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Monday, November 30, 2009

MSM ~ Thanksgiving Day Goodies!

Make Something Monday

Ok hang on this will be a long one! I thought instead of putting these all in separate MSM, I'm just putting it all in one! Easy to pick and choose which ones you like and go from there! We had a wonderful day with lot's of yummy food! Enjoy I hope you find something you like :).

We start with the Ham and an amazing glaze!!!!

Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Let cool. Brush on ham frequently during the last 30 minutes of baking.

NOTE: I put half of it on the ham put in the fridge to almost marinate for 2 hours and then 1/2 hour before pulling out I put the last half on the ham! This was amazing, I've never had this many compliments on my ham before!

Next we give you the Mac and Cheese:
  • 1 (8 ounce) package elbow macaroni
  • 1 (8 ounce) package shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
  • 1 (12 ounce) container small curd cottage cheese
  • 1 (8 ounce) container sour cream
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup dry bread crumbs
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil, add pasta, and cook until done; drain.
  2. In 9x13 inch baking dish, stir together macaroni, shredded Cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. In a small bowl, mix together bread crumbs and melted butter. Sprinkle topping over macaroni mixture.
  3. Bake 30 to 35 minutes, or until top is golden.
NOTE: I used ritz crackers for the top!! Yummy!!!

Pumpkin Crème Brûlée

1 1/4 cup (285g) heavy cream
3/4 cup (170g) milk
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon allspice
1/8 teaspoon cloves
1 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
5 egg yolks
1/2 cup granulated or superfine sugar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 cup (245g) pumpkin puree
2 tablespoons superfine sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees (150 degrees Celsius). In a medium saucepan, set over medium heat, bring cream, milk, spices, and vanilla to almost boiling. Reduce heat to very low.
2. In a tea kettle or medium saucepan, start heating about a quart of water to boil.
3. In a mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip egg yolks, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, and brown sugar until thick and light yellow.
4. With mixer on low speed, slowly pour a cup of the hot cream mixture into the egg mixture. Mix until well incorporated, then add back into the cream mixture. Heat over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until the mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Stir in pumpkin puree.

5. Place a strainer over a large bowl and strain mixture. Use a wooden spoon to press it through.
6. Pour custard into a 9″ ceramic dish. Place dish into a roasting pan lined with a kitchen towel. Place in oven, and carefully pour boiling water into the roasting pan until it comes about halfway up the sides of the baking dish. Bake for 60-70 minutes, or until the custard looks almost set. There will be some movement when you jiggle the pan, but it should not be liquid in the middle.
7. Remove from oven, and allow to cool in the roasting pan for 30 minutes. Remove custard from the roasting pan, and let cool completely on a cooling rack. Refrigerate until well-chilled, about 2-3 hours,
8. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of superfine sugar evenly over the surface of the custard. Using a kitchen torch, or a propane blow torch from the hardware store, carefully melt the sugar until it caramelizes and hardens onto candy. Refrigerate for thirty minutes more. Serve.

NOTE: have a good water bath, mine didn't turn out too well. It was more custard like! Thank you to for the recipe ;)

Candied Sweet Potatoes

  • 4 pounds sweet potatoes, quartered
  • 1 1/4 cups margarine
  • 1 1/4 cups brown sugar
  • 3 cups miniature marshmallows, divided
  • ground cinnamon to taste
  • ground nutmeg to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish.
  2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add potatoes and boil until slightly underdone, about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and peel.
  3. In a large saucepan over medium heat, combine margarine, brown sugar, 2 cups marshmallows, cinnamon and nutmeg. Cook, stirring occasionally, until marshmallows are melted.
  4. Stir potatoes into marshmallow sauce. While stirring mash about half of the potatoes, and break the others into bite-sized chunks. Transfer to prepared dish.
  5. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cover top evenly with remaining marshmallows. Return to oven and bake until marshmallows are golden brown.
Parker House Rolls
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 pkg. dry yeast
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1/4 to 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 4-1/2 to 5 cups flour
  • more melted butter
Warm the milk in a small saucepan over low heat. Mix 1/3 of the milk with the dry yeast in a small bowl and let sit until bubbly, about 15 minutes. In a large bowl, combine remaining milk, melted butter, salt and sugar and beat until the sugar is dissolved. Then add the beaten eggs and bubbly yeast.

