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Friday, July 8, 2011

Caden’s 4th Birthday!


First off check out the super cute Card Diana at Custom Blog Designs did up for me again.  As you know she designed my blog & has done the kids cards for the last two years.

I can’t believe my baby will be 4th this Sunday!  Ok so the rule on you can only came baby weight until they are 2 has bypassed me … hehe.  I guess I need to work on that one too.  Along with not calling him my baby, he tells me all the time “I’m not a baby”.  We’re going to do his party next weekend, we were going to it on his birthday but Sunday’s are hard for my mom since she has to work to early Monday.  So we moved it out a week.  I was a little panicked that even though I gave Rick 2 weeks notice they already had his schedule done and his work is NOT the type to let you rearrange your days.  Thankfully he is just going to take a personal day for it, which will hurt us pay wise but at least he will be there for the FULL day.  All of the kids birthday’s in the past have been him being only to attend the first part and then rushing off.

So we’ll have a lake party at my parents house.  They have done some major remodeling down there.  Added a slide off the dock, leveled out the grass area created a concrete pad and a gazebo.  They also made a retaining wall to make the area level.  It was slopped before so when you put a picnic bench on it you would have to kind of balance … lol.  So my parents have remodeled again but it was because of something for us … hehe they crack me up they remodeled their house and that was for my wedding and now the waterfront for Caden’s party Smile.

Rick’s mom was so sweet and told me I could pick out a $100 birthday gift for me and $100 birthday gift for Caden.  I was going to get me a new sawing machine but instead I decided to forgo my gift and do a combination gift!  My MIL was so impressed I would do that she added on a few extra’s to our gift.

So we are now the proud owner’s of an above ground pool!  Rick has been working on the back yard to get the dog’s run finished so we can put the pool up.  Yup Jake is still into the chewing stage and we don’t want to take a chance!

We got:


Well a swimming pool in my back yard will be fun and since we have a fence I may even get into a suit … lol!


  1. Oh that will be fun for all of you. Enjoy it and Happy Birthday to your Not so Baby!

  2. You are so funny! I call Caleb my baby at 6, and I get the same response! I'm excited for the kids to come play, and can't wait to see how much different your parents place is. Woohoo for summer!!!

  3. super cute card.. she does awesome work..
    and i'm also super jealous over your new pool.. that's awesome!!

  4. Yay for let's get our nice weather back so we can enjoy it. We have a pool but haven't put it up yet...maybe this weekend we will. Happy Weekend girl!

  5. Sounds like his birthday is going to be a fun one. We are celebrating my son's 13th and step-daughter's 9th birthdays that same day at the campground with a swimming party. I love the invites you have. I had custom invitations created but they're not even in yet, so I'll be getting 50 invitations with nothing to do with them because it will be too late.

  6. Happy Birthday Caden!

    Sounds like it's going to be a fun day.

  7. Cool! Can I come swim at your house??

  8. Sounds like a fun party for everyone. Can't believe it's at your parents. (hope it's a great day for you) I love the new pool, you guys are going to have so much fun. Happy Birthday to Caden!

  9. That is awesome! A sewing machine or a pool in my backyard would be a TOUGH choice! :)

    Happy birthday little man! :)

    And that card is ADORABLE!

  10. Hope he had a wonderful birthday! Gavyn just turned 9 on Saturday, YIKES. I feel old. Yay for the swimming pool, we have been swimming a lot.


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