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Friday, July 29, 2011

Home & on the mend!

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Thursday AM we got the call Rick could leave the hospital so I got there when they said at 8:30 only to wait a 1/2 hour for the security guard to bring up his wallet.  Then 10 min waiting for nurse to be told he needs some prescriptions filled and it would be at least an 1 1/2 hours … UGH.  Then they had a few that they didn’t have in the hospital so I had to make a quick run to Walmart to fill Rick’s 2 prescriptions that cost $85!!!!  Yes I almost fell over at that cost, I was blessed with a bonus check from my boss a few weeks back and something told me to save it not to go out and make a big purchase so I have a little cushion to help with the missed days and cost of all these meds Rick has needed.

It’s been one heck of a week, and I’m exhausted I haven’t slept well since Sunday and I’ve been bouncing between the hospital, home and running the boys to their events we had scheduled.  Thankfully we’ve had some sunny days so the boys could play outside with the neighbors. I think I’ll have to bake up something fun for my neighbor. 

So I sit here in a dirty house, laundry that is piling up once more along with the dishes.  Poor Rick is in bed going crazy wishing he could be up and about but HAPPY to be out of a hospital bed.  I’m hoping this weekend will give me sometime to get the house back in order and maybe if I’m lucky put my feet up!

Thank you again for all the love, support and prayers they mean so much to me!  Much love and I hope to be back up and running and commenting soon.  Sorry I haven’t been around, right now I feel like I entered the crazy half room in the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory.  The only sad thing is I don’t have Gene Wilder to make me laugh and carry me away in a balloon threw a glass ceiling!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It was a whirl wind weekend (Ups and a Big Down)

Most of you know by now how our weekend ended up but before then we did have some fun times!

We had fun w/Caden’s Birthday Playdough set. The colors will never be just one color but hey they last one time .. lol

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VBS we visited last week had a family night and the kids had a fun time singing and dancing.

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Saturday I took the boys to a friends house for a bon fire and fun times!

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Sunday we went to our Tuesday Dinner friends house for some fun times!  Yes that is Caden putting on a Concert he had a great song to go along with guitar playing … hehe Smile

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Update on Swim class, the teachers we usually have left for the summer to work a pool that is outdoors (can’t blame them).  So the teachers we have now are nice but new to this and let’s just say I’ve had to speak up a few times.  Sadly now I have to STAND next to the pool by Cole’s class which seems to make his teacher actually pay attention to him and give him things to do! UGH, I think we’ll take next month off and wait until the other teachers return.

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So for the Bon Fire I made Bon Fire themed jello shots.  SADLY I tried to make them the day of and it turned to mush almost soup.  And as many of you know I hate to loose … lol.  So I made a second batch and that batched turned out perfect! This recipe was from Super Bowl Jello Shots that I changed the colors around in. Make sure you check out that website it really is the coolest site!


Bon Fire Jello Shots

<p>I found this recipe for &#8220;Team Colors&#8221; used for the Super Bowl. I was going to a bon fire party so I thought I&#8217;d use fire colors. <span class="caps">NOW</span> my first batch was orange, red &#38; yellow but I learned a very ...

See Bon Fire Jello Shots on Key Ingredient.

So this week has been on a roller coaster I want to jump off of Smile.  Rick is doing better he was in ICU on the ventilator for the one night and is now moved to a normal wing.  We’re hoping he can come home today but I bet they will say the next day.  Thank you again for all your kind words and prayers you all mean the world to me.  And have helped me from spinning out of control.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Not just a simple Tooth Ache … Happy Anniversary

Tooth AcheThank you so much for all the prayers and wishes about Rick.  His surgery went well yesterday they ended up removing 4 teeth while they were in there.  His simple tooth ache has turned into a nightmare Sad smile.  He ended up a oral surgery that has him now on a ventilator to help him breath.  His throat is so swollen that if they took him off it he would be able to breath comfortable.  He’s been put in a medical coma to help with the pain along with a drain in his neck to help.  I went to visit him last night in the ICU and they have wonderful nurses that only have 2 patients each that they take care of.  He will be in the ICU for another day or two and then in a regular room until probably Friday.