Add flour, 1/4 cup at a time, beating on high speed of stand mixer. This step should take at least 5 minutes. When the dough gets too stiff to beat, stir in rest of flour by hand, if necessary, to make a soft dough. Turn out onto floured surface and knead for 5 minutes, until smooth and satiny. Place dough in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and let rise in warm place until light and doubled in size, about 1 hour. (I have also covered the dough well and placed it in the refrigerator overnight. This works really well. Let the dough stand at room temperature for 1 hour before proceeding with recipe.)

Punch down the dough and roll out on floured surface to 1/2" thickness. Cut with 3" round cookie cutter. Brush each roll with melted butter and fold in half to make half circles. Pinch edge lightly to hold, so the rolls don't unfold as they rise. Place in 2 greased 13x9" pans, cover, and let rise again until double, about 45 minutes. (If you refrigerated the dough, this will take longer, about 60-75 minutes.)

Bake rolls at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan immediately and brush with more melted butter. Don't use the same butter you used when forming the rolls - melt some fresh just for this step. Makes 24 rolls

Dinner is served!
Dad cutting the ham and the gang all here!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Please Pray for the Lakewood Police Department

Around 8:15am this morning a man walked into our local Forza coffee shop and opened fire on 4 officers having coffee and starting their shift. The man walked in and targeted the 4 cops, after shooting them he walked out not aiming at the baristas or the other shoppers. I'm very sad to say all 4 officers (3 male and 1 female) were killed. Please say a prayer for their families and or small police department that has lost 4 of their family members.

Rick and his buddy from work were able to ask their work Top Foods to donate sandwiches for the command center and all the officers that were called in to help along with a flower arrangement for the memorial site. Rick is working with Red Cross right now for a spaghetti dinner for tomorrow, I'm not sure if we'll
be making it or if we will be donating some of the products. Thank you again for your prayers and thoughts for this amazing people that put their lives on the line to protect us daily. It is a shame that we lost 4 of these great people!
Our local news station had this posted:

by and Associated Press

Posted on November 29, 2009 at 9:41 AM

Updated today at 8:22 PM

PARKLAND, Wash. - A person of interest has been identified in the killings of four Lakewood police officers.
Pierce county sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said they are looking for Maurice Clemmons, 37.
Troyer said Clemmons has an extensive violent criminal history from Arkansas, including aggravated robbery and theft. He has also recently been arrested and charged in Pierce County for assault on a police officer and for rape of a child.

Troyer said Clemmons is one of several people investigators would like to talk to and can't be called a suspect at this point.

Lakewood Police Chief Bret Farrar identified the officers who were killed as Sergeant Mark Renninger, and Officers Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold, and Greg Richards.

Renninger, 39, has 13 years of law enforcement experience. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Owen, 37, has 12 years of law enforcement experience. He is survived by his former wife and a daughter.

Griswold, 40, has 14 years of law enforcement experience. She is survived by her husband and two children.

Richards, 42, has eight years of law enforcement experience. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Four Lakewood officers slain

Tie Buddies Giveaway

I'm so excited to share this new item with you, we received it a while back so I must apologize for not posting before now. I wanted to be able to share pictures of Cole using the Tie Buddies on his shoes. He's been in Kindergarten awhile now and ready to sit (you know he's all boy and sitting is hard) and learn this. So I was so excited to show you pictures of Cole (the whole reason for waiting) and guess what my card reader is not liking me! So I'm starting with an apology to my amazing sponsor Tie Buddies for the delay on my post.

What I enjoyed about Tie Buddies is how easy it was to show Cole to do this, you know he's getting to be very independent these days (the reason for Velcro in my life). But most of the shoes he wants these days don't have velcro they are tie shoes. I need not remind you what the morning time is like in my house and throwing in tie shoes into the mix just makes this mom want to cry even more. So you know when I saw these I had to try them, Cole wasn't ready to learn until about 2 weeks ago. The steps are very simple but they do take a few times and some practice, and my boys not so much on sitting and taking time.

I'm happy to say we are ready to learn and can simply follow the steps (I've included them at the bottom) to tie our own shoes. You should have seen the day he wore them to school, he was the hit of the playground (yup he told me the other kids thought he was COOL). We received the Red and Green Race Cars that of course are super cool because they have cars on them! His teacher even asked me about them when I picked him up that first day about it. I of course was the talking queen I am and even told a few of the other mom's there about them!

