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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
It's been so busy around with all that baking I haven't been able to post about me winning some amazing prizes. After entering about 500 different contest I finally won and I even won from two different sites! These giveaways are amazing, plus I've meet some REALLY amazing moms along the way. You have to Check out my girls over to the right side under Mom's the Rock ~ Giveaways and Reviews.
Before I let you know about my awesome wins, here are a few you should check out. Just remember if you win there is a finders fee ... LOL just playing, well maybe just a little serious!
Felicia at Go Graham Go - Her current giveaways are:
1. KABOOST portable booster Ends January 9th &
2. Parking Pal Magnet Ends January 9th &
3. Alphabet Soup (personalized goodies) Ends January 9th &
4. Loopa Bowl (sanity saving snack bowl) Ends January 2nd &
5. SafetyTat 5 Winners Ends WEDNESDAY!
I told you she rocks! is also another wonderful blogger/giveaway one stop shopping
1. Boogie Wipes Gift Basket Giveaway
Visit Boogie Wipes
2. Rakkiddo Giveaway
Visit Rakku Designs
3. Color Me House: Playhouse Giveaway-2 Winners!
Visit Color Me House
One other amazing giveaway is from Linda Short Pump Preppy Reviews
1. Reusable Bags Depot Folding Bag Giveaway
Phew ok girls now that you've entered everything you little heart could desire check out my loot!
Scribbit is another one of my favorite mom blogger that does reviews and giveaways. Now get this I WON (in your face, opps sorry the competor gets to me) a pair of Keen Shoes. Yes you read that correct a very nice pair of CHARLESTON MARY JANE. They shipped them and everything for FREE. I picked the economy (save the earth) shipping and you would never guess it took only 2 days to get to me! I'm so excited Check it out:
I got a package! Wow that was Super Quick!
Ignore the crazy hair (my fluffing did more damage then good)A package for me? Check it out girls!
I was so the envy of the office!

And the other prize I won on Little Mummy which is going to be so cool for the boys was Cookin'Kids ebook . They are so cool you download the PDF's and print them out! I can't wait to try it out with the boys!
One of those days ...

And yummy the bread just finished too! Talk about a night well spent!
Words to live by ...
Love your friend, Lex
Monday, December 29, 2008
That Monday just flew by ...

And the last of the cookies (I hope!)
Here are the Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies (Please don't mind the plate Rick was complaining about giving away all the nice Christmas plates. So being the funny person I am I busted out the Santa plate from the dollar store! Do you think he'll complain next year? Probably but it's a wish that something I do effects him ... LOL
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I think I'm going to need the big mug for today ...

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies
Yummy Mexican Hot Chocolate comes in a solid form (Cool Huh)
Eggnog Cookies (I made them red this time)
The french bread (very small loaf, I won't make this again)
Yummy "Mini" Christmas Dinner (Green Bean Casserole and Ham)
The Boys having dinner (love the smile, yup that's the norm)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
It's a Christmas Miracle ...
Me and my new hat and scarf (gloves on bed, I forgot)!

