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Friday, January 20, 2012

Snowed in & Watching Movies

Hi Gang it’s no longer snowing “thank God” but we had ice rain all day yesterday and a lovely chill keeping the snow on the ground.  We are now on day FIVE of no school!  I think I may loose the little marbles I have left.  Thankfully Rick was scheduled to have Wednesday and Thursday off already so he hung with the kids those days.  Today I’m on my own!  Which if I didn’t have to work would be fine, but working from home doing calls with the boys is always fun!

The boys had fun in the snow and here is their “Snow Cone” Snowman … TeeHee!

Blogger Pics1

We have thankfully also had our power the whole time “knock on wood” some of my friends are going on a few days with none.  Which means mom can watch moves!  Here are a few ones you must see Smile:

I’ve be waiting for this movie to hit DVD and it came on when we had a Star’s free preview weekend. It’s another great faith based movie that even Rick liked (probably because it had police officers in it). The Grace Card is a must to see, it will make you cry but it really gives you a calm.

Grace Card

This movie Field of Vision was on LMN and it was a must see also, it had some great Christian music in it but I don’t think it was a faith based movie.  It really was a great movie that showed bullying in high school, there were a few cheesy parts but I loved it.


Sexting in Suburbia was another great movie that sadly showed how bullying is in our schools and what it can do to those around us and sadly what it does to our youth.


Walking the Halls is another movie about what happens in to kids in high school that parents kind of loose them.  It was a sad movie with the drama of a lifetime movie.
Walking the Halls

There you have it, it’s cold and mom is trying to get over a cold and watching movies!  Hope you’re all staying warm!


  1. 5 days! OMG. I think we have the storms coming tomorrow. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  2. Stay warm and dry - It finally looks like we are melting up here. I'm sure things will be back to normal on Monday. :)

  3. I am sorry you have been hit so hard with the snow. My heart goes out to you. (smile)

    I have been waiting anxiously for Janet Evanovich's movie One for the Money. I love her Stephanie Plum books.

  4. Glad you were able to get some movie watching in - I was one of those without power for a bit...fortunately our regular routine does not involve a lot of TV or other 'plugged in' time but boy bedtimes were tough. Hope you get a nice relaxing weekend.

  5. 5 days! wow! Lucky kids...not so happy mom! How did u do the rainbow snowman?

  6. I miss snow. I know, I know - many parents will be saying 'what! are you mad woman?' I do I miss snow. We hardly ever get any good snow here in my part of England. Just Sludge and sleet. Boring really. But when it does snow it's so beautiful. I love it. I did take Youngling out to the park on the one day we had a sprinkling of snow. We were the only ones out to play. Sad really but we had the best fun. Looks like yours did too. Take care xx

  7. We loved that movie "Courageous".
    Also liked "Salt".
    Did NOT like "The ides of march" or "Stone" at all.

  8. Our dish was brought down by the snow falling off the roof. bummer

  9. That snowman is pretty neat. I watched Sexting in Suburbia...good movie. I'd like to watch Walking the Halls.

  10. wow thats alot of snow days! the rainbow snowman is sooo cool!! Will have to keep my eyes out for some of those movies!

  11. How funny, I usually have seen at least one of your picks, but this time I haven't seen any. We had a free weekend of Starz and a 3 month free trial of HBO so I have been DVRing a lot of movies to save and watch when our regular shows go on hiatus. We are actually watching one tonight, a cheesy sci-fi movie about big ants attacking people in an office building. HaHa
    Hope you get another day to watch movies.


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