What a cool way to help your child feel independant and make your life easier. I know moms what a way to go! Most shoe laces are the same size so they fit almost all shoes, I have seen a few of those laces that are thick but most of them have been on the teenager skater shoes. And you know how I love to show off moms that invent amazing things! Well Tie Buddies is no exception Wendy Welling a mother of two daughter who also were wanting their independence. After many protocols and I'm sure trials and tribulations she was able to figure out the right combination of cool stories and characters. We all know when buying clothes the bargaining that goes on and sometimes those characters just win! This way they can sport some cute characters on their feet and learn to tie there shoes at the same time. As I mentioned velcro is the driving force in many moms life, which can help increase children's learning age to tie their shoes to age 9 or 10! I know I never really thought of that, but Tie Buddies helps kids as young as 3 learn to tie their shoes. Tie Buddies are great for ages 3 to 9! Currently they have 2 styles one for boys and one for girls, but no worries more are to come! Now check out how easy this is:

Yup Cole's teacher would say this!
Step 1 put Tie Buddies on the lace
Step 2 - Make an X
Step 3 - get your loops ready
Step 4 - pass over each other
Step 5 - Back and Forth
Step 6 - Push threw hole
Step 7 - Grab and Pull away
Step 8 - Your DONE!!
What are you waiting for don't you want less tears in the morning? Don't you know the kids are laughing at you for crying ... :) no really I'm all about making life easy and believe me these will help. Even if you don't have small children take a look around and I'm sure you'll find a mom in need!

BUY IT: You get 4 Tie Buddies (you know 2 for each shoe) for $8.99! And the best part is they can be taken off one shoe and put onto another pair! I think Cole may actually own more shoes than me (my mom goes crazy buying shoes .. Cole loves it, he's like dad).

WIN IT: One lucky winner will win Tie Buddies for themselves! I'm so excited that you'll have a chance to win these!

ENTER: Head over to Tie Buddies and tell me what style you would like to try! Very simple but make sure you choose wisely because that will be what is shipped to you.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Sign up for Networked Blogs (facebook - located on the right side) (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Head over to Tie Buddies and let me know something you learned
  6. Enter my Connected Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/29/09
  7. Enter my Make it Fast, Cook it Slow Giveaway by 11/30/09
  8. Enter my King Arthur Flour Giveaway by 12/01/09
  9. Enter my C.Belly Belts Giveaway by 12/07/09
  10. Enter my Exergen TemporalScanner Giveaway by 12/07/09
  11. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 12/14/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion

The Source of Miracles Book Review

What a perfect book to show you after giving Thanks this week for all the wonderful things we have in life and with Christmas coming soon some of us need a gentle reminder of seeing and appreciate the things right in front of us! Just lately I have been reevaluating my life and trying to put things in a better place. We all find this in different place, I found mine in the church I found.

Each chapter of The Source of Miracles: 7 Steps to transforming your life throught the lords prayer you will find 7 steps to make changes in your life threw the Lord's prayer. What I liked as you know I love books is how easy and practical it is to include these steps into your life. Just like she says True Happiness and success can't just be wished for now isn't that a true statement. Like everything else in life a little hard work and effort go along way. Key word commitment ... I know don't run away because really when we hear that word it makes some of us step back but really who are you stepping back on but ourself? Food for thought there!

The book is only 205 pages and it's the half size type of book, it's really a quick read that you will find yourself reading over. This is a great way to learn and grow your personal life and your relationship with God. And when those challenges are getting you down and you need a boost go to your favorite chapter to find meditations, affirmations, and other activities.

This exercise hit close to home, I always try to give and give and sometimes I feel like those I give to aren't always there when I need them. It's been a tough thing I've been dealing with lately and hard time internally do I move on, what do I do? Then I read this Exercise:
If the person is someone who has no further place in your life, let him or her go. Use this affirmation as needed.

I forgive and release (person's name) from my life with love, and I pray that he/she finds healing on his/her own path and harms no one.
Lord's prayer:

Our Father in Heaven
May Your Name Be Hallowed,
May Your Kingdom Come,
May Your Will Be Done,
As in Heaven, So upon Earth,
Give us Today Our Sufficient Bread,
And Forgive us Our Debts,
As We Also Have Forgiven Our Debtors,
And Do Not Bring Us into Tempation,
But Deliver Us from Evil.
BUY IT: Hard Back $22.00, Currently Amazon has on sale for $11.88 and on Kindle for $9.99

Thank you to FSB Associates for a inspiration book that gave me the guidance I was looking for. It is currently now part of my night stand go to book area. I received this book to review and give my personal thoughts and experience, no money was given to me.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Weight Loss Plan for Beating Diabetes Book Review

Diabetes is a scary disease that affects many people. Rick and I have both have had family members that it have had the trials and tribulations some who have lost their battle with the disease and some who are still fighting with it. As many of you know my waist line is not where it should be and I don't need any reminding of that I need to get that in check.