Friday, December 26, 2008
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas ... Oh wait I got one (I'm really starting to not like that song)
So far , I don't know for like the last 7 years we've had Christmas at my house, especially since having the boys it's just easier. Well the weekend before while some pleasantries my mom drops the bomb that they are having Christmas elsewhere. My mom's uncle isn't doing so well and the family really wanted to have Christmas together. Well in a calm state of mind and a normal person would be that's very nice. Since it was like a drive by on me I got really upset, not the part about spending time with family just not having Christmas here. After a nervous break down call to Rick, who called mom they worked out a deal. Presents here in AM and dinner there, which worked out great in theory. That is until the snow storm started and hasn't let up.
Yesterday started with a wake up call around 6am when our exchange student did his early morning stomp down the hall to the bathroom. Slamming of the door and then loud banging in there. This usually starts if he gets up before we do and wants or I guess needs something. 6am is just a little to early so I try to catch a few more z's with no such luck, finally just give up at 7am. To only have the banging and drawers start slamming, before I can rush in there with a very stern look and waring the boys wake up. GREAT I was hoping they would sleep for a bit longer, but no such luck. I keep the house quiet until 8:30am when I go wake up cranky Rick to watch present wrapping.
A quick hour of unwrapping all those hours of wrapping the gifts and everyone is happy. Well that is almost everyone, our exchange student was not happy not sure if it was he didn't get a lot of presents or what. But the straw that broke my back was well two things. First thing my MIL crocheted a very nice zipper jacket for him, which he threw over to the side with out even unfolding it. When I asked him if he liked it he huffed at me, which I said wasn't very nice and he should appreciate that people thought of him. I asked him to try it on and was ignored, after 3 attempts he finally got it on and wouldn't smile, oh geez! Second thing was Rick went and picked up gifts for the boys. He got the two older ones and my dad VERY nice and expensive wallets. Our exchange student's wallet was a special one that would fit his passport. He did the same thing opened it and threw it to the side. When I asked him if he liked it he said "No", I was completely shocked that he could be so unappreciative of a gift. I guess I shouldn't be surprised with all the problems with respect we've had with him, but that was really a shocker. Again I told him that he should appreciate getting gifts. He didn't even say thank you for the DVD's I bought him and the stocking stuffers. I got him so cool math work books, since he loves math. He actually looked at me said "these are for me?" like I gave him a bag of poop, maybe I should have ... LOL
What a wonderful way to start the holiday! After that wonderful experience we hopped in the car to head to our destination. Our 45 min maybe 1hr 15min (with snow) drive took us 2 and 1/2 hours. Now the snow had maybe a little to do with that but I'd say for a good hour we were lost going up and down streets. You know stopping for directions or I have a clue calling the people to find out where they live would help. So Rick and I followed my dad like lost puppies, now I know when Mom says that Dad could get lost in a paper bag is so the case. The funny thing is Dad has a GPS in his car, this time he took Mom's. Yup we're a regular traveling comic act! Just get this mental picture of us doing U-turns in 7 - 10 inches of snow and oh yeah ice under there! It's ok you can shake your head and laugh!
Some pictures to make you smile :)

Doesn't my hair look cute in this one ... LOL I couldn't help it.

And for your viewing pleasure, I saw this video and died laughing. This so feels like my last few mornings. Thankfully Rick scrapes my car, but just how things have been going!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Oh no I forgot Santa Cookies
We got home I told Cole to get in bed and go to sleep quick or Santa won't come. Wow that worked maybe I should try that every night, darn he would figure it out. So I went off to make the cookies, when I remembered my hand mixer blew up at Thanksgiving. While I was pondering if I should try to hand mix with my wimpy arms or I should I break out the big mixer for one batch, Rick walks into the kitchen with a present. Oh my Christmas Eve gift and guess what it was yup a new mixer! Now when I was younger I would have thought of that as the rudest gift, now I think that is the coolest thing ever that he actually listened to what I needed! Santa cookies made (check), last present wrapped (check) and stocking stuffers (check).

My Sausage Casserole that needs to sit over night.
Look Santa's Been HERE!
Oh Shhs Roy I don't want to you telling the younger ones it was me or Rick!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
And the award goes to ...

Now that is better! Really I'm smiling behind the award!

My gift only got stolen 4 times at the party and a guy with a cool workshop light got stolen 5 times, darn I just missed it (guess you can win them all, ok that sounds nice but doesn't make it any easier). The stolen price was a VERY cool Nano, dang! So the party was a hit, it was super fun being the MC for the gift exchange.
I picked the boys up and got to work cleaning the house. Mom and Dad are stopping by tomorrow before we leave for dinner. House must be super clean before then, thankfully Leah came over and cleaned and I did the laundry etc. I only have Rick's stocking stuffers to wrap and we'll be ready for Santa! Hope you all have a wonder holiday, tomorrow may be a late blog but it will be up after all the festivities.
A few pictures to make you laugh ;)
Yup the snow is still here, the boys attempt at a snowman!

Cole decided it needed more snow!
And the "Snowman" is complete. They did it all by themselves, pretty cool I must say :).
Jill at work sent gifts for the boys! I love this picture of Caden's face!
Cole and his now favorite toy: Firetruck!
Thanks Jill, this toy was a sand block that you had to chip away to find the dino bones. Very cool idea, not so cool when you have clean up.

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