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Friday, July 29, 2011

Home & on the mend!

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Thursday AM we got the call Rick could leave the hospital so I got there when they said at 8:30 only to wait a 1/2 hour for the security guard to bring up his wallet.  Then 10 min waiting for nurse to be told he needs some prescriptions filled and it would be at least an 1 1/2 hours … UGH.  Then they had a few that they didn’t have in the hospital so I had to make a quick run to Walmart to fill Rick’s 2 prescriptions that cost $85!!!!  Yes I almost fell over at that cost, I was blessed with a bonus check from my boss a few weeks back and something told me to save it not to go out and make a big purchase so I have a little cushion to help with the missed days and cost of all these meds Rick has needed.

It’s been one heck of a week, and I’m exhausted I haven’t slept well since Sunday and I’ve been bouncing between the hospital, home and running the boys to their events we had scheduled.  Thankfully we’ve had some sunny days so the boys could play outside with the neighbors. I think I’ll have to bake up something fun for my neighbor. 

So I sit here in a dirty house, laundry that is piling up once more along with the dishes.  Poor Rick is in bed going crazy wishing he could be up and about but HAPPY to be out of a hospital bed.  I’m hoping this weekend will give me sometime to get the house back in order and maybe if I’m lucky put my feet up!

Thank you again for all the love, support and prayers they mean so much to me!  Much love and I hope to be back up and running and commenting soon.  Sorry I haven’t been around, right now I feel like I entered the crazy half room in the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory.  The only sad thing is I don’t have Gene Wilder to make me laugh and carry me away in a balloon threw a glass ceiling!


  1. I love it, we all want Willie to come take us away, although I would prefer a less dangerous mode of travel, say a sports car out of this popcicle town! :)

    Oh and I could tell you how I got mad at Robbie last night, he did something he keeps doing over and over, ARGH! men...or should I say boys...

  2. i can only imagine how tough it was.. and i know your thinking about what a mess you house may be in.. but.. at least rick is all better.. and at home healing.. maybe he won't drive you to crazy (wink wink.. j/k!!)

    still thinking about you!!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that Rick is home. you have had a very hard week is true! Take it easy... one step at a time. With two little guys and a sick hubby I know that is a tall order! Have a great weekend!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. Glad he is home, and doing better!

    It's all going to work out! It has to get better right...! :)

  5. I am glad that you have Rick home. Prayers for you all.

  6. Wonderful news about Rick being home. Just stay at home, do some housework, pamper Rick and put your feet up!

  7. So good to hear that he's home and doing well! I hope this weekend is a good one for catching up and taking it easy! I can't iamgine the week you must have had. ((HUGS)) :-)

  8. Glad to hear hes home and hope he heals well.. i had to have my mine out but mine were just a take out like a tooth.. LOL>. cant remember the word I want..LOL.Anyway on to healthy healing..

  9. I am so glad he's doing well and you're able to bring him home. You have been in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Meds can be so expensive.
    My son needed some meds and we tried our local store first when they wanted $50. Our doctor told us we could get the same meds at target for only $4. So off to target we went. Praying this med works as he needs 3 months of it.

    So glad Rick is home and out of the hospital.
    Hoping you can sit and rest a bit.

  11. Glad to hear your hubby is back home. Hopefully he's feeling a lot better and his road to recuperation goes smoothly.

    Alexis, take a breather. You've been under a lot of stress too. Just chill when you need it and don't worry about the laundry and dishes every moment of every day. :)

  12. So glad he is home, sit and relax sweetie!


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