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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Award Day!! Hold on to your panties .. oh wait that didn't sound right.

First off I totally left something off from my weekend wrap. As some of you know I started going to church, which usually I would cringe at the thought. I found a really great one down the street that you laugh during the sermon and they sing and dance! Yup I knew I found the place for me. Well this Sunday was a special day that had a blue grass group come for the day instead of a sermon. Cascade mountain Boys came and sang like no tomorrow, most of you that know me know I'm not a big country fan but I couldn't help myself from stomping my feet and clapping along. The songs were so uplifting and gave me chills just sitting there. Even though I did sit between the two bible study ladies that were not taking no for an answer. Really I love coming, I love the boys get a chance to play an I get some me time. I mean count me in for bake sales, helping at fairs etc but I'm just not ready for the bible study every Thursday from 7pm to 9pm. Give me a bit when the boys are older and I'm all there, but right now it just doesn't work. Well let's just say even at the end of the Sunday sermon they still won't let it down. I think next Sunday I'll go back to sitting with the older ladies ... LOL. Ok back to where I was going, you'll have to check out the Cascade mountain Boys I promise you'll be singing and clapping along. Now I've never seen a banjo up close and talk about an awesome time!

Now the pantie comment for you who are going what the heck? It's time to put your big girl panties for all these amazing awards!!! I love you all and appreciate all the comments and the followers you make my day brighter!

Now I know there is rules for these but this post is going to be long already, so I'm going to list them and if you would like to do them please do. I'll try my best to come back and do them! Fingers crossed!!

Daffy @ BATCRAP CRAZY was so sweet and created an award for us special people that comment all the time. Hmmm maybe I have too much time on my hands if I comment so many places ... NAH!!! I love you all too much, I'll keep up with my 4 hours of sleep on blog stalking! First off Daffy and I just meet like a week ago and already I love her and her blog. She's a say it how it is and TMI all the way kind of girl! Plus she can rock a rubber band like me ... LOL :)

Daffy Commenter Award
My Comments Rock Award - Pass along to your awesome commenters!

These ladies rock, I love and cheerish them all. They comment on almost EVERY post I put up. Can you believe a few months ago I almosted wanted to make a fake account to leave comments for myself .. LOL :)

Amy my poser friend that keeps my day uplifted with comments and the emails to keep me going!
Debby @
Just Breathe is the sweetest, most kindheart lady I've met and I hope to meet her some day!
The Jacobsen Family! another fun lady that does some of the funnest activities I so envy her energy! Plus she makes some yummy food!
Pooba @
Grand Pooba is flipping hilarious. I want to be her fluffy cousin, still waiting on word of what I need to do to be initiated ... LOL
Randi Troxell she is the sweetest southern bell, every-time I read her blog I hear this amazing sweet southern accent. I just love it, plus she has the cutest kitty Bella!
blueviolet I'm trying to get her to move in with me for adult convo I think she may be a little scared of me ... LOL
Roxane this rocking chick makes me long to young again!
Suzanna @ is a wonderful lady, she loves shoes and makes me drool everytime she puts one up. Plus some amazing giveaways too!
Daffy she may be new here but she is AWESOME I found my other quirky half!
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge is a newbie too but I'm fallin' in love with her and her cute husband. She is the kindess person, you just feel it for after a quick read. Good people!
Lauren is the sweetest Darma lady ever. She has a passion for the stage and I can't wait for her to come to Seattle so we can met!!
JennyMac Even though she has like 100+ comments on her blog daily she stops by to say hi to me! Plus she can rock a pair of heels I would die to wear. I mean really die I would trip and crack my head open!
Robyn She is such a sweet person, I hope to meet her when she comes to the NW!
Kristie She has amazing recipes and got me on the quiche kick! Love her and her cute family!

Our Second Award comes from another new friend that I LOVE Lorie at The Shewbridges of Celebration, FL. She is the sweetest lady ever that has the funnest blog and speaks her mind. It's a breath of fresh air to stop by and see what new she has going on :).

The Heartfelt Award

1. Put the logo on your blog/post.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.
3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.