They are going to take him out of the coma state this afternoon so I will take the boys in to see him.  They woke him up the am and they wrote that he wanted to see his boys Smile.  I’ll keep you posted on what happens.  Thank you again for all your support and kind words I so appreciate it.

Rick sleeping peacefully.

Rick in ER

Many blessings to you all!  And today is our 8th Anniversary, happy Anniversary sweetie, love you!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The one where Rick goes to the ER :(


Now I wish I was talking about the show ER (which by the way the last season just came out on DVD – Yes I netflixed it).

So I usually post about a fun food recipe on Monday’s but I’m with a lack of sleep and a heavy heart right now.  Rick has had teeth problems since I met him, I’ve been on him to get it fixed but being a male he figured he could just let it go.  As we all know fear and time only lead to bad things!

So 4th of July weekend Rick had a toothache so I had to do some emergency calling and the doc he saw last time was kind enough to call in a antibiotic for him.  Then last Thursday he woke up throwing up and in severe pain.  So I called the doc to get him in again, but since we don’t have insurance for him they suggested we go to a doc that let’s you do a cash pay on a sliding scale.  So he went in came out with an x-ray of his cracked wisdom tooth, more antibiotics and pain pills.   So no work Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  When I came home Sunday from my friends house I found Rick on the couch and asked me to take him to the ER.  So I called my dad to come stay with the boys.  And God love my parents it always come with a bit of an advice and I told you so.  They just can’t help it.

ER we went at 8pm by 12:15pm they admitted Rick.  By the AM the oral surgeon saw him and the x-ray they took to say he needed to have oral surgery.  Monday @ 3pm he will be going under.  The thing that is worrisome beside him having surgery is his throat is still so swollen and he has lock jaw so he hasn’t ate or really drank anything since Thursday.  So they are concerned about his throat and anesthesia.  They think they may have to put a tube down his nose and worried he may have to go into the ICU afterwards.  YES I’m a little freaked out right now.  So they said he may leave on Wednesday or worse case scenario Friday.  So here we are no insurance for him a huge hospital bill to come and scary surgery.  Oh yes and we’re not sure if his boss will allow him to use his vacation time.

And I thought last week was rough! Sad smile

Friday, July 22, 2011

It’s a VBS Thing! (Go your kids and your hair pulling will thank you!)


As most of you know I work from home so keeping the kids out of my hair during the day is like mission impossible.  I must say I have been blessed with a WONDERFUL neighbor that let’s the boys hang with her boys during the day.  So thankfully I just have to worry about breakfast and lunch during the day.  And of course a few little things during the day but thankfully I’ve been pretty blessed this summer and the kids leave me alone.

I have found some great local churches around our house that have VBS (Vacation Bible Study) and I’ve just found FIVE yes I said 5 around the house that are perfectly spaced out each week!  It’s perfect the kids get to go for like 3 hours have craft, snacks and bible study and I get complete silence at the house!

We have even found a new church that I will switch us too, has more younger couples and kids for the boys to hang with during Sunday school. 

I can’t say enough a thank you for all the churches around that do this for the kids!  It is truly a blessing that I cherish and grateful that they allow anyone to attend and for free!  Remember to take cans of food, churches always love that Princess!

This is what I found for Tacoma, WA (Google is a beautiful thing my friends search it and you’ll find a VBS by you too)

  • Faith CC 7/11 to 7/15 9a – 12:30p
  • Faith Lutheran 7/17 to 7/20 6:30p-8:30p
  • Our Savior Lutheran 7/18 to 7/22 8:55a-12:15p
  • Amazing Grace 7/25 to 7/29 10a – 1p
  • Little Church on the Prairie 8/1 to 8/5 9a-12p
  • Grace Church 8/8 to 8/12 6p-8:30p

It looks like the evening ones are a little hard so I’m not sure if we’ll do those especially since swim classes.  (That by the way is another store, I will tell you next week … I have become the parent the teacher look at each other and nod about).


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Deals … Calling all Deals & A Birthday Wish!!!

