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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter! Some fun Trivia for this special Day!

fun facts about easter

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Wrapped ... We End with Bunny Tails

We end our Easter Treats with some Bunny Tails for Caden's classmates.  Ok I couldn't just send chalk for the kids, a little sweet treat was needed also.  So it's only a marshmallow in a bag but it's still a cute treat to give.
Super simple to make but so adorable!  I found this simple Bunny Tails treat on Eighteen 25 Blog.  And you know my love of people who include FREE printables, well you have two to choose from!

what you'll need:

step one: print out toppers and trim off edges
step two: cut white cardstock to 6 3/4" x 4 1/2", score (or fold) in half
step three: place marshmallows in bags and zip closed
step four: staple cardstock to bag.

Alexis Notes: I think she used the EXTRA Large Marshmallows.  I was cheap and went with the large marshmallows, they were on sale at Target for $.99 verses $3.49 for the Extra Large.  What can I say I'm cheap :).  I put 4 marshmallows instead of two like her picture.  She also taped but I skipped that part since they are Kindergartners didn't want to make it too hard for them to open.

Hope you have a wonderful Easter Weekend!  
God Bless!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Treats - Bunny Cupcakes (2 Ways - Same Cupcake)

Now for the treats for Cole's class.  He and his friends always ask me to make cupcakes so cupcakes it is.  I found these really cute Bunny Cupcakes on Paris Pastry's website.  I loved the ones with the faces and the one that only had the ears and the nose was so cute too (before you put the eyes and whiskers on).  I thought the younger kids would love the face ones and the older kids would love the ones with just Ears and Noses.  Remember Cole's class is 3rd - 5th Grade so you do have some older kids in there.

I made a Yellow Cupcake Recipe I found on Women's Day's Website.  Sorry no pictures on me making the cupcakes I was running around like a mad woman Tuesday night around 10pm making these so I'll leave you with the recipe link .. lol.

The cupcakes are super easy to make and decorate, hope you give these a try!

What you Need:
Cupcakes (Bake or Buy)
White Frosting (Make or Buy)
Pink Sugar
Orange Circle Candy
Black Gel 
Black Shoestring Candy (Wilton's)

  1. Take marshmallow and cut in half, I cut diagonally to make it look like ears. 
  2. Push the sticky side of the marshmallow in pink sugar (you can use whatever color you want).  
  3. Take a cooled cupcake that you then frost with white frosting.  
  4. Add Ears to the top of the cupcake.  
  5. In the middle put a miniature orange candy for the nose. 
  6. Draw the whiskers and eyes on with black gel frosting. (I used Wilton's Black Shoestring Candy for whiskers) 
  7. Optional - If you want to do the other version, skip the black gel for eyes and whiskers.

I think they came out so cute!  And pretty darn easy to make.  The longest part was making the cupcakes.

Easter is Sunday what is on your plan to make?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Egg Sidewalk Chalk

For Caden's kindergarten class I wanted to make something fun but not something with sugar since I knew they would be having a lot of candy from the other kids.  I found a cute gift tag to add, since they go to a faith based school I found one that had a bible verse.  You can always add a regular Easter tag if you would like.

I went to my sidewalk chalk recipe I used for the auction gifts I made.  I then pulled out my Jell-O Egg molds (you can pick these up FREE every year if you buy a box of Jell-O), I saw on Pinterest people using plastic Easter eggs also if you don't have this mold.  I didn't want to do just one color so I did 3 colors.  NOW don't overfill your eggs like I did, this will MAKE it so hard to open them you will almost think you need to throw away the whole batch (almost did that).  Taking them out of the mold will be hard if overfilled and will cause a heck of a mess next time I will do over a paper bag of newspaper.  I got a lecture from Rick about our counter-tops when he saw the mess ... lol.

What you will need:
•    Egg Mold (I used Jell-O Mold you can use Plastic Egg)
•    Vaseline (to grease the egg)
•    Small bucket or disposable container to make the recipe
•    ¾ cup of warm water
•    1 ½ cups Plaster of Paris
•    2-3 tablespoons of tempera paint
•    Paper bag or a “mess mat”