Mrs Cooper makes me warm and cozy .. LOL stop thinking that way. She is an amazing uplifting lady!
Chef E is an amazing chef that makes your mouth water and makes you think I can do this too! LOL :)
Vicki is an amazing crafty lady, that finds all the good deals you have to check her out :)
Just Breathe she gets this one too :)
Amy poser girl gets this one also ;)
Robyn yup her too :)
Lauren her too!
Jess @ News Around The Blogs is one of those sweet ladies that searching the internet and blogs to find you all the best stuff! She rocks!
Jennee is new to my blog but she's so sweet and I just loved her blog right away!

My next award comes from JennyMac at Lets have a cocktail... this classy lady rocks. I wish I could step into her stilettos and not fall on my behind and embarrass myself .. LOL :) You need to check her blog out for laugh, tasty treats and amazing things that just blow my days out of the water! Plus she's from Washington she moved away from us, but we still call her are own! ... LOL


JennyMac made it so she can create the rules ... LOL Here it goes: I give good blog award: No one really likes rules, do they? I shall make mine simple. Make a cocktail, pick out some of your favorite bloggers. Send this award to 4 of them. Tell them why you think they give good blog. There are SO many fascinating, witty, and fantastic bloggers; let's invite them all to the party.

OMGosh How can I choose ok, I love so many but here is my list of ones that I talk to on a regular basis:

Felicia @
Go Graham Go! One of my favorite bloggy moms that is so busy with her lovely family, the blog, the giveaways and reviews and just an amazing down to earth person that you can talk to anytime! LOVE her an her site!
Debby @
Just Breathe
Alesha @
The Jacobsen Family!
Pooba @
Grand Pooba
Randi Troxell
Suzanna @
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge
JennyMac Yes this is her award but she rocks!!! and deserves it back.
Mrs Cooper
Jess @ News Around The Blogs
Becky (I love this gal she has the best photos and fun I want to be apart of her family)
Rebecca @ jewelryandgiftsbyrebecca is a crafty lady, that can paint a room like no other and makes amazing jewelry. Love her and all her pretty shiny things :)
Vicki @ Frugal Mom knows Best
kyslp (another new reader but loved her blog when I hoped over there I followed right away)
shortmama (yup another new follower, that I saw she has yummy recipes up on one of her blogs that I just loved ... always love a new source of recipes)

And two of my favorite bloggers gave me this award! Amy @ Keeping up with the Schultz Family that is my rock and amazing friend, I know we've never met in person but I just know she's a kind soul that makes me laugh, cheers me up and just makes each day special when I see a comment from her! And then my other amazing friend Debbie @ JUST BREATHE and her amazing blog FOR YOUR TEARS were she sends amazing gifts to moms who have lost a baby. I just love her to death, and one day I'm going to run away to stay at her house that is just amazing. She is a truly amazing friend that comments on like 200 + blogs a day, she has the cutes doggy Skye. Really she is so funny and sweet!

Dragon's Loyalty Award
Dragon Loyalty Award - Pass this award on to those dedicated followers of mine who always leave me a comment.

Got to go with my same commenter ones, because hello doesn't that mean loyal. I know I'm giving a lot of the same people stuff but I love these girls! And you too!

Debby @
Just Breathe
Alesha @
The Jacobsen Family!
Pooba @
Grand Pooba
Randi Troxell
Suzanna @
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge

And last but far from least is another amazing lady. She is so crafty and has the best ideas, you have to check out Vicki @ Frugal Mom knows Best she has the best ideas for craft projects and ways to save money. A woman after my heart! Muah

Best Blog Award
The Best Blog Award rules are:
1) To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Wow 15 here we go :)
Debby @
Just Breathe
Alesha @
The Jacobsen Family!
Pooba @
Grand Pooba
Randi Troxell
Suzanna @
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge
Rebecca @ jewelryandgiftsbyrebecca
Felicia @ Go Graham Go! She gave this to me also but I'm giving it back to her too :) Muah

Ok I promise to stop by and let everyone know tomorrow ... LOL that I gave them an award. You all are amazing, I really would love for you all to have this award. Please grab it, let me know I'll swing by and gush away :) Thank you again so much for stopping by and all these amazing awards! MUAH ~ XOXOXO

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ... Relaxing ... Well at least it was slower

