The newest addition to our steamy romances is a science fiction feel. You meet Vivianne Blackstone, she's a career minded woman with her love life on the back-burner. She's currently designing a spaceship to protect Earth from the Tribes.
In walks Jordan McArthur allured by the engineering of the spaceship at first but then by Vivianne herself. Can he destroy job and her love life?
Jordan McArthur is not your normal man his past go as far back as King Arthur. He's on a mission to find an ancient artifact that may just be the answer to save the galaxy. Vivianne and her ship could be his ticket! How can he get to go along with his plan? Not planning it but the friction between them burns hot making his plan go of course. Love is the last thing they need during this time.
Of course I'm going to leave you hanging with that! I know I'm so mean but you need to read to find out!
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