Ok peeps you all know I’m a little obsessive about things ok I always do everything to the max (may explain my over love of food … lol).  So when I find things I like I tend to go overboard.  A while back a friend of mine posted about some deal sites and I was hooked.  Now every day I have to check them everyday (yes the deals change daily and most are only good for one day).  I have found some great deals so I of course had to share with my friends so you all can be obsessed like me!  That is what friends are for right? … hehe

On your mark … Get your fingers ready to type … and your credit/debit card in hand!

First We go to Daily Steals:


Then you have to check out DS Home:

DS Home

Then over to DS Luxury:

DS Luxury

Then for the kids I check out DS Toys:

DS Toys

And for you techies DS Mobile:

DS Moble

For more kids Deals Kids.Woot!


For the adult’s Deals.Woot!


Then the regular Woot!


LivingSocial is great local deals


Groupon is another great place for local deals


And my fav deals until they sale out at Ice Monkey

ice monkey

Yes I know that is a lot of places but it only takes a few minutes and you never know what type of deal you may find.  I just picked up Shark vac/mop for $59 (saved $100) so yup it’s worth it!

And a to my dear friend Amy Happy Birthday!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weekend Wrap ~ Caden’s 4th Birthday and VBS!

Last week we tried out a new church VBS down the street.  I was so impressed with the church and how many young youth they had we even went to it on Sunday.  It was a really nice church and all the kids from VBS actually got up on stage and did a few musical numbers!!  I think I will be changing churches.  Sometimes your lead to something new and I believe this is the case with this new church!

Now to the party!  Saturday was calling for rain and when I got up to work my 6am shift it was coming down cat’s and dogs.  I said a little prayer and continued working my shift.  Thankfully it stopped when I was finished work.  My parents took the boys Friday night, I love my parents but I knew this would be trouble but selfishly I knew I needed time to get things done and would take what happened later.  My parents will tell you they love the boys are but not the type to take the kids and be able to hang with the craziness of 2 boys!  My mom & dad were married when I was 9, so having a 9 year old girl who likes to read and be quiet vs 2 boys who like to run, scream and torment each other well let’s just say it takes practice and if you only take the kids 2 or 3 times a year it can be a little overwhelming!

So Saturday when I arrived at my parents house to say they were a little frazzled was an understatement of the year!  As you know I’ve talked about it before my parents house is a museum and little hands don’t do well with no touching (it’s not because they don’t listen or don’t know the word NO like some think, they are kids and of course want to touch).  So Saturday afternoon was a little tense it’s fun having the lake parties but sometimes what goes along with it I think can drive us all a little to the deep end!

Onto the party we had a pretty good turn out!  The Jello Cups (because Alexis knows no size and got the big cups, let’s just say the shots turned into CUPS and were a HUGE hit, a few guest had more than one.  I sadly didn’t get one but I heard they were yummy!

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The sun breaked a bit and Rick took the jetski out and pulled the kids behind on a huge float and did pretty good until they hit a bump and everyone flew off.  Caden had a fit but we got him in and thankfully he wanted to go out again! 

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We had Cupcakes dressed up with orange fish on blue water and even got a bon fire going for S’Mores!!!  The kids had fun and only were in a little bit of sugar high!  We had a few adults that were on chocolate duty oh that’s right they even broke up a few graham crackers to help out, Right Jessica … lol.  Have to make fun of my friend and her mission to open the chocolate that had to take another person to open it just to get into it Smile.

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We had present time, wish turned into a free-for-all so sorry everyone I have no clue who went with what gift … lol.  Doing parties at the lake always seem to not go as planned.  AND yes I am the person who ALWAYS complains about parties that don’t have a schedule.  I really do try to keep everyone on track but it’s like hurding cats down there!  That includes trying to get my dad and Rick to come in off the jetski!

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I tried out a new recipe for the cupcakes.  I found this Martha Stewart Yellow Buttermilk Cake Recipe with Buttercream Frosting that was very yummy.  I had left over buttermilk from yesterday’s recipe of country fried steak, so I had to find a recipe to use it … yes I roll that way!  So my fish didn’t come out of cute as the picture.  I got to mom’s late and tried to make them up real quick, but had to get the boys out before we had a major malfunction in the day.  Let’s just say it included going to Wendy’s for frosties that I thought I put flat on my passenger side seat but ended up with half of them on the seat and the stack of clean blankets I was returning to my mom.  YUP it was a great morning!