Here we go it was a fun weekend as always! Friday on our way home Cole called my mom and so nicely asked "If you want we can come up and visit" .... LOL crack me up! So we headed up to my parents house. While the weather is going to fall there are a few days left to take the jet-ski out. Last year while on the jet-ski with my parents they flipped over. Cole has been freaked out with water ever since. So we've been trying to ease him back on, my parents even bought a new jet-ski that is bigger and we're hoping this would help him. At first he was all set to go and then when we went down to my parents water front he started to cry. We got him on and he went a little bit but came back very quick. When he came to get off, Caden walked over to Bapa and said "Me Me" ... LOL it was so freaking cute! So we put a life vest on him and off they went. He even drove it! The ducks even came over to visit, the geese were flying in a V and Mt. Rainier was looking gorgeous! Plus I love this plaque Mom has in her garden "Grow Damn it" ... LOL and she's the one that gave me the swear jar ... LOL
After Jet-Skiing we came in to a yummy meal mom made. She got these yummy kielbasa's and wrapped them in bacon, toasted the buns with tons of butter, of course added some cheese and then some yummy beans! Yeah I don't go there often for meals I would be even "fluffier" (as mom says to me ... LOL) . The boys planned dinos with "Bapa" and even swung on the swing in the sun porch and oh yeah ice cream, well Caden had fruit snacks he hates cold things! I even was able to sit back have a meal and a cup of coffee!!! Mom even added a little Baileys ... see my last post about wanting 10 minutes to myself, came true! Yeah :)
Saturday I actually sat in my PJ's almost the whole day, Cole played with the neighbor boy. Can I tell you how excited I am that they moved in? Caden and I chilled out, we tested out potty chair, then decided we didn't like diapers anymore! Well that was until I had to clean up a puddle ... sorry dude diaper on! Oh yeah our car got dirty, so he actually asked for a paper towel to wipe it off ... I know!
Then my garden is still going strong ... Yeah! Next year peppers all the way I have a bumper crop of them. And yes that is two different days I went out for a green pepper and peppers. One of them is the biggest green pepper so far it was big as my hand. And yes those are the first yellow ones that showed up! More eggplant showed up, I so need to make eggplant Parmesan. And yes that is the one lonely pumpkin that grew ... :( the rest look like that little one there! No clue what happened there!
Then I got a baking mood going on! I made some yummy things, recipes to come soon!! I made yummy Sour Cream Bread, I made some ribs love them @ the accidental scientist, a hot bean spread and egg salad (that went very yummy on my sour cream bread). That makes for one tired girlie :).
And Monday we had a field trip at an apple orchard by the house! Cole's Kindergarten class and the PreK class got to meet up. They had enough drivers, but I so wanted to go I could tell the teacher wasn't excited for me to show up but I need pictures. So I hook up my fancy GPS and off I go, threw all the construction ... hmmm maybe not the best day. Then I of course go down the wrong street, but I did see this amazing deer. I can't believe how sweet it was, it let me pull up slow down, fumble for my camera and just stood there staring at me. I'm tell you it gave me chills! I get to the farm to find one of the moms sitting there talking on her phone, ok well it wasn't like she was quiet she was rather loud. And she was not talking so sweet about some body! It was so fun, it took Cole a few minutes to see I was there, then he got a little over excited. Ok I guess I see why she didn't want me to come! The lady that did the talk I swear was 80, she ran and bent down and up better then I can! Oh boy I need to loose weight I'm telling you an hour of standing and my knee was killing me. It was a ton of fun and the two apples they were suppose to get turned into a bag full which Cole informed me "Mom you're making a pie right?" Yup I guess I am ;). So there it is my crazy weekend, and back to work I go. It's so slow there ... ugh!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday - Ground Beef Stroganoff

Blessed with Grace

Beef Stroganoff is one of my favorite meals of all time, I've finally found a easy and quick way to make it! I hope you'll enjoy it also!

What you need!

Add in the onion
Add Garlic Seasoning
Add Cream of Mushroom Soup
Add in Mushrooms
Helper stopped by to add in sour cream
Add in Worcestershire Sauce
Stir all together and there you go!
Dish up!
1 pound ground beef, lean
1 small onion, chopped
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
10 3/4 ounces cream of mushroom soup, condensed
4 ounces mushroom stems and pieces, drained
3/4 cup sour cream, or yogurt

In medium skillet, brown ground beef and onion; drain excess fat. Stir in garlic salt, pepper, soup and mushrooms. Simmer covered, 15 to 20 minutes. Stir in sour cream; heat through, but do not boil. Serve over rice, noodles or chow mein noodles.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Bisquick Pizza

Make Something Monday

Another quick and easy one for you, I had some left over stuff for a pizza quiche and decided that we'll do a Bisquick version. I can't remember where the heck I put the recipe but the pictures show you the step by step :). Enjoy super easy and fast!