Step 1: Take Vaseline and grease the inside of the eggs.
Step 2: Pour the warm water into your bucket. Sprinkle the Plaster of Paris over the water and stir the mixture with a plastic spoon. The Plaster of Paris roughly starts hardening within 20-30 minutes, so you need to work fast so that it does not harden too quickly.
Step 3: Next you will want to pour the tempera paint into the Plaster of Paris mixture and stir so that it is mixed thoroughly. If you would like brighter colors  add more tempera paint into the mixture. 
Step 4: I added my first color to one half of the egg, filling about 1/3 of the way.
Step 5: I let it set up for about a half hour then repeated with the next color (following step 2-3)
Step 6: I filled the top and the bottom of the egg with two colors then filled the 3rd color on top of each color in each egg.  I then let it set up for about 10 minutes and let closed the top and the bottom of the egg so it will become one egg! (See Picture)
Step 7: I let it set up over night and then went to open.  I over filled mine so when I went to open it was almost glued shut.  I took a knife to get the dried plaster off and pry the egg open.  I made extra thankfully so the few that broke didn't have to be used.  
Step 8: I added 2 eggs to a snack size zip-lock and added a fun Easter Note.  You can use anyone you like we go to a Faith based school so mine had a bible verse on it.
I found an awesome bible verse label on Detail Oriented Diva! Again you can find a free printable with a bunny if you would like.

We had a few break and I made a mess :) but overall it was so fun!

Yes a Mess

A few causalities.

I think they turned out so cute!  I hope the kids love them.  Today is our last day of the week so I will bring them in today.  We go to Spring Break tomorrow in time for Good Friday and Easter.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bunny Invasion for Egg Hunt ... "Cinnabunny" Rolls

For my friends Egg Hunt I wanted to bring two fun dishes first was the Nutter Butter Bunnies. So I go to old faithful Pinterest I went and came across Cinnabunny Rolls on Betty Crocker's Website.  These bunnies were just so freaking cute, ok when they puff up cooked not as cute but still!  

I followed the recipe using the pre-made cinnamon rolls this time, but next time I may just make my own and make them.  This is super easy recipe and so cute that the kids will love!

can (12.4 oz) Pillsbury® Grands!® Cinnamon Rolls with Icing
raisins, for decorating
sliced almonds, for decorating
Coarse sugar or sprinkles

  • 1. Start by removing the cinnamon rolls from the package. Place 4 cinnamon rolls on large lightly greased cookie sheet about 3 inches apart. Unroll remaining 4 cinnamon rolls and place on cookie sheet touching one of the coiled cinnamon rolls and folding ends under to create the floppy bunny ears. Pinch the dough to secure the ears to the bunny head.
  • 2. Firmly press 3 raisins on top of each roll to form the eyes and nose and the almonds for the teeth.
  • 3. Bake according to package directions.
  • 4. Cool completely, frost and decorate the ears.

Hope you all have a Hop a long day!  
Yes I have more fun Easter Recipes to come this week!

Do you have any Easter Items you'll be making?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bunny Invasion for Egg Hunt ... Nutter Butter Bunnies

This weekend was my friends annual egg hunt, she puts on this amazing event and I like to bring something special.  Last year I did the Jello Egg Shots & Easter Bunny Cookies.  

Last Years Creations (link above)

This year I wanted to make bunnies but a different kind.  I found these super cute Nutter Bunnies  on Plain Chicken.  They were super easy to make and They were so CUTE!

1 pack Nutter Butter cookies
1 (24oz) package vanilla almond bark
large marshmallows
pink sanding sugar
edible marker

Cut marshmallows in half to make 2 rounds.  Cut each round in half and dip the cut side (sticky side) into pink sanding sugar.  Set aside. 

Roll out a large piece of wax paper to place the dipped cookies on.  Melt almond bark according to the package directions.  Dip 6 Nutter Butters in the almond bark, shake off excess almond bark.  Place on wax paper and attach ears.  Using tweezers, place nose sprinkle on the cookie.   

Repeat with remaining Nutter Butters.  Allow to set up completely (about 30 minutes to an hour).  Draw face on bunny with edible marker and enjoy.

** Alexis Notes - I found that I had to cut the marshmallows in 4th instead of just in half (they just looked too big the other way).  Safeway by the house was out of almond bark, so I just melted some white chocolates.  The edible markers I had on hand didn't seem to work.  So I ran to Michael's to find out there was Edible Marker's for Chocolate Melts (which works also on chocolates).  I used gel to make the eyes and the pink marker for the whiskers and nose (they didn't have a black marker in there). **

Just wait tomorrow will be Bunny Cinnamon Rolls I made.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Diet Hummor

I'm so excited I was able to loose weight this week and now I'm down 91.7lbs, oh yes so it's happy dance time!  23lbs to go and I'll be at honeymoon weight.  Whoo hoo, so we wrap this week with some diet humor.  I love this because it is so my life I have battled with my weight and have worked very hard to be at this weight and will continue on this path.  

