First off I totally left something off from my weekend wrap. As some of you know I started going to church, which usually I would cringe at the thought. I found a really great one down the street that you laugh during the sermon and they sing and dance! Yup I knew I found the place for me. Well this Sunday was a special day that had a blue grass group come for the day instead of a sermon. Cascade mountain Boys came and sang like no tomorrow, most of you that know me know I'm not a big country fan but I couldn't help myself from stomping my feet and clapping along. The songs were so uplifting and gave me chills just sitting there. Even though I did sit between the two bible study ladies that were not taking no for an answer. Really I love coming, I love the boys get a chance to play an I get some me time. I mean count me in for bake sales, helping at fairs etc but I'm just not ready for the bible study every Thursday from 7pm to 9pm. Give me a bit when the boys are older and I'm all there, but right now it just doesn't work. Well let's just say even at the end of the Sunday sermon they still won't let it down. I think next Sunday I'll go back to sitting with the older ladies ... LOL. Ok back to where I was going, you'll have to check out the Cascade mountain Boys I promise you'll be singing and clapping along. Now I've never seen a banjo up close and talk about an awesome time!

Now the pantie comment for you who are going what the heck? It's time to put your big girl panties for all these amazing awards!!! I love you all and appreciate all the comments and the followers you make my day brighter!
Now I know there is rules for these but this post is going to be long already, so I'm going to list them and if you would like to do them please do. I'll try my best to come back and do them! Fingers crossed!!
Daffy @ BATCRAP CRAZY was so sweet and created an award for us special people that comment all the time. Hmmm maybe I have too much time on my hands if I comment so many places ... NAH!!! I love you all too much, I'll keep up with my 4 hours of sleep on blog stalking! First off Daffy and I just meet like a week ago and already I love her and her blog. She's a say it how it is and TMI all the way kind of girl! Plus she can rock a rubber band like me ... LOL :)
Now I know there is rules for these but this post is going to be long already, so I'm going to list them and if you would like to do them please do. I'll try my best to come back and do them! Fingers crossed!!
Daffy @ BATCRAP CRAZY was so sweet and created an award for us special people that comment all the time. Hmmm maybe I have too much time on my hands if I comment so many places ... NAH!!! I love you all too much, I'll keep up with my 4 hours of sleep on blog stalking! First off Daffy and I just meet like a week ago and already I love her and her blog. She's a say it how it is and TMI all the way kind of girl! Plus she can rock a rubber band like me ... LOL :)

My Comments Rock Award - Pass along to your awesome commenters!
These ladies rock, I love and cheerish them all. They comment on almost EVERY post I put up. Can you believe a few months ago I almosted wanted to make a fake account to leave comments for myself .. LOL :)
Amy my poser friend that keeps my day uplifted with comments and the emails to keep me going!
Debby @ Just Breathe is the sweetest, most kindheart lady I've met and I hope to meet her some day!
The Jacobsen Family! another fun lady that does some of the funnest activities I so envy her energy! Plus she makes some yummy food!
Pooba @ Grand Pooba is flipping hilarious. I want to be her fluffy cousin, still waiting on word of what I need to do to be initiated ... LOL
Randi Troxell she is the sweetest southern bell, every-time I read her blog I hear this amazing sweet southern accent. I just love it, plus she has the cutest kitty Bella!
blueviolet I'm trying to get her to move in with me for adult convo I think she may be a little scared of me ... LOL
Roxane this rocking chick makes me long to young again!
Suzanna @ is a wonderful lady, she loves shoes and makes me drool everytime she puts one up. Plus some amazing giveaways too!
Daffy she may be new here but she is AWESOME I found my other quirky half!
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge is a newbie too but I'm fallin' in love with her and her cute husband. She is the kindess person, you just feel it for after a quick read. Good people!
Lauren is the sweetest Darma lady ever. She has a passion for the stage and I can't wait for her to come to Seattle so we can met!!
JennyMac Even though she has like 100+ comments on her blog daily she stops by to say hi to me! Plus she can rock a pair of heels I would die to wear. I mean really die I would trip and crack my head open!
Robyn She is such a sweet person, I hope to meet her when she comes to the NW!
Kristie She has amazing recipes and got me on the quiche kick! Love her and her cute family!
These ladies rock, I love and cheerish them all. They comment on almost EVERY post I put up. Can you believe a few months ago I almosted wanted to make a fake account to leave comments for myself .. LOL :)
Amy my poser friend that keeps my day uplifted with comments and the emails to keep me going!
Debby @ Just Breathe is the sweetest, most kindheart lady I've met and I hope to meet her some day!
The Jacobsen Family! another fun lady that does some of the funnest activities I so envy her energy! Plus she makes some yummy food!
Pooba @ Grand Pooba is flipping hilarious. I want to be her fluffy cousin, still waiting on word of what I need to do to be initiated ... LOL
Randi Troxell she is the sweetest southern bell, every-time I read her blog I hear this amazing sweet southern accent. I just love it, plus she has the cutest kitty Bella!
blueviolet I'm trying to get her to move in with me for adult convo I think she may be a little scared of me ... LOL
Roxane this rocking chick makes me long to young again!
Suzanna @ is a wonderful lady, she loves shoes and makes me drool everytime she puts one up. Plus some amazing giveaways too!
Daffy she may be new here but she is AWESOME I found my other quirky half!
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge is a newbie too but I'm fallin' in love with her and her cute husband. She is the kindess person, you just feel it for after a quick read. Good people!
Lauren is the sweetest Darma lady ever. She has a passion for the stage and I can't wait for her to come to Seattle so we can met!!
JennyMac Even though she has like 100+ comments on her blog daily she stops by to say hi to me! Plus she can rock a pair of heels I would die to wear. I mean really die I would trip and crack my head open!
Robyn She is such a sweet person, I hope to meet her when she comes to the NW!
Kristie She has amazing recipes and got me on the quiche kick! Love her and her cute family!
Our Second Award comes from another new friend that I LOVE Lorie at The Shewbridges of Celebration, FL. She is the sweetest lady ever that has the funnest blog and speaks her mind. It's a breath of fresh air to stop by and see what new she has going on :).

