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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gift For Other's ... Photo Memory Box (Or Jewelry Box)

This was a really cool gift I made for my mom with some new photos I had done of the family.  I found an idea for a Photo Planter on Real Housemoms.  WELL let's just say the photo planter I did turned out like crap.  I used a round terracotta planter and the photos wouldn't stick with the mod podge.  I tried using spray adhesive it was a royal mess.  The photo planter turned out ok but wasn't what I was wanting to do so plan B came to me.  I hit up Michael's to find oval Paper Mache Box Set, PERFECT.  I've very happy with how this one turned out. 

What you Need:

Photos (I did the same and turned them into B&W)
Mod Podge
Sponge Brush
Corner Cutter (optional)
Clear Acrylic Spray
Hot Glue Gun 

I painted my box with 2 coats of paint since my photo's wouldn't cover all the bank space.  I had some ivory on hand that worked perfect.
Cut photos to fit and cover the box (I used a corner cutter for the ones on the top of the box).Put mod podge on the back of a photo and place on the box (Repeat with each photo).Apply mod podge on top of every picture.Let dry and apply one more coat of mod podge.Let it dry.Cut your ribbon to fit around the outside of the lid of box (I used my glue gun you can do the whole mod podge steps like with photos but I'm a Let's Get it Done Girl so I glued the sucker down).Spray the whole planter with clear acrylic spray to remove any stickiness.

It was a pretty simple thing to do when I used the paper mache box.  Let me tell you the terracotta planter I tried first took hours and I was almost in tears when the photos wouldn't stay down!  You could use this as a gift for jewelry or like what I'm doing putting new photos in there as the gift for a memory box.  The box set came with 3 boxes I may just have to make myself one too!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. I had to go google mod podge....obviously I am not crafty!

  2. oh wow this is so cute and your blog is adorable I am a new follower. hugs

  3. Sorry your first project was a fail, but this one came out super cute!

  4. Now that is a very thoughtful gift. I hope she liked it!

  5. Lovely box! I like that there are photos on the lid. Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!

  6. It's a beautiful box, and a fantastic idea!!
    I so much love the idea of these photo memories...and all in a lovely box

  7. What a neat idea! I'm sure your mom loved the gift :-)

  8. what though you have in your head, that is gorgeous and personal, lovely x x


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