Rick got Cole his own apron for helping in the kitchen!
How cute huh? :)
What you need!
Add Onions (diced so someone doesn't have a cow)
Add Parmesan Cheese
Add Bisquick
Add Milk
Add 2 Eggs
Pour over onions
Add Pizza Sauce
Add Pepperoni & Green Onions
Add Cheese
Really it was yummy.
Should have taken a picture BEFORE cutting into it!
Caden loved it so much he thought his hair needed some!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

(CLOSED) The Woman Who Named God (5 Winners)

I thought this would be perfect timing to tell you about another amazing book. I don't talk much about religion on my blog as it is something personal. I have mentioned that I have started going back to church and learning and growing with my new chapter in life. I was offered to read a new book that I thought would be a wonderful one to share and just the right timing to do so. The Woman Who Named God is an book that has a little of all put together for one. If you looking for a book with history and archaeology, stop looking here!

Charlotte Gordon book talks about Abraham's dilemma and the birth of three faiths. The three faiths being Jewish, Islamic Legend and Commentary. You'll be compelled to read more about Abraham and Sarah along with Hagar. The Woman Who Named God will draw you in with the myths, lust betrayal and the blessing that will touch you. Charlotte Gordon did a wonderful job writing this story "and provocative take on one of the Bible's most intriguing and troubling love stories."

Hachette Book Group description:
The saga of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar is the tale of origin for all three monotheistic faiths. Abraham must choose between two wives who have borne him two sons. One wife and son will share in his wealth and status, while the other two are exiled into the desert. Long a cornerstone of Western anxiety, the story chronicles a very famous and troubled family, and sheds light on the ongoing conflict between the Judeo-Christian and Islamic worlds.

How did this ancient story become one of the least understood and most frequently misinterpreted of our cultural myths? Gordon explores this legendary love triangle to give us a startling perspective on three biblical characters who--with their jealousies, passions, and doubts--actually behave like human beings.


The Woman Who Named God

by Charlotte Gordon

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for another great book, this was one for my mind and my soul.

BUY IT: Hardback price is $27.99 but currently Amazon has The Woman Who Named God for $18.47!

WIN IT: Hachette Book Group has offered 5 of my readers The Woman Who Named God for them to enjoy also.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. Comment on if you've read and of Charlotte Gordon books before, if so what do you like? Yup yes or no and if yes you can name one or just say you like her books! SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Follow me on Network Blogs (on the right side) links you to facebook feeds (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Enter my O Yikes Giveaway & 10% Off Coupon Code by 9/27/09
  6. Enter my Off Season Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 9/27/09
  7. Enter my Garden Clogs/Jollys Gardening Shoes (9/27/09) by 9/27/09
  8. Enter my The Blue Star Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/4/09
  9. Enter my Swedish Designs Pan Holder Giveaway Retail $62.00 by 10/11/09
  10. Enter my Julie & Julia Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/11/09
  11. Enter my How to Tame Modern Rogue Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/11/09
  12. Enter my Love You To Death Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/11/2009
  13. Blog about or have on your sidebar the giveaway (3 Extra Entries)
  14. Post on Facebook and leave me a link (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 10/11/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

(CLOSED) Love You To Death Book Giveaway (5 Winners)

Are you looking for thriller to curl up with on these chilly evenings? Or be like me and have to read this type of booking during the day light? I love thrillers but not at night time, I know I'm such a whimp!

Love You To Death is a page turner that will be a fast read, believe me you'll have it done with in days. Follow along with Elise McBride as she has the uneasing feeling that foul play has happened to her sister, Ashley. The page turner follows a brutal serial killer in Chicago. You'll stay up late reading about ex-cop Trent Brady as he is pulled into helping Elise. You'll fall in love with them as they come together along with getting pulled into this psycho's path to find his "perfect woman".

Sit down and hold on to your blanket, you may want to pull it over your eyes a few times while reading this book. Thank you to Hachette Book Group for another great book, I don't know what I use to do before all these books, I'm loving it! And 5 lucky readers will get the chance also! Thank you to everyone for stopping by and entering and reading, I love to read all of your comments and hope to email you all back :).

Shannon K. Butcher is the author of No Escape another award-winning book you'll love!