Yellow Buttermilk Cupcake w/Buttercream Frosting

<p>I made these cupcakes for my son&#8217;s party and then added a fish on top for the theme of the swim party.</p>

See Yellow Buttermilk Cupcake w/Buttercream Frosting on Key Ingredient.

And for the adults I made Rainbow Jello shooters that turned into Jello Cups because the store only had the large cups. The 9 I made went like hot cakes and I sadly didn’t even get one!  These were the hit of the party and I’ll have to make them again!  For those who are looking for Jello Shot recipes head over to Jelly Shot Test Kitchen.


JUMBO Jello Shooters

<p>So I couldn&#8217;t find the small plastic cups so I used the large cups and they were more like Jello Cups!</p> <p>Suggested pan: 9&#8221; x 13&#8221; cake pan, or molds<br />Yield: about 45 jelly shots<br />Garnish: Maraschino cherries, if ...

See JUMBO Jello Shooters on Key Ingredient.

Phew I’m tired now … and doubt that helped my cold … lol.  Oh well it was fun.  Bickering, Drama and all was a good time!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

More Comfort food that does not lead to muffin top!

Rick has been asking for beef as you can see in yesterdays post.  One of his favorite meals is cubed steak, I came across this Country Fried Steak and Gravy on Laa Loosh is another great site for weight watcher recipes.


Country Fried Steak and Gravy (WW 6pts)

<p>A great low fat version of a classic. My gravy wasn&#8217;t as pretty as the original but it was still tasty!</p>

See Country Fried Steak and Gravy (WW 6pts) on Key Ingredient.

And for a yummy side of Cheddar, Bacon Mashed Potatoes from another great weight watcher site Friends for Weight Loss. This was a pretty simple one to make.  Now it called for FF Greek Yogurt, my grocery store of course only had flavored Greek Yogurt so I had to improvise and use light sour cream I had on hand.  I also used turkey bacon.


Cheddar, Bacon Mashed Potatoes (WW 4pts)

<p>A yummy side not with all the calories!</p>

See Cheddar, Bacon Mashed Potatoes (WW 4pts) on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday everyone!  I yet am still battling this cold but I can at least talk a bit better.  Need more rest, you get that when you die right?  hehe just joking!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Manic Monday Meals ~ Where’s the Beef? Well here of course silly!

Manic Monday Meals-1As many of you may have guessed while I’ve been trying to cut down on calories and watching what I serve the family.  So beef has not been on the menu for sometime.  The lean beef is always so spendy so I buy turkey instead.  After SEVERAL comments from Rick that he wanted beef I did some searching and found these.  Very yummy and not to bad on your push on the muffin top either!

Rick LOVES meatloaf so I made this HG's Big Beef 'n Bacon Meatloaf.  I just love her site!  And for you pig lovers (Amy) I used turkey bacon!


HG's Big Beef 'n Bacon Meatloaf

<p>A meatloaf that will fill you up and again not fill you out!</p>

See HG's Big Beef 'n Bacon Meatloaf on Key Ingredient.

And these Healthy slow cooker fajita were a perfect meal that was easy to put together.  You can serve as a stew or on some corn tortillas.  I had FF sour cream but I skipped it and it was just as yummy Smile.


Healthy slow cooker fajitas

<p>A great and easy way to cook up fajitas</p>

See Healthy slow cooker fajitas on Key Ingredient.

Happy Monday everyone Smile, I’m still sick but starting to feel better!  Hopefully soon my head and nose will go back to normal!  Hope you find something you like!

And my BFF Poser Amy had her baby boy Tyler John early this weekend.  Stop by and say congrats to her and why not wish her a early happy Birthday also!

Amy & Tyler John

Friday, July 15, 2011

I think the house may take me alive soon ….

