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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Walks, Chili Bake Offs, Ferry Rides & Rain Forest Garden

HOLY moly it was a freaking crazy weekend and this week is a little nutty so it's a quick WWW to show off all the fun we did.
Cole decided that we need to start walking at the park. Bless his soul he's getting mom out in the groove of being healthier. We checked out the wild life, some frogs and friend squirrels. Then after the walk the boys played at the playground and mom actually got to read a book!!!
Saturday was a CRAZY day I worked from 6am to 9:30am then got Cole & I dressed and off to Old Navy real quick to pick up a jacket for $16 (one day sale) oh yes a $39.50 jacket for $16 and mom got a new jacket (see pic below) for $12 and a hoodie. Then home to start the 1st chili of the weekend. If you missed the chili recipes make sure to check them out HERE. Cole's school also had a carnival with the cook off. The had jumpies, petting zoo, pony rides and several activities. To bad it was pouring down rain, Check out Cole all wet we had to run home for dry clothes for him before the chili testing.
Since Rick had Saturday and Sunday off we made the best of it. Later Saturday night we went to Krispy Kreme to watch them make donuts and of course get a few samples!
Sunday we were up early to start chili #2 for the church chili cook off. Then off to a family day! We got on a ferry and went up to Seattle. It was a nice drive to Kingston and then a nice ferry ride to Seattle. The boys loved it, Caden did get a little freaked if he got too close to the edge. But it was fun to have a day for the family, we missed church but we needed this.
After our ferry ride we took the boys to the Rain Forest Cafe, lot's of fun there. And I must say they actually did rather well sitting down, YEAH!
Then Sunday night run home real quick to pick up chili and Cole & headed to the church for the cook off and a movie night!! Sadly went around a corner too quick and spilled in my car ... UGH. Then late by 20 min and voting had already been done ... CRAP. But the movie was GREAT, if you haven't seen To Save A Life you must, even if you're not a religious person you will enjoy it. It reminded me of a GREAT Lifetime or Halmark movie. Sorry no pics at the church. I'll put up a post tomorrow on my DVD reviews tomorrow about the movie also.


  1. Busy busy. The walk sounds like it was a great time for everyone. We are going aways this weekend for fall foliage photos, can't wait!

  2. Holy Hannah! You were on the go! Looks like you had a blast!

  3. Busy, busy, busy.
    I'm glad you had so much family time though.

  4. im tired just looking st these pics lol, busy busy xx

  5. I chose you for an award. Check out my blog to snag it! Have a Great Day!

  6. sounds busy BUT it DOES sound great too...
    i LOOOVE that jacket you found.. super cute and that color is great!!
    sounds fun on the ferry.. i think i would love something like that!!

  7. Wow what a weekend. Love the jacket and sales you got. What a fun Family weekend. Sorry about the chili. You said it spilled over right. No fun. Have a great day Poser!

  8. I actually sounds like the perfect weekend. Lots of family time. So sorry your chili spilled, that had to be a mess. It's always fun to watch the donuts being made.

  9. I made that Old Navy run Saturday too! $16 jackets. What's not to love about that?

  10. Always on the go! Too bad you didn't get to enter your chilli. I'm sure you would have won. My kids LOVE the Rainforest Cafe (and I do, too)!

  11. As usual, you were on the go go go!!!! I love that coat you picked up at Old Navy. It reminds me of a red one I got there. I love their outerwear prices. Chili is on my menu tomorrow, I do believe!

  12. Looks like such a great weekend. I love Rainforest Cafe, so glad you got to spend so much time together as a family. Sorry the chili spilled and you missed the voting, I know you would have won!
    Love the new clothes and wonderful bargains too.


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