So yesterday afternoon I came back home to finish up a little more got a call from my doctors office that another office could see me. So I ran over to the other office drove around for 15 minutes trying to find a parking spot, I even went up 8 floors of the parking garage to find nada! Back down I went and parked in another doctors office parking lot, thanks! Run in to be comforted by a receptionist that immediately put on a mask. Really I'm not sick! To find that I need to go up 3 floors. Run in there and taken back immediately! They were so nice the LNP that saw me was nice put man she talked a LOT! She numbed the arm and put the implant in. Ok I know my arm was numbed but part of me wanted to RUN when I saw the scalpel. Something about cutting my skin while I'm awake really freaked me out! I'm left with a large bruise and a plastic toothpick in my arm, that freaks me out to touch!
That is the IUD they tried 2 different ones to put in.
Bottom right is not my arm(too skinny) but what they put in me.

They called in my prescription and I went to pick up the boys, thinking ok plenty of time to come back and get my prescription before my mouth numbed and hurt like heck!!! Picked up both boys and headed back thinking it's been over an hour! I sit in the drive threw mind you no one in front of me for another 15 minutes! Finally she comes over and says she doesn't see my prescription, to hold on the pharmacist is going to listen to the voice-mails! REALLY wouldn't that be something you do a lot, not when someone comes in to pick up? I call the dentist who says they called it in almost a hour and half ago! The girl comes back on (because I pushed the help button) and tell her this and that I have the dentist office on the phone and they are calling right now. I hang up and another 5 minutes the lady comes back on and so nicely (NOT) tells me "YOU DIDN'T NEED TO HAVE THEM CALL AGAIN. I TOLD YOU THE PHARMACIST WAS LISTENING TO THE MESSAGES. AND WE FOUND THE MESSAGE". That will be an hour!
Ok my tooth is hurting so I'm not so nice now, They called in my prescription over an hour ago.
Rude Lady: Well our wait time is usually 1 1/2 hours.
Me: That's good because my prescription was called in around that time.
RL: Well Mama you're just going to have to wait
Me: I'm sorry but why I am having to suffer because you can't check your messages (told you I was in a lot of pain by this time).
RL: Well if you come in you might have better luck!
Me: The reason I choose your pharmacy (which I hate and haven't gone to in over a year, because you suck ... case in point) Is because I have two kids and didn't want to get out of the car.
RL: Not sure what to tell you, you'll have to come in.
Me: Isn't that why you have a drive up??? Fine I'm coming in, but I'm calling your corporate office. (Which I've done before and this is still the way)
So Walgreen's not the best place to go when you're in pain!
I went to McD's and grabbed the boys sandwiches, and yes I took them and the food in with me! Yes I was being white trash like that!!! I stood in line for another 15 minutes about to cry! While a guy behind me grumbled about the wait and yelled at every employee that just happened to walk by! Finally got up there of course it wasn't in the bin, the pharmacist walked over with gave him "the look" and nodded to me! Whatever yes I'm that grumpy crazy woman! Deal with it!!!
Rick got the impression I was frazzled by my tone and oh yeah maybe a little screaming from me. He was scheduled until midnight and made the comment I should have told him so he could have taken the day off. Well let's just say I politely reminded him I did maybe he should listen!!
An hour later his friend came by and picked Cole up for a few hours. Oh thank the Lord, I put Caden to bed and bed for me too! I went to bed at 8pm and thought I would be fine at 4:55am, plenty of time. Well that was great until I tried to get out of bed, must have been thrashing all night long and oh yeah threw my back out! REALLY am I not in enough pain? My boss was very nice let me take a break to try to take a hot shower and then ice my back. I tried to finish up but not having the best morning. I was have the BEST boss ever let me take off a little early to try and get sleep. And that lasted about a 1/2 before the boys started to scream but overall not too bad ... LOL
Top two are today bottom right yesterday.
Check out my lip, it's all lovely beat up.
You even get a shot of my face and the arm!