TissuesSadly I’m still sick as a dog for a week now, I’m hoping that soon my head will feel back to normal.  I’ve been working this whole week it’s been rough but keep pushing threw each day.  Sadly I have not gone to the gym in a week and it’s killing me to be off my routine especially now that I’m back on my thyroid pills which hopefully will help me get back on track health wise. (Google Images for photo)

So the laundry has been pilling up (because of course I’m the only one who can wash and put it away).  The dog hair is trying to invade every inch of the house (again I’m the only one who can vacuum). My dad walked in yesterday (my parents house is the immaculate “museum” as we call it).  I could just see it on his face … lol Thankfully he heard me talk and knew I was sick and not time to mention my cleaning habits Smile

This has been one heck of a cold that is kicking my butt.  Some how I’m the only one that can keep the inside of the house clean and pretty soon your going to find me lying on the floor under a pile of dog car that is starting to resemble a coat and laundry over the top of that.  Oh please God let this cold go away.  Even though my family thinks they can function with out me we are seeing the proof they can not.  And my poor children can not eat what my husband calls dinner any longer.  Fast Food may be a meal in his eye but not mine, of course the boys are loving it!

Today I must take a shower and go grocery shopping.  Rain or shine I have a party to host tomorrow and I’m thinking no one will want to see me covered in dog hair or laundry.  What do you think?

I will power threw I have cupcakes, pudding pops and of course Jello Shots to make.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Party Planning Again!

It’s time to plan Caden’s party, it’s at my parents house so I won’t have to do much running around.  My mom will be hosting the party which is so nice to have the use of their waterfront for the kids to play.  Mom loves to throw parties and cook, she is an amazing cook, her food is more for the grown up … which is great but the kids not always on board with dressed up mac and cheese with tomatoes or onions … lol.  I love her food but the kids sometimes look at it like we’ve gone mad.  She would like to do nice sandwiches.  I think I may have to sneak some hot dogs down, I sworn not to bring them but I just know the kids would really want them … hehe so I must be on a covert mission to bring them in. 

Now as many of you know my parents did a huge remodel of their waterfront and they say it’s for this party … hehe.  God love them when we had my wedding at their house they did a huge remodel their too some how that included a new smoke house which I’m not sure how it played into being because of my wedding but it did … lol.  So the lake is ready for a party, but as the rest of the country is having a heat wave here in the PNW we are experiencing storms and downpour of rain.  And yes we are known for our rain but usually we’re pretty safe to plan a party in July with out having to worry about rain!  I need all the prayers I can get right now for NO RAIN, right now they are calling for showers!

So now on to making the cupcakes, as you may have guessed I’m going to make them.  I’ve been working very hard to be able to make the kids party cakes myself.  Now I’m NO Duff, but I’m trying hard to make cute ones Smile.  So on the search for the best cupcake design to use:

These are cute look like the ones I made for Cole just NOT in the ice cream cone!

These look cute but I’m not sure about transporting with the trees, could always assemble at the party.


These are super cute but I’ve never worked with fondant.


These also look like the ones I did for Cole.


I think I’ve decided on these! hehe I think they look a little creepy but I know the kids would get a kick out of them!  With out the flag about school.

What do you think?


Then of course I thought I’d do my pudding pops but make them like ocean colors so do dark blue, then light blue and white for the kids.

And for the adults and because my BF had her birthday last week I thought I’d make these Unfettered F-U-N . . . Rainbow Jelly Shooter! I found the COOLEST website for you Jello Shot fans It’s the Jello Shot Test Kitchen and she even has a book out.  Talk about elegant grown up jello shots, she makes the coolest one’s with not sight of a paper cup!


So I think I’m set on the cupcakes, pudding pops and the Jello Shots to be made.  I will sneak in some hot dogs Smile along with items to make the s’mores.  Rick built them an amazing fire pit out of bricks.  It looks very pretty which is why Rick is not too pleased to be having me use it … lol.

On a plus side Rick is scheduled to work that day and he couldn’t get the day off, so he is going to take a personal day which is not ideal but hey it’s better then him not being there (which most times he has to work and only can be there for 1/2 the time).

So I’m still sick so I need all the prayers I can get right now for no rain and to be done with the cold!  Thanks again for all the well wishes you guys are just amazing!

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