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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Caden!!

Today is Caden's 3rd Birthday! I can't believe my baby is now 3, yes mom is going to hold it together :). I'm sorry baby it's not a big party this year but I'll make the most of what we got. My mom has offered to host the part at her house on the lake and she's doing the catering. Thankfully my mom is a rock star with food, now not always kid friendly but the adults sure will love it! HeHe.

I promise little man when mommy is back on her feet I'll get you the BEST birthday present! Much love little man.

Big brother and I made you a special treat for you to celebrate this special day and go with the beach theme!

MUCH LOVE little man!!!

So of course I found a recipe I liked and turned it into what I wanted for the theme :).

Nilla Sand Cups by Kraft Foods

prep time
15 min
total time
1 hr 15 min
8 servings, about 1/2 cup each

what you need

2 pkg. (3.4 oz. each) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
1 qt. (4 cups) cold milk
32 NILLA Wafers, finely crushed
8 Worm-shaped chewy fruit snacks

make it

BEAT pudding mixes and milk with whisk 2 min. Let stand 5 min.

PLACE 1 Tbsp. wafer crumbs in bottom of each of 8 (6- to 7-oz.) paper or plastic cups; cover with layers of pudding and remaining crumbs.

REFRIGERATE 1 hour. Top with fruit snacks before serving.

ALEXIS NOTES: So as you can see I switched this to one bowl instead a cups. For the beach themes I used sugar added blue food coloring to make a water color. I then added the peach rings to look like life preservers. Then I added some flamingos and paper umbrellas. I also did a batch and a half to make a big bowl for the party. YUMMY


  1. Happy Birthday Caden! You've already given him the best present, just by being the BEST Mom to him.

  2. Awesome recipe! I don't think it has to be big he's going to have a blast because your celebrating him. Happy birthday Caden!

  3. Happy birthday, Caden! Hope the party goes well, and I agree with nightowl: he already has the best present, because he has YOU as his mom!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CADEN wow you look great in this pic, have a great day old guy lol :)

  5. Happy Birthday Caden............. you handsome lil man you!

  6. Happy Birthday to Caden. My little one will be three in Oct. I loved what you did and made. It is a fun party for sure.. Just to let you know your writing is going into your side bars. I know you like to know this. .

    Love ya, Poser.

  7. Happy Birthday Caden!!! LOVE the cake! I think Sierra and I might just have to try that one!

  8. Very cute cake! You know it really doesnt matter how big or small the party and presents are. He will remember the time and fun most of all

  9. Memories are the best presents!!!

    But what is he wanting for his big day?? Toy Story 3 stuff?

  10. Oh I love it! That's such a neat little bowl of summer fun. Happy birthday, Caden! And hey, it isn't about the presents. It's about the love :)

  11. Happy Birthday Cayden. I hope he had a fun party. Always love that grin on his face!

  12. Happy Birthday Caden! I'm sure he had a great time. The cake is sooo cute!

  13. Woo Hoo Happy B-day caden!!! Love the birthday treat!

  14. happy birthday to him! Love the beach jello very neat!

  15. That is such a neat idea! Love it!! Hope he had a blast!

  16. At 3 all he cares about is having a fuss. He doesn't know any different. As long as he is loved, and he obviously is, that is what is important.

  17. Happy Birthday Caden!!! He is adorable, hope he had the best day ever!!! ADORABLE cake!!!

  18. Happy birthday Caden. Sometimes it's not about how big the party is or how extravagant the presents are. You did a wonderful job on the treat you made.

  19. Happy birthday my darling little Caden. Hope you had a wonderful birthday party, I know that you are SO happy that your mommy and Cole made you such a special treat.
    Lots of hugs and kisses from Auntie Lorie!!


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