Hope you all have a good chuckle and have a great weekend.

Let's thank Oprah for 25 years of helping us justify being completely insane about our weight fluctuations

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mad Hatter Tea Party ... Part 4 Caterpillars

We end our Mad Hatter Tea Party with the caterpillars I made.  I found these really cute Caterpillar Grape Kabobs on Six in the Suburbs.  Her's came out so much cuter, note to self next time need to search for a small pipping tip and not just use a knife to dab on ... lol.  Oh well the kids didn't care and I still think they are kind of cute.

What you Need:
Long wooden skewers
Mini Chocolate chips
Vanilla Frosting 

I first washed the grapes then dried them off.  Then Cole & I took grapes and stabbed them onto the skewers.  I found it was easiest to poke where the stem was that way you had a long caterpillar and it was already a hole.  NOW next time I will use a small pipping tip to add the frosting to the back of the mini chocolate chips.  Then place them on where eyes would go.  The blunt end of the skewer almost looks like a mouth.  EASY, Cole and I did this with in minutes.

Well I hope you enjoyed our trip down the Rabbit Hole to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.  I think this was the coolest party we've been to and the boys even got to spend the night.  VERY cool kids night out idea.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mad Hatter Tea Party ... Part 3 Edible Tea Cups

Well I've shown you the Hat's made and the clock along with the final look.  Now on to the food that was made.  I started with these Edible Tea Cups I found on Kitchen Round Table.  I made a few adjustments and tada they came out pretty darn cute if I must say so myself.

1 Cup-style wafer ice cream cone
1 Round sugar or shortbread cookie
Decorating icing (frosting)
1/2 Gummy Ring Candy (you can do 2 if you want see picture below the difference)
Assorted Candies

Take a serrate knife to cut off the bottom of the ice cream cone.  I left some of the bottom of the cone to make the cups deeper (they cut off the the top lip).  You can add a candy ring between the cookie and the ice cream cone.  I didn't like the look so I took some frosting and used it like glue to glue the cone to the cookie.  I then cut a gummy ring candy in half and added a little frosting as glue to make the handle.  I added some candy and done!  You may want to wait in between to let frosting dry to become hard almost like a real glue!

Stay tuned we have one more Mad Hatter Party goodie I made for the party.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mad Hatter Tea Party ... Part 2 the Clock for the Rabbit

And if you really want to get creative, mom my made the boys these really cool clocks on lunch pail that the boys can use to carry lego's around after this party.

We hit up Ben Franklin, but you could find these at most craft stores.

Cool looking Pail / Box - We found these white lunch boxes
Clock Arms
Clock Numbers
Charm - We used a key with hearts
Hot Glue Gun

Mom took the arms and hot glued them on.  She then hot glued a charm in the center of the arms (we started to use a button but then found the charms) ours was a key with hearts  (like the Queen of Hearts).  Then the numbers she found (in the clock section) were sticky on back so she placed them in kind of a fun weird way to finish up the look to them (reminds me of that painting where the clock looks like it's melting and the numbers and in odd places).  And tada done!  Cost less then $10 and they can use the pails to hail their toys around.  My mom rocks and coming up with this idea, so much better then the paper clocks I found at the dollar tree I was going to use.

Hope you enjoy our Mad Hatter Tea Party Looks.  Here is what we looked like when all was said in done.  I picked up some glasses from the dollar store and added a little pink lipstick on their noses and of course the bow ties found in the clown section.

Up next is the goodies we brought in the theme for the party!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mad Hatter Tea Party ... Part 1 Bring on the Hat

The boys were invited to a Mad Hatter Tea Party, part of the requirement was you must dress up.  Well I didn't want to go out and spend a ton of money on a costume we'd only wear once.  So I hit up pinterest I found this photo as inspiration it was made for a dog.  BUT I knew I could make something like it for the boys.  I hit up the dollar tree being almost Easter it was the perfect time!  They had out everything I could need.  I saw the Easter Basket and it made me think I can use that as a base for the hat.  Then I saw the cupcake stand and thought HMMM I could make those cupcake rings cut out the centers to make a rim of the hat.  YUP the idea was born!