Love You to Death
by Shannon K. Butcher

BUY IT: Paperback price is $6.99

WIN IT: Hachette Book Group has offered 5 of my readers Love You to Death paperback book for them to enjoy also.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. Comment on if you've read and of Shannon K. Butcher books before, if so what do you like? Yup yes or no and if yes you can name one or just say you like her books! SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Follow me on Network Blogs (on the right side) links you to facebook feeds (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Enter my O Yikes Giveaway & 10% Off Coupon Code by 9/27/09
  6. Enter my Off Season Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 9/27/09
  7. Enter my Garden Clogs/Jollys Gardening Shoes (9/27/09) by 9/27/09
  8. Enter my The Blue Star Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/4/09
  9. Enter my Swedish Designs Pan Holder Giveaway Retail $62.00 by 10/11/09
  10. Enter my Julie & Julia Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/11/09
  11. Enter my How to Tame Modern Rogue Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/11/09
  12. Blog or Post on Blog roll about the giveaway and leave me a link (3 Extra Entries)
  13. Post on Facebook and leave me a link (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 10/11/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

(CLOSED) How to Tame A Modern Rogue Book Giveaway (5 Winners)

I have a new book for you romance lovers to enjoy! How to Tame a Modern Rogue is a modern day romance that will make you laugh and blush all at the same time. You'll fall in love with Ally Giordano that doesn't have the heart to tell her grandmother Donny that she is living in a dream world thinking her favorite Regency Romance Novel is true life. She even becomes convinced that she found the "Duke" for her "Spinsterhood" Ally.

It's comical, romantic and very sexy all wrapped up into one! For you who love to sit down with a good romance novel this is the one for you. Sometimes we just need a book to take us away from reality, I think what made me laugh and love this book is that Granny Donny does just that ... now I'm not saying taking it to that extreme with real life but well you know what I'm saying! Enjoy sometimes all we need is a good romance novel to cuddle up with.

P.S. As I learned with my great grandmother don't lend your book to someone who doesn't like romance novels ... LOL. She's wicked with a pencil and if she doesn't like a word in a book she'll return it to you with them marked out ... LOL. She was a kick!


How to Tame a Modern Rogue

by Diana Holquist

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for another great book, I don't know what I use to do before all these books, I'm loving it!

BUY IT: Paperback price is $6.99 but currently Amazon has How to Tame a Modern Rogue for $5.59!

WIN IT: Hachette Book Group has offered 5 of my readers How to Tame a Modern Rogue paperback book for them to enjoy also.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. Comment on if you've read and of Diana Holquist books before, if so what do you like? Yup yes or no and if yes you can name one or just say you like her books! SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Follow me on Network Blogs (on the right side) links you to facebook feeds (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Enter my O Yikes Giveaway & 10% Off Coupon Code by 9/27/09
  6. Enter my Off Season Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 9/27/09
  7. Enter my Garden Clogs/Jollys Gardening Shoes (9/27/09) by 9/27/09
  8. Enter my The Blue Star Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/4/09
  9. Enter my Swedish Designs Pan Holder Giveaway Retail $62.00 by 10/11/09
  10. Enter my Julie & Julia Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/11/09
  11. Blog about the giveaway (3 Extra Entries)
  12. Post on Facebook and leave me a link (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 10/11/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Mommy Wee Dyson DC24 Vacuum Giveaway

So you so don't want to go for this giveaway, because I'm going to win ... LOL. I'm the one with a pass me down vacuum from my mom that has electrical tape on the cord (thank you Cole).

:) What no sympathy vote?

Dyson - DC24 ($499)

My Wee View

(CLOSED) Julie & Julia Book Giveaway (5 Winners)!!!

I'm so EXCITED to share with you a book I love! I grew up with a mom who LOVED Julia Child she would recreated the yummy recipes we would see on TV. We would joke around the kitchen in our Julia Child voice and take in the wonderful smells all around us. This is one of the most found memories I have from my childhood.

Julia Child may not have changed my life but she did effect it in the most positive way. Today I'm not a gourmet chef but I take pleasure in the meals I make and even throw in a few of hers! Now again I'm far from my mom's caliber who could take on Julia's recipes that and her Bon Appetite Magazines, but I'm working my way there!

If you've seen the movie or haven't yet you NEED to read Julie and Julia. You will laugh you will cry and you'll just fall in love with these amazing characters. Pull out a comfy seat, grab a cup of Joe or whatever you would like to drink and read this book. After reading it you will be inspired to cook and make wonderful things!