Thanks to TV shows like Biggest Loser diabetes is become more of a "real" thing. It's so easy to brush things under the rug if you don't have to really see them. But it's real it's out there and we can do things to change things in our life.

I was offered to check out a new book that hit rather close to home. The Weight Loss Plan for Beating Diabetes if you, a loved one or someone you care about has diabetes you have to pick up this book for them. You will find the simple 5 step plan easy to follow to deal with diabetes. From diet to exercise, education, medication and lifestyle alteration. Dr. Frederic J. Vagnini pulled from current clinical studies on diabetes and weight loss. This is not just a diet book but a way of life to get diabetes in control.

Some great things anyone can do:

Here are some specific hints for defensive shopping:

  • Prepare ahead. If there's one rule to follow, this is it: Don't to go to the supermarket "on the fly." We've all run out for a few things and ended up buying twice as much as we needed. Often, something in the store tempts us to do just that. For example, how many supermarkets position the bakery right where you walk in, with the wonderful smell of newly baked bread or cakes perfuming the air? It's not an accident.
  • Consult your cookbooks and create a weekly menu. Write down all of the ingredients you need for it.
  • Know what you are going to make, and make sure that most of what you buy fits into your overall meal plan.
  • Check the fridge and pantry so you know what you don't need to buy.
  • Shop weekly. Shopping too often or stretching your shopping trips to every two weeks will make sticking to your meal plan more difficult.
  • Learn the store layout. The fewer tempting products you see and the less time you spend browsing, the easier it will be to avoid buying the wrong foods. The healthiest fresh foods are in areas against the store walls. Don't spend time in the central aisles with things you don't need.
  • Look up and down. The most attractively packaged food is on shelves at eye level.
  • Stay away from the areas where store employees are offering free samples of high-carb and fatty foods.
  • Eat before you shop. A hungry shopper buys more food and makes worse food choices, plus with diabetes, you need to eat at specific times and in amounts that ensure stable blood sugar.
  • Shop alone and without the kids. Although research claims that men are more likely to stick to their list only, the levels of obesity in both genders suggests otherwise. Going to the supermarket should be a directed, time-limited event. You are there to buy certain things you need; you don't have to review every single one of the store's offerings. If possible, shop for food when the kids are in school because they are special targets for marketers.
  • Make healthy choices. This doesn't only mean buying fresh vegetables from local farms or good produce in the supermarket. A healthy choice is a meal you make at home -- not take-out or prepared foods. Over the past decade, sales of prepared foods at the deli counters and throughout the store have risen steadily. Americans now spend over $15 billion per year on prepared foods in supermarkets and in shopping mall food courts.
BUY IT: $21.99 currently Amazon has it on sale for $14.95

Thank you to FSB Associates for a very interesting book that I believe I can even bring into my regular life! I was given a copy of this book to review and give my personal feelings. No money was given for this review.

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress Book Review

Now that I've lifted your spirits with the previous book I'm going to tickle your funny bone! Rhoda Janzen reminds me of some of my favorite bloggers with her sense of humor and writing style. For you that are quick with your whit you'll be busting a gut while the rest of us are catching up laughing along with you.

Do you ever feel like running away and going home? Hello have you seen the name of my blog? I wish to runaway often, but not so sure I would run away to home or want what happens Rhonda to make one do so. Ok so you've think you saw it all with reality shows and the infamous Jerry Springer show, but poor Rhonda's life turns into one that could give either of those a run for their money. Shortly after her 40's birthday she's about had it, not only did her husband of 15 years leave her for Bob (yes not Bobby ... Nope Bob as in boy Bob), she then she is terribly injured in a car accident. So she does what any grown woman would do pack her bags and return home!

This is not your typical memoir it is packed with humor and parents that are out of this world. A little over the top may just be what you need when your world seems to be crashing down around you. But never fear you can always date your second cousin you know because he owns a tractor ... LOL. Believe me you need to read this to find out that story and all the other wacky and funny things that will happen along the way!

