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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It was a Merry Christmas

It was an amazing holiday and celebration for with the family. My blessings started a few days early then the day.  As many of you know my husband's car engine died and we had been trying to figure out what to do.  My amazing bosses told me to tow it to a shop to have it looked out and find out how much we would need to get it up and running.  Sadly the extent that it needed was a lot and really not worth it.  So my bosses went over and beyond and surprised me with a new car!  They blessed me so much I can't even say in words how much they are special and answered my prayers.  I am so excited to show off my new 2009 Jetta Wagon.  It even has leather and heated seats, being the cheap girl I am my car didn't have any bells and whistles (Ricks' did but not mine).  It is so nice to have 2 reliable cars and things are really started to turn around here!  We have one more announcement to make but I want to wait a few more days just to let it happen so I can make sure it is what is to be.

We had a fabulous Christmas, this year has been a rough one financial so I was buying little things here and there to make sure we had gifts come Christmas.  I saved and got some great deals on Black Friday also.  Rick and I just kept it low key for this year and enjoyed the kids opening gifts.  One of Rick's cousins sent a Gift Card for the movies and we took the whole family Christmas Day to a movie, it was great to have the card that paid for the whole experience.  What a Great day!  Hope you all had a blessed day and enjoyed your family!

Christmas Eve we saw my parents who gave the boys gifts.
Rick stayed up ALL night and built the lego's Planes & Trucks.
Santa Cookies & our Christmas Eve PJ's.

The boys enjoyed opening gifts!

Mom & Dad and the Mess to clean up!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  1. I'm sorry for the spam message. I hate SPAM.

    How wonderful for you to have such caring bosses. Enjoy your new car and I'll look forward to your next announcement

  2. Oh my gosh!! What a great boss!! That is wonderful news. You must do a great job for him otherwise... he wouldn't of done that.

    You should enter a lot of the blog contests for Christmas Presents. Sometimes, I win really nice stuff.

  3. Hmmm... I thought I was following you GFC. I am now.

  4. How Great that your boss cares about you enough to give you a car. You must do a wonderful job for him or he wouldn't be so giving.

    I have been entering lot of blog giveaways and that helps with Christmas gifts when I win.

  5. Your boss is an angel in disguise. What a wonderful thing to do for you!

  6. Your bosses bought you a new car!! That is unbelievable and amazing! Merry Christmas!

  7. Wow, yo so deserve your luck. Your bosses are great. I am glad you are having a great Christmas and I am intrigued by your pending 'announcement'. xxx

  8. Looks like a lot of fun at your house. That is great new on the car! Your boss is the best. Now to wait in anticipation for your other news.......

  9. oh wow your bosses are amazing!!

    Financially Christmas was difficult this year! We managed to work it out so it didn't hurt as bad and made out okay lol just meant we didn't buy for each other or anything else special all focused on the kiddo! :)

    Love the pictures!

  10. Wow, that was mighty kind of your boss! Glad you had a good Christmas. What movie did you go see?

  11. I am absolutely thrilled for you! That is such a wonderful gift from your bosses!!!!

  12. Oh that is absolutely AMAZING!!! I know you guys REALLY needed that car and what a blessing that your prayers were answered by a boss that clearly cares very much about you and your familys well being.

    Glad that it was a great Christmas and that the boys were happy!

  13. What a great surprise to have the new car! That's so sweet of them! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday!

  14. Looks like everyone had a great time by the mess. =)

    What a marvelous thing for your bosses to do for your family, They are of course just recognizing how important you are and your outstanding work ethic.

    I pray that next year is filled with happiness, prosperity, and love..... You deserve only the best!!

    Love you, my friend. <3


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