Julia Child was an amazing woman that I have enjoyed reading about and have watch some amazing programs about her life that touched me, you should check it out! I promise you will enjoy this book as much as I did. I'm so excited to be able to share with you this book, 5 of readers will have the opportunity to read and LOVE this book also. Once you read it get inspired post your amazing recipes/life whatever and pass along this book to inspire more people around you!


Julie and Julia

by Julie Powell

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for this wonderful book, I had an amazing time curling up, reading it and enjoy the memories that flooded back to me!

BUY IT: Paperback price is $14.99 but currently Amazon has Julie and Julia for $10.19!

WIN IT: Hachette Book Group has offered 5 of my readers Julie and Julia paperback book for them to enjoy also. 1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. Comment on if you've read the book or seen the movie? I would love to hear what you thought of either of them.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Follow me on Network Blogs (on the right side) links you to facebook feeds (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Enter my O Yikes Giveaway & 10% Off Coupon Code by 9/27/09
  6. Enter my Off Season Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 9/27/09
  7. Enter my Garden Clogs/Jollys Gardening Shoes (9/27/09) by 9/27/09
  8. Enter my The Blue Star Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 10/4/09
  9. Enter my Swedish Designs Pan Holder Giveaway Retail $62.00 by 10/11/09
  10. Blog about the giveaway (3 Extra Entries)
  11. Post on Facebook and leave me a link (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 10/11/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

Whats Runs thru my mind ... Hold on!

It's just been one of those weeks so I thought I would share with you some fun things and all the random things that run thru my mind ... LOL :). I know I was a little scared to, but you all know I'm a little batty by now anyways ... haha.

Ok planting all these peppers was a good idea but that means you have to have peppers in at least 3 meals a week.
Check it out my first red pepper!!! It's HUGE!

This is what happens when you don't feel like making dinner.
Throw a bunch into a pan and hope everyone likes it!
Ok I'll list it!
Ground beef (I buy in bulk), Kidney beans, black beans, pepper from the garden, tomatoes, tomato paste and some taco seasoning! LOL really it was good.
I can't wait Grey's Anatomy is back!
So if you are a dish subscriber you know that last November we lost the contract with ABC. Ok that's fine, well not if you like Grey's Anatomy or Private Practice. Yup we missed most of the season yes I said we Rick actually likes both of these also! Thankfully Lifetime replayed Grey's but no luck on Private! So I'm so excited to watch the new season!
A book I really want to read.
It's on my library Audio wish list!!
Ok I'll admit it I judge a book by it's cover. I saw this audio book on Library New and thought oh why not that looks like a cool cover I'll try it. Ok I'll admit it I have no clue about the Hills or LC, Rick had to inform me what it was (I know clueless) and yes he watches it!!! So I had no clue that this was her book or that she read the audio version. And even funnier I liked it, go figure :).
Ok I'm in love with this new show.
Dancing, singing and drama!
Can you say Fame?
Oh wait they even made a movie about that!
What happens when Alexis is sick and her hair is driving her nuts!
She grabs a rubber band (not the nices to pull out) and I throw it up.
Sad to say my hair is not long enough so I have this poof with hair sticking up everywhere!
Can you say professional? Hey everyone else is not following the dress code I can let my hair go crazy right? Ok just while I'm sick.
A while back (explains the blonde blonde hair) my mom made me dinner, gave me wine and let me read my book on her front deck while the boys and her hung out inside!
The best 30 minutes I've had in a long time!!!
I'm putting out a call for this again, please!!! LOL

Now go have fun and check out my giveaways if you get a chance! Plus I plan to put up another 3 or 4 this weekend. I'm trying to catch up! Muah, I'm out of here, I need to read so more books!

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Glasses USA
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Strap Doctor
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Awards I've been Given! You Really Love Me!! (Yes my best Oscar Speech)

friendhip2 from Anissa
passoinate-blogger-award (Heidi @ Tried & True Cooking)
You're a Superstar Blogger
you-dont-say-post - Kristie Notes
Annisa (Over the top)
Jessica Mommy Needs Coffee (Lovely)
Annissa (Queen Award)
Your Blog is Fabulous
Best Comedic Performance
Splash Award
Best Blog Award
Dragon's Loyalty Award
The Heartfelt Award
Daffy Commenter Award
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