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Monday, October 31, 2011

More Halloween Treats

My last bit of halloween treats are done, sadly I didn’t get the moon pies done for Cole’s class.  This darn cold really is kicking my butt!
I did get some Pumpkin Spice Cookies w/ Cinnamon Frosting done.  I also took some of the batter to make pumpkins that I put on a stick.


Pumpkin Spice Cookies w/ Cinnamon Frosting

<p>An easy cookie to make using Betty Crocker&#8217;s Pumpkin Spice Cookie Mix.</p>

See Pumpkin Spice Cookies w/ Cinnamon Frosting on Key Ingredient.

And to be fun I made some chocolate spiders that were too cute.  The photo that I copied from had candy eye’s but I couldn’t find for the life of me so I used red hots Smile.


Chocolate Spiders

Macaroons, Chocolate, Spiders, Halloween, Dessert

See Chocolate Spiders on Key Ingredient.

So there you have it lot’s of treats to do, hope you found one you liked.  So what did you make this Halloween?  What are you going to be?  How about the kids?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Treats (It’s a baking day)

My amazing friend April came over and helped me put together some special treats for the Church Cake Walk.  I have 3 completed, one more to come plus I need to finish up the treat for Cole’s class room to go with the special pumpkin paper cards.
First off we have a Brownie Pumpkin Cheesecake, that turned out so cute and yummy!


Brownie Pumpkin Cheesecake

Brownie, Winco Brownie Mix, Pumpkin, Cheesecake, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Halloween

See Brownie Pumpkin Cheesecake on Key Ingredient.

Next on our list was a fun Surprise Pumpkin Treats that were a sticky treat to do but so cute!  I packed them up in a pie box that I got at Michael’s on clearance for $1.99.  I hope these are a hit with the kids.


Surprise Pumpkin Treats

<p>A fun way to twist up the normal Rice Krispie Treat</p>

See Surprise Pumpkin Treats on Key Ingredient.

Last on today’s list are my FAVORITE they turned out so freaking cute!  These Chocolate Batty Cupcakes!  I can’t wait to see what people think of these.  I found also on the clearance rack at Michael’s cupcake holder a 4pack for $2.99.  I was able to pack these up and have a few to be able to give to the cake walk … Yeah!!


Chocolate Batty Cupcakes

Halloween, Bat's, Cupcakes, Dessert,

See Chocolate Batty Cupcakes on Key Ingredient.

Hope you are having a fabulous weekend and find a treat you would like to make!  Coming up Halloween Whoopie Pies & Chocolate Spiders.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Crafts … Bring on the Paper Pumpkins

A while back you may remember the Valentine Baked Hearts that we made for Cole’s class room.  This time we decided to make Pumpkins for his class and the teachers.  This is a fun craft to do, it’s NOT too messy either.  Well if it falls on the floor you can pick it up and done!
I’m hoping to get a BUNCH of baking done tomorrow for the cake walk at church for the Halloween event.  I hope to post some this weekend to give some idea’s if your looking for some.  In the meant time here is a super fun craft to do with the kids.

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Baked Halloween Paper Pumpkins

<p>I made these for my son&#8217;s class room. </p>

See Baked Halloween Paper Pumpkins on Key Ingredient.

Happy Early Halloween, hope you find a fun craft to do at home too!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

123 … TKO She is down for the count …


Last few weeks have been very busy with work we had 2 back to back events and we added on some new publications so my calls went from the normal to about 3x times the normal then my confirmation calls of brunch on top of it.  So let’s just say my days were packed and evenings packed with making sure the data was all in the right spots and updated for the next morning.  Well I’ve been kind of burning the candle at both ends and it has finally caught up to me.  I’m SICK … UGH.  Now I usually will work threw loosing my voice which I do at least once a month (doing 65+ calls a day takes a toll on my voice). But when I woke up Wednesday am I took one step out of bed and knew it wasn’t right.  I felt light headed and dizzy and then I slimertried to speak to find a substance like Slimer from the Ghost Buster movie had climbed down there.  (ok if you don’t know what I’m talking about you seriously have missed an cult classic movie. 

Needless to say I had to call in or my like email in that I needed to take the day off.  Well being me I said I would take the morning off, but when I couldn’t make it off the couch (well after I moved Caden and found out he was not the only weight hold me down … AND no I’m not talking about my BMI but that may also have to do with it). I had to email in again I was taking the day off.  It’s really hard for me to justify taking time off.  When you work from home, can go to work in PJ’s, slipper and not brushing your hair who can complain.  So it takes the Mac truck that backed over me 30+ times to keep me down.

