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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Boston Trip 2014

I headed Black Friday for my 2nd annual trip to Boston for a work event.  Every Saturday after Thanksgiving we do a huge event at the Marriott.  We had about 400 people show to the event I fly in to help set up appointments and greet people.

I always fly JetBlue to Boston due to the non-stop flight!  AND on my way to Boston JetBlue had WIFI on the plane!  YES it was awesome!!

I know most are not happy about the Thanksgiving stores being open but I'm grateful for those people who work.  I'm able to do my shopping Thursday night and then hope on a plane Friday afternoon and fly to Boston.  My flight was delayed so I got into Boston and into my room around midnight.  I find staying at the hotel the night before the event is awesome.  I can then get ready and just head down to the event in the main ballroom.

My co-worker Lana and my bosses son William
click link above Lana and her family are going on a year long sailing trip!

The event was a hit! I stayed Saturday and Sunday night at my bosses house.  I love their house it is so beautiful!  My male boss had hip surgery recently and was in the guest room with a special bed so I slept in the bunk beds in my bosses son's room. He's such a great kid reminds me of my youngest.  We talked for a long time, he told me all about minecraft.  It was just like being home.

Sunday between work, my female boss took me to the mall.  I had lost my black boots before the trip and needed to pick up a pair along with I forgot my makeup brush.  We were able to walk the mall and even went to see Catching Fire.  I haven't been to a movie in so long, and to see a movie I LIKED was so nice!!!

My Rooms
1st Night - Burlington Marriott
2nd Night - Braintree Hyatt

Monday AM I got up worked a while then headed into the office.  This stay I ended up staying at the hotel in our parking lot.  That way I was able to work in the office during the week. We have 2 locations so I split my days between the two offices.  It was really nice getting to better know my co-workers. Being virtual has great advantages but having the one on one time really does help.  I'm so excited that I've been asked to come back every 3 months and work in the office.  A great break for me and also face time which really does help.  I've worked her for almost 7 years now, last year was my first time meeting everyone in real life.  So this is a huge step and I love it!

The Hyatt had an amazing healthy Breakfast
PLUS a few not so healthy meals were had also ... lol

Since I work at home my dress-code is PJ's
So had to buy dresses for the days in the office and the event.
And a going outfit for the Museum and Mall (double duty outfit .. lol)

I had a great time and one night one of my coworkers took me to the The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.  I had so much fun!  It was breath taking to see Van Gogh and Monet paintings up close.  This was my first time seeing paintings up close! AND I got to see a Mummy's head up close!  It was more then words could explain!  And we hit a yummy place for dinner where I hear celebs are seen a lot!!

What an amazing trip! And when I got home Rick had the house cleaned, laundry and dishes done.  The house hadn't  burned down and the kids go to all their classes and tutoring!  I feel so much better about going now every 3 months!

Hope you're all having a GREAT day!


  1. What a great trip. Watching all of it on Facebook was fun! They sure do treat you well.

  2. Sounds like you work for some wonderful people!


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