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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Part two Of Mickey Party - Rice Krispy Treats & Crayons

We are on to part two of things made for the half birthday party for Caden at school (I love they do this for Summer birthdays).  I not only wanted to make the cupcakes that I posted yesterday, but some fun things.  I knew this day was coming so I went on Amazon and bought some Mickey Mouse molds and a Mickey Mouse cookie cutter.  

We started out with crayons, I did really cool ones for the Lego party.  It was so easy so why not do them for Mickey Mouse too.  

What you need
Crayons (pick up dollar store cheap)
Mickey Mouse Silicone Mold
Cookie Sheet
Foil to hold the Mickey Mouse head in place (and not spill, trust me after loosing my mind this was what I finally figured out)

So I picked up a few Mickey Mouse silicone molds on Amazon and went to making crayons.  I picked up some crayons at the dollar store.  The hard part is peeling off the wrappers.  Then I added crayons to each mold.  These molds were larger then what I've used before and took around 5 crayons per Mickey Head.  NOW I put them in the oven and opened the oven to find that they spilled out ... UGH.  I took a breath and came up with tin foil to molded around the bottom of each mold to keep them in place.  THAT worked!  Bake at 350 for 16 to 20 minutes these are deep molds!  Pull them out and let them cool on the cookie sheet before touching.  You can also put in the freezer if you're in a hurry, I only had to make a few so I didn't have to do it this time.

 I added them to a clear plastic bag tied with a red bow and printed out some cute labels to go on the back.  Just so no one tried to take a bite of a crayon :).

Next on my list was some Rice Krispy treats, I saw these on pinterest but all the links were just a picture so I winged it and made my own.

What you Need:
Make Rice Krispy Treats in a pan
Mickey Mouse Cookie Cutter
Chocolate Melts 

I made the treats like normal let them cool and then I took my cookie cutter and cut out the heads.  I made sure they were cooled so they were kind of hard.  I took my melts and melted in the microwave for a minute and half.  I then dipped the ears into the chocolate, I put them on a piece of wax paper to cool.  Don't worry if an ear falls off just push it back on when the chocolate cools the ear will stay on :). 

Tie them up with a bow and they are ready to go!

I know it's a lot of pictures but I couldn't help myself!  Too cute huh?  I was really excited with myself on how they turned out. I hope you all have a great day!


  1. How cute those crayons are. I bet the kids flipped when the seen them. The rice krispy treats are cool too. You sure went all out!!

  2. LOVE the crayons! Please mail me a few immediately! ;*) lol. Very, very cute!! :) I could totally go for one of your adorable and delicious Mickey rice krispy treats too :) Your post sure made me smile! Pinned to my "Disney Goodness" board ;) ... Thanks for sharing <3


  3. Those look JUST like the rice Krispie treats that they sell in the Disney parks....only those go for $3.99 each!

    I just adore the crayons, too. I think I am going to hire you to make me some stuff when my boys birthdays roll around in August.

  4. Adorable! I'm sure it was the best 1/2 birthday party ever! Until the next one YOU do.

  5. The crayons are such a cute idea. Also the rice krispie treats.

  6. Those crayons are so cute! I like how the rice krispy treat turned out too.

  7. Such cute ideas! You sure spoil those kids! ;-)

  8. OH NO YOU DIH-UNT!?!?! Homemade CRAYONS and CHOCOLATE DIPPED EARS?!?! You are too much!!!!! LOVE IT!!!

  9. Man you ahve some way cool gadgets to use for your party themes, wish we could easily get those types of moulds without it costing a fortune having to coem from USA! Well done looks great

  10. I am more than a little sad that I didn't see this a couple days ago! Those crayons are darling and would have been fabulous to make for my niece's 3rd birthday tomorrow. There's always Easter, I suppose ;) I'm your newest follower. Love your blog!

  11. Thanks for linking up at my Show Off Your Shell Party #5! Hope to see you back this week! All cute ideas, but I especially love the rice crispy treats!

  12. Both projects turned out great. Job well done!

  13. I tried making the Mickey crayons but the ears broke off when I popped them out of the mold. Do you have any suggestions?

  14. Such wonderful ideas! My grand kids all love Mickey so I will keep these ideas in mind next time I can get them all together. I especially love the Mickey Mouse mold - great find!

  15. The ears keep breaking when I try to pop them out of the mold. Grrrr. Any suggestions?

  16. I am having the same problem with the ears breaking. Anyone get it to work?

    1. I find if you put another crayon in the mold to melt that makes ears thicker. Also when taking out of the mold start at the bottom and slowly work up to ears to pop out of mold.

      Try adding more crayons that seems to do the trick for me. Let me know if none of this works :)

  17. Did u use any cooking spray in the mold, I just bought this mold and was curious of how u did it. Some say yes to spray others no


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