What I used:
Easter Basket ($1)
Black Poster Board (2/$1)
Baby Bow Headband ($1)
Cake Stand ($1)
Easter Headband Ears ($1) 
Hot Glue Gun (had it here)

I took a Easter Basket cut the handle off.  I then I took the black poster board and wrapped it around the basket and cut it to fit.  I took the hot glue gun and glued the poster board down to the basket.  I cut a circle for the top of the hat (which would be the bottom of the basket).  I then took the cake stand circle and cut a circle in the middle to make the rim of the hat.  I took black poster board and cut rings to cover the cake stand circle to complete the rim of the hat.  I took the hot glue gun and glued the circle to the top of the basket to form a hat.  Take the baby Bow head band and slide it down the hat to have the bow at the front of your hat.  Cut the Ears of the headband and hot glue them behind the bow.  You can Add some playing cards on the side if you would like!  I'm thinking of add a clock for the boys to hold and maybe some glasses to complete the look.

Click the picture to Enlarge
I made a step by step collage to help if you want to make.

Hope you give this fun project a whirl.

Here are the boys all done up!

Friday, March 15, 2013

And We Wrap with a Funny!

It's been 2 weeks of some ups and downs here and just needed a good laugh.  I saw this posted on Facebook last night and laughed and thought I should share.  Since I took a water aerobics class last week and had to put on a bathing suit in a very long time.  It was great to fit into a much smaller suit size (going from a 3x to large) but the lumps and bumps did want me to run to comfy clothes ... lol.  Happy Friday!

Photo: Bwahahaha!!!

And yet again I will do my ChaLean work out tonight and try to get in 3 miles.
Comfy pants won't win today ... lol

Thursday, March 14, 2013

St. Paddy Day ... Pot of Gold Cookies

On our last item made for our St. Patty's day celebration is the cookies I made for each of the boys room.  I found these really cool Pot of Gold Cookies on What's Cooking Love.  They were super easy to make and I think they turned out so cute!  Her recipe used a store bought cookie mix and I made my chocolate chip cookie dough and followed her recipe.

First we start with the cookies (IF you want to make cookie dough you can use the store bought mix).  I found a recipe for The BEST EVER Chocolate Chip Cookies on Savory Sweet Life.  The recipe was very simple to make.  After I made the dough I picked up from her recipe on Step 3.

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe EVER!

  • 1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter, softened
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1½ cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2¾ cups (12 oz) all-purpose flour *If at all possible, please weigh the flour
  • ¾ tsp. smallish-medium coarse sea salt
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1½ tsp. baking powder
  • 2¼ cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 360 degrees. Cream butter, sugar, and brown sugar until it is nice and fluffy (approx. 3 minutes on medium-high speed on a K-5). Add both eggs and vanilla and beat for an additional 2 minutes. Add baking soda, baking powder, salt, and flour until cookie batter is fully incorporated. Finally add chocolate chips until well distributed. The cookie batter should be somewhat thick. Drop about 2 tablespoons of dough or use a medium cookie scoop and plop the batter onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 12-14 minutes until the edges are nice and golden brown. Remove from heat and allow the cookies to stay on the cookie sheet for an additional 2 minutes. Pick up the parchment paper with the cookies still on top and transfer to a cool non-porous surface.

(NOW since I was making the Pot of Gold's I ONLY made the dough, but I wanted to make sure you had the whole recipe if you want to make cookies).

Pot of Gold Cookies

1 pouch Chocolate Chip Cookie mix
1/2 cup butter (1 stick), softened
1 egg
3 tablespoons peanut butter chips
10 yellow Reese's Pieces (per cookie)

(Alexis Notes: Either use Cookie Mix or Make your own.)

1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2.  Stir the chocolate chip cookie mix, butter, and egg together in a large bowl until soft dough forms. Then add the peanut butter chips and stir to combine.  

3.  Roll the dough into a rounded teaspoonful and place one ball in an ungreased muffin tin pan.  Repeat for the rest of the cookie dough balls.   Bake for 8-10 minutes.  Cool the cookies for 5 minutes, then gently press 10 yellow Reese's Pieces into the cup of each cookie. Cool for an additional 5 minutes then gently remove from the cookie sheet onto a cooling rack.  

(Alexis Notes: I didn't add peanut butter chips. I also used my silicone mini cupcake pan instead of the muffin tin.)

Enjoy, these are so cute and the boys loved them.  Can't wait to share with their friends.

And for the anonymous (because you don't want anyone to call you out with a real name). I'm not an idiot for saying Patty not Paddy, I know it an age old argument, I did some research and switched my post to Paddy ONLY because it tells me the Irish call it that way and I want to be respectful.  Call me an idiot all you want, but I address people with my name so they can talk with me if they would like to disagree with me!! 

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

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