So there you have it gooeyness and all, I’m out for the count. I’m dizzy just sitting here typing this.  Back to bed I go, hopefully be back soon!

Thank you Google Images for the pictures.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Can Pasta be light? Well let’s try …

We love our pasta around here, but trying to find ways that are low fat are far and few between.  I found this Baked Beef Ziti on Nancy’s Recipe Box a great blog with weight watcher recipes.  This was a good recipe I of course would love more sauce but that of course would be fat … lol.


Baked Beef Ziti (WW 5pts)

Pasta, Whole Wheat Pasta, Ziti, Weight Watcher, 5 Points

See Baked Beef Ziti (WW 5pts) on Key Ingredient.

Next on our list was for this Spaghetti Pie which Cole asked for a double helping of which is always a good sign.  I used whole wheat pasta but you can use regular.


Spaghetti Pie (WW 7 pts)

Weight Watcher, Spaghetti, Whole Wheat Pasta,

See Spaghetti Pie (WW 7 pts) on Key Ingredient.

So there you have it pasta overload!  It’s Tuesday right so this week is moving along?  Oh man it’s a train I think that may have run over me, it may have backed up over me a few times … lol.

So what’s on your menu?  Pasta?  Light or high fat (If so I’m so living threw you)!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Comfort Food on the Lighter Side

My Tuesday dinner friend came over and I thought I would spice it up a little with some favorites done lighter.  As many of you know Rick loves Mexican and meatloaf.  Then I found this recipe for Mexican Meatloaf.


Mexican Meatloaf (WW 5pts)

Meatloaf, Mexican, Weight Watcher, 6 Points

See Mexican Meatloaf (WW 5pts) on Key Ingredient.

And another favorite of Rick’s is Candied Yams, and happy to find this lighter version.


Candied Yams Recipe (WW 5pts)

Vegetarian, Weight Watcher, Sweet Potato, Candy Yams, Low Calorie, Reduced Fat, 5 Points

See Candied Yams Recipe (WW 5pts) on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday everyone, it’s been a crazy week last week and weekend.  Sadly I don’t get a moment to do much commenting of blogs let alone sit down and breath.  I hope to be by this week and  comment on all the back post I’ve read in my reader.

Friday, October 21, 2011

What that was wrong?


Conversations at my house to make you laugh Smile:


Caden: Mom can you get me my ice cream

Mom: Caden, No it’s too early for that.  Ice Cream is a treat for after dinner if you eat all your food.

Caden: Dad said I can have it.

Mom: Caden we’ve talked about telling lies.

Caden: BUT Mom … he did (insert a stomp and a pouty face)

Mom: Caden your dad would not say that!

Caden: He DID .. (Insert Tears)

Dad: What are you all yelling about (Yes he is sitting in bed)

Mom: Caden is saying you told him he could have ice cream and I’m telling him not to lie to me.

Dad: I did tell him he could have it.  Is there something wrong with that?

Mom: REALLY dude?  Come on he hasn’t even eaten all of his cereal yet.  IT’s in the AM why would he get ice cream.

Dad: How should I know that is not ok?

Mom: Did you really just ask me that? (meanwhile I’m sticking my head in the oven … there must be a gas leak everyone is crazy here)

This is where I open the bedroom door tell him to get out of the bed and deal with his son who is having a break down now over ice cream.

Sometimes being mom really makes you wonder if everyone has gone crazy!  How about you?

Thank you Google Images for the picture.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to prepare to a treat for a party

As most of you know I love to make gifts as in the edible kind for friends, family … heck people that are nice to me may get a special treat.

So I’ve been asked how I do my shopping, plan etc.  So here is how the rat race I call life as a working mom and trying to keep my super cape flying high!

Since working from home we had to cut back on a few things to make it possible.  The first thing I started to do was meal planning, which helps me running around like a chicken w/no head and it helps eliminate many trips to the grocery store which saves money!

First I make my meal plan which I do by searching blogs and a few favorite recipe sites to find what we will be having for that week. I then make my list (I found it’s easier to make it in groups so I can run threw the store faster … two kids + 1mom need I say more), I find any coupons I need and do my weekly shopping trip.

For Holiday seasons I do the same and last year I even found a few low calorie ones to help us keep with our eating healthy.  Safeway is one of my favorite places to shop and try to hit it up a few times a month (the fuel credit of 10 cents off is a good bonus).

Working in marketing for years I am extra observant of placement of items, and things that catch my eye or even more catch the boys eyes that we MUST have (as you’ll see the ice cream in our cart, caught Caden’s eye .. ok maybe mom’s too).  We love to do things for each season/holiday so we’ll usually pick up what ever promotional thing is on sale to make as a family.

