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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finally a ray of sunshine

I'm sure it won't last long so put on your bathing suit and run out and in join the sun, ok now you know that doesn't include me. Since I've sworn off bathing suits until they come up with one that slims and tucks every part of the body! So on that note here is the ray of sunshine. Since we were on day 5 of no poop in the pants (I'm hanging up my Crown of the Queen of Poop) I sent another email to the school. Since I've left messages and 3 emails and no replies. With in 10 minutes of my email I receive a call from the principal. There goes that sinking feeling like I'm back in grade school, but nope it was good news today! They were able to move another kid into the afternoon PreK and move Cole into the AM! Yipee it may just be that ray I've been praying for. So Rick will drop Cole off for AM PreK and I'll pick him up in the afternoon to go to Grandma Pat's, we'll try this for 1 month to make sure we can do the wiping thing by our self. Who knew one's world could be all about ones child wiping them self, really when I signed up to be a mom no one told me how hard potty training and sending them off on their own would be! So now comes the gut ache of hoping that he will continue the running to the bathroom to go potty and then wiping! A note to all parents don't try to be the "Healthy" mom and pack your child's lunch box with applesauce, 100% fruit rolls (because it's natural), raisins and oh yeah a fruit juice. If you do this you will have a child that has uncontrollable BM's that can cause you and the child to be completely embarrassed and almost asked to leave school. So on a positive note today is our first day back to school, fingers crossed we do well on our own!

As for the other resident in my house, not sure where we are there since it still is a toss up. I got a very nice letter from the coordinator letting us know how much they appreciate us and really are happy we are host parents. They also let us know that we do go above and beyond than any other host parents and have made their job extremely easy by sending weekly updates with pictures. So from their point of view we're GREAT host, but it just doesn't make sense that the report from the child are so different, since the pictures and talks we have are so different. After talking with many other parents with older children I've come to see this is just a way for him to cover up for maybe being scared and also just being a child and pushing the boundaries. Hopefully now that he knows the coordinator and I talk and I know what is being said that we can have a little peace and effort to try to fit in.

So here's the deal with my life one child is going back to school on a trial basis, as long as we stay away from the poop life is good. Again where did my life go, all I talk about is poop? I really need a spa day! I have a child staying with us who is testing the waters and likes to lock himself in his bedroom. Youngest is just hanging in there trying not to get stepped on. The fish are just happy they have fresh water and get feed 2 times a day. A hubby that feels like his mornings are being over run, since now for 1 MONTH he has to take a kid to school. A mom that is looking at all of them, thinking really you all think your world is hard!! You have a live in maid that cooks, cleans, plays taxi, solves problems and fights along with making sure your all clean and have fresh clothes. Yup it's a tough life and I feel for you all, what I can't feel anything since I've worked myself to the bone with 2 jobs and a full time house wife/mom job also! Life is grand and your all lucky I haven't totally lost it and throw you underwear on the front law. Hmmm ... now that is an idea, I bet that would get everyone to realize that they have it good!

Cross your fingers that I have good news about our first day back at school!

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