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home for $22.00 or on sale right now at Amazon for 14.96 or on Kindle for $9.99

Rhoda Janzen (Author)

Thank you to Henry Holt and Company for this amazing book that had me up late laughing and covering my mouth so I won't make the kids up. I was given a book only to review and give my personal experience and thoughts. No money was given for my review.

Master Leaders Book Review

Love a holiday weekend I can get some reading in! I was sent Master Leaders that is like sitting down with 30 of the worlds greatest leaders. We may not all be in a leader role but at different times in our life we may need to. some of my favorite chapters were vision and values, confrontation and conflict, team building and my worst enemy criticism and pressure!

Now we know you can't really get all 30 of these leaders in one room at one time, could you imagine the price of tickets for that meeting? George Bana and Bill Dallas did have the chance to sit down with these leaders just at different times. That in itself is a lifetime experience you'll never get. So you can live threw the book and the answers you find. You will enjoy every minute of these book. I love these authors, if you're looking for a good Christian book that shows morals and developing character traits that honor god, serve people and empower self this would be the one you need.

A book you should have on your night stand that you can open up when you need that boost or find yourself needing a little guidance. Put on your inner leader hat (you all know you have one) and kick back and learn to become a better you ;).

BUY IT: Master Leaders: Revealing conversations with 30 leadership greats: $24.99 Amazon has it on sale right now for $16.49.

BY: George Barna (Author, Editor), Bill Dallas (Contributor)

Thank you to TBN for another book I enjoyed. I was not paid for my review of this book, I was given a copy to read and post my personal thoughts.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving ... So Traditions and Giving Thanks

First off Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE! I want to say a big thank you to everyone who follows or just takes the time out of there day to read my crazy mind and life. It's because of you that I get going and have found in life that at one time I found very grey and sad. We have some new followers and we want to welcome them to into a crazy thing we call family. Oh you all know you're like my family, better because we actually choose each other ... LOL.
So my friend who mind you once featured me ... yes I actually was featured on a blog once! And she even called me her BBF (Best Bloggy Friend) .... yes my mind never forgets these things! Well she asked us to share our traditions and what we do to get read for thanksgiving. So my BBF Mrs. Cooper here is the answer to your HOLIDAY TRADITIONS AND GIVING THANKS.

So since having kids I try to have everyone at the house for Thanksgiving, it's just too hard to lug us everywhere and then to be on our "best behavior". Now having kids my cleaning style isn't so crazy OCD like it use to be. But whenever I know my mom is coming over I bust my rear ... we joke she'll bust out the white glove. Now don't get me wrong LOVE my mom but she's like the cleaning machine and her house is amazing, mine not so much! Also my grandmother is coming over to and hello she's her mom so what would you expect accept the same type of person. So part of my tradition is hanging on to my sanity while they are both here. My mom means well put she'll comment on the house, my weight, the kids ... LOL I love her to death and know she means well but sometimes my self esteem will wear a little, but I know it's good stuff I really need to work on and that will get me on threw the day. ;)

So now on to the cleaning and the food! Welcome to my world I call Thanksgiving!

First we start with the stove!
Who knew this could get so dirty!
UGH ... all clean and a new liner.

Then the trace that I call boys ...
My floors .. really that was just the bathroom
What is up with the hand prints everywhere?
Then the dinning room/my work area
All clean!
My desk is clean
Bar is clean and you can see the countertop!
And the Table is set!
Floors are clean in the kitchen
Fridge art is up and displayed
(Thanks artist Cole, organizer Caden)
And top of the stove cleaned too!!
Now onto the food making!
On the menu:
* Chuck's Favorite Mac and Cheese
(No clue who chuck is just name of recipe)
* Ham with "The Best Glaze in the world"
* "Smashing" Smashed Potatoes
* Pumpkin Creme Brule
(cross fingers my first attempt)
* Candied Sweet Potatoes
* Grandmother Parker House Rolls
(again no clue who she is just name of recipe)

Mom will bring a Turkey and her famous Green Beans with Bacon
GG (Great Grandma) will bring her cranberry sauce and stuffing!
Rick hates my stuffing .. ;( sorry Martha Stewart your apple stuffing wasn't a hit last year.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day with lot's of friends, family and laughter! I promise to stop by and say hi later today. Right now I have some cooking to do!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

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