them also. So I ended up making a total of EIGHT! I found this AWESOME gift on Hip 2 Save that included a FREE printable (4 per Sheet so making 8 was easy).

What you need:
Popcorn Bins (2 for a $1 at Dollar tree or sometimes a bonus extra one for 3)
Microwave Popcorn 
Movie Candy ($1 Bin) 
Licroice (I broke a big bag up into smaller bags)
Card Stock
Ribbon (I used twine I had from another project) 
Redbox Code (Go online you can buy a pack of 5 codes)
Fill your popcorn bin with all the goodies. Print Hip2Save's FREE Printable on white card stock. Cut out the four tags, I used a whole punch and a twine to attach to the popcorn bin. Write your code on the tag before attaching. Make sure to tell the teacher that they have to use the code online and then pick up the movie. 

 Thanks for stopping by and  putting up with me being MIA AGAIN!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.

1 comment:

Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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