1. Put the logo on your blog/post.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.
3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.
3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.
Mrs Cooper makes me warm and cozy .. LOL stop thinking that way. She is an amazing uplifting lady!
Chef E is an amazing chef that makes your mouth water and makes you think I can do this too! LOL :)
Vicki is an amazing crafty lady, that finds all the good deals you have to check her out :)
Just Breathe she gets this one too :)
Amy poser girl gets this one also ;)
Robyn yup her too :)
Lauren her too!
Jess @ News Around The Blogs is one of those sweet ladies that searching the internet and blogs to find you all the best stuff! She rocks!
Jennee is new to my blog but she's so sweet and I just loved her blog right away!
My next award comes from JennyMac at Lets have a cocktail... this classy lady rocks. I wish I could step into her stilettos and not fall on my behind and embarrass myself .. LOL :) You need to check her blog out for laugh, tasty treats and amazing things that just blow my days out of the water! Plus she's from Washington she moved away from us, but we still call her are own! ... LOL

JennyMac made it so she can create the rules ... LOL Here it goes: I give good blog award: No one really likes rules, do they? I shall make mine simple. Make a cocktail, pick out some of your favorite bloggers. Send this award to 4 of them. Tell them why you think they give good blog. There are SO many fascinating, witty, and fantastic bloggers; let's invite them all to the party.
OMGosh How can I choose ok, I love so many but here is my list of ones that I talk to on a regular basis:
Felicia @ Go Graham Go! One of my favorite bloggy moms that is so busy with her lovely family, the blog, the giveaways and reviews and just an amazing down to earth person that you can talk to anytime! LOVE her an her site!
Debby @ Just Breathe
Alesha @ The Jacobsen Family!
Pooba @ Grand Pooba
Randi Troxell
Suzanna @
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge
JennyMac Yes this is her award but she rocks!!! and deserves it back.
Mrs Cooper
Jess @ News Around The Blogs
Becky (I love this gal she has the best photos and fun I want to be apart of her family)
Rebecca @ jewelryandgiftsbyrebecca is a crafty lady, that can paint a room like no other and makes amazing jewelry. Love her and all her pretty shiny things :)
Vicki @ Frugal Mom knows Best
kyslp (another new reader but loved her blog when I hoped over there I followed right away)
shortmama (yup another new follower, that I saw she has yummy recipes up on one of her blogs that I just loved ... always love a new source of recipes)
And two of my favorite bloggers gave me this award! Amy @ Keeping up with the Schultz Family that is my rock and amazing friend, I know we've never met in person but I just know she's a kind soul that makes me laugh, cheers me up and just makes each day special when I see a comment from her! And then my other amazing friend Debbie @ JUST BREATHE and her amazing blog FOR YOUR TEARS were she sends amazing gifts to moms who have lost a baby. I just love her to death, and one day I'm going to run away to stay at her house that is just amazing. She is a truly amazing friend that comments on like 200 + blogs a day, she has the cutes doggy Skye. Really she is so funny and sweet!
Dragon Loyalty Award - Pass this award on to those dedicated followers of mine who always leave me a comment.
Got to go with my same commenter ones, because hello doesn't that mean loyal. I know I'm giving a lot of the same people stuff but I love these girls! And you too!
Debby @ Just Breathe
Alesha @ The Jacobsen Family!
Pooba @ Grand Pooba
Randi Troxell
Suzanna @
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge
Got to go with my same commenter ones, because hello doesn't that mean loyal. I know I'm giving a lot of the same people stuff but I love these girls! And you too!
Debby @ Just Breathe
Alesha @ The Jacobsen Family!
Pooba @ Grand Pooba
Randi Troxell
Suzanna @
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge
And last but far from least is another amazing lady. She is so crafty and has the best ideas, you have to check out Vicki @ Frugal Mom knows Best she has the best ideas for craft projects and ways to save money. A woman after my heart! Muah

The Best Blog Award rules are:
1) To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Wow 15 here we go :)
Debby @ Just Breathe
Alesha @ The Jacobsen Family!
Pooba @ Grand Pooba
Randi Troxell
Suzanna @
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge
Rebecca @ jewelryandgiftsbyrebecca
Felicia @ Go Graham Go! She gave this to me also but I'm giving it back to her too :) Muah
Ok I promise to stop by and let everyone know tomorrow ... LOL that I gave them an award. You all are amazing, I really would love for you all to have this award. Please grab it, let me know I'll swing by and gush away :) Thank you again so much for stopping by and all these amazing awards! MUAH ~ XOXOXO
1) To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Wow 15 here we go :)
Debby @ Just Breathe
Alesha @ The Jacobsen Family!
Pooba @ Grand Pooba
Randi Troxell
Suzanna @
Lorie @ Bill and Lorie Shewbridge
Rebecca @ jewelryandgiftsbyrebecca
Felicia @ Go Graham Go! She gave this to me also but I'm giving it back to her too :) Muah
Ok I promise to stop by and let everyone know tomorrow ... LOL that I gave them an award. You all are amazing, I really would love for you all to have this award. Please grab it, let me know I'll swing by and gush away :) Thank you again so much for stopping by and all these amazing awards! MUAH ~ XOXOXO