I’ve found Safeway to be comparable on my baking products, like any store you have to watch because some may be cheaper elsewhere but that is where coupons and planning your trip comes in handy.

As mentioned above and for you who read my blog know I love to bake holiday and heck any time of the year.   Especially during holidays it’s over drive here I like to make SEVERAL different treats.  I like to try different things each year and throw in the some of the same staples like peanut brittle and caramels.  Baking is a joy to me and bring something special and maybe unexpected to someone brings a smile to my face.

On this last trip to Safeway I picked up the makings for some holiday fudge, some cookie mix for the molasses cookies and some puff pastry to make some apple pies.  The fudge was a new recipe I thought I’d try and the molasses cookies have Box tops which I collect for Cole’s school (and you all know how competitive I am with that).

Now for the fun part the pictures and the recipe!  You get to see my helper Caden and my shopping cart where we then moved to come home and make the treats.  THEN quickly pack them up and give to the neighbor so mom doesn’t eat it all!

Things I found you need to do for this recipe:

I used a Silicone pan, if you use aluminum foil DON'T use the cheap kind it sticks.  ALSO do the chocolate in 1 min increments it can burn (Remember my picture of burnt chocolate it stinks and you waste it) and don't put vanilla in early it changes the properties & won't come out right.

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My task was to find Christmas baking items, but sadly my store only had Halloween up.  So I decided that my Christmas Fudge would be easy to make with what I found in the baking isle.

Microwave Fudge

<p>A very <span class="caps">EASY</span> way to make a special treat for any party.</p>

See Microwave Fudge on Key Ingredient.

“This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias.  Feel free to add any additional wording you would like such as “all opinions are my own”

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We Doodle, We Boo & We Suit Up

These darn boys as color crayons, and even a permanent marker.  I’m telling you some days!!  Thank God Magic Eraser’s can help a little bit, well it helped some.  So let’s just say the art table with coloring items are moved next to my work desk.

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Saturday after I finished up on Work I got dressed and dressed the boys up.  I did try to find my witch hat (according to Rick’s it’s fitting for me … lol).  The zoo we are members of had what they call Zoo Boo.  Dress up in costumes for a fun day of activities.

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Our Tuesday Dinner friends came along with us for some play time!

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We feed the goats, did some crafts, saw some cool animals.

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I made some lunch for the kids, which we stopped and snacked on a few times.  And check out the cool pumpkin that was carved.

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Cole & Rick did some decorating around the house.

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Sunday after church we hit JcPenny for a new shirt and tie for picture day at Cole’s school.  Then we went over to the playcenter at the Mall.  We didn’t stay long one little boy kept following Caden and everywhere Caden sat in something this little kid would come up and start yelling at Caden to get out.  One time he even pushed Caden.  I said something and the parents gave ME a dirty look.  NOT once said anything to their kid!

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Picture day at Cole’s school.  He thought he was so spiffy, we even (2nd pic) put Dad’s hair gel in!  Last year Cole’s school pic is on their website advertising for the school.  He thinks every year he’ll get his new pic up .. lol.  Poor guy his pants were too big and all I had was a dino belt, which he told me was not cool … lol.

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Happy Wednesday, Sorry I haven’t been by it’s been a bit nutty around here with work and I haven’t gotten much me time when I clock out.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halloween Gift Ideas

Another Halloween Gift Idea, you know me I love making things for people and I couldn’t resist a quick and easy snack when I found some cute little jars at with fun Halloween decorations on them.   Stay tune I’ll be making more Halloween treat ideas between Cole’s school and the cake walk for church (which mind you doesn’t have to be cake) will give me tons of things to do!

I found this Halloween Snack Mix, with some help from my helpers We made a big batch of it:


Halloween Snack Mix

<p>An easy mix that is perfect for gifts.</p>

See Halloween Snack Mix on Key Ingredient.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tacos & Chips? (Well not your normal way)

The boys have been requesting taco’s lately so I found a few that I thought we’d give a shot.  2 healthy and one on the fence .. hehe.  The not so healthy one was just ok so I won't post it ... lol.

First off we had a Chicken Taco that was good, now I couldn’t find the right chicken tenders they talked about so the ones I used not the best but the taco was good.

Chicken Tacos (WW 4pts)

Chicken, Taco, Fajita, Weight Watcher, 4 points

See Chicken Tacos (WW 4pts) on Key Ingredient.

And for the chip part!  Not your normal chips but they sure were tasty I could just eat these for my meals Smile.  These Sweet Potato Chips are easy to make!

Baked Sweet Potato Chips Recipe (WW 1 Pt)

<p>I&#8217;ve done the Sweet Potato Fries now to try out the chips. These were so yummy, mine weren&#8217;t so crispy like the one&#8217;s from the recipe but still yummy!</p>

See Baked Sweet Potato Chips Recipe (WW 1 Pt) on Key Ingredient.

Have a Great Monday!  Anything special on your menu tonight?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Remakes What Do You Think?

As many of you know I’m not much for change … hehe yes I get a little mother lion if things are done a way I’m use to.  I’m the same thing with things I think are classics.  I love cult following movies, songs etc.  Some things just are best done by the original artist right? 

I’m huge fan of great music from the past: ie: The Beatles, Pink Floyd .. etc.  Then you have my 80’s movies: ie: Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink and Footloose.

Yup you know were I’m going, when I went to the movies I saw the previews for a new movie … oh yes Footloose.  Ok this was the first time I went to the movies in 4 years and I DVR everything so I fast forward threw commercials.  This was news to me they remade one of my favorites.  I just shook my head and was thinking oh really.

So what are your thoughts?  Are you a fan of remakes?  While watching the preview it seems that they stuck to the original movie so is that just remaking the movie with new people? 

Original FootlooseNew Footloosenew vs old

Re-Makes Ya or Na?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I laughed so hard I almost tinkled .. TMI?

Rosie Show

Since the demise of my OLD favorite talk show “The Talk” I have kind of given up on talk shows.  I do DVR Ellen which a fun show and I seem to fast forward threw some of it.  Then I was watching something the other day (yup it was some soul sucking show I’m sure) and before I could fast forward to back to the mind numb I saw a commercial.  Rosie O’Donnell is returning to the talk show game.

The first episode was a little rocky but hey you should expect that, but by the 2nd one they had it going and then 3rd and I’m hooked.  At first I thought I’ll just fast forward threw the songs and games etc.  But then I found myself glued to the show!  This first part she does stand up the old skool way with a mic and all.  LOVE it!  OMGosh this show is hilarious and I can’t stop laughing and loving every minute of it EVEN the game part!!

If you have not watch this show I highly suggest you check it out, heck DVR it so you catch them all!  Rosie has great timing and makes you laugh so hard you almost tinkle … What it is true!  Watch this show you will love it I promise … well I have no money so you can’t come after me if the promise doesn’t come true … lol.

Anyone else seen it?  Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Weekend we were grounded … UGH

Well Cole had that chip thing at school so we dialed back our weekend.  Thursday Cole’s school had a field trip to Micheal’s craft store and I went along, all the chaperone’s got a coupon plus a list of upcoming events.  Ok that is the back story .. lol.

Cole bless him did rather well didn’t bug me while I worked Saturday AM and stayed quiet most of the day Saturday.  Not wanting to punish Caden we hit Michael's for a pumpkin panting Kid Class.  For $5 each I bought a pumpkin and the kids painted and decorated for 2 hours!  Of course I left my camera at home (just like I did for the field trip … ugh).  But I have the after shots … hehe.

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Sunday we went to church, which was a little light all the women went to a retreat Friday – Sunday.  Sadly I couldn’t go with work and kids (maybe next year).  But it was a nice day and my Tuesday dinner Friend even came and meet with me.  I was so excited her and her son came along with me, and I think they had a good time and will come again.

After church we took my boys and her son back to Michael’s for a Free event they were having.  Making Bats with your hand prints!  What a cool idea you can do at home for cheap and keep for memory sake!

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Rick and I also had our movie date Thursday night which was so great to get out and he even didn’t mind a movie that was faith based (whoo hoo … that is a big deal).  You all know about the mess we came home to but it was nice to be just us.

Rick even got some home improvements done around the house.  I had those UGLY vertical hanging blinds that get so dirty and you always have to straight them to make sure you can open then slide them over.  I made a run to Ross and picked up a new rod and curtains.  It makes the kitchen look very elegant, I’m so excited.  Plus we loved the new blinds we replaced after the dog tore the others that we bought one for our room, the boys room and my office.  They make the house look so much better and not the cheap plastic ones we had before.

Yeah to Date night got my hair done and shoes on Smile!

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Home improvements!

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Happy Wednesday, we’re almost to the weekend Smile

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sweet Tuesday Treats

Why not have some treats right?  Hehe It’s been a trying few days with Cole and his behavior.  First off we start with a treat Cole made for his classmates.  I got a lovely email from Cole’s teacher that Cole took a bag of chips from a classmate and put in his bad … UGH.  Cole did go back later and tell his teacher what he did but still.  So yes that was a treat, Rick told him he had to use his money (for good behavior he earns 10 cents for every star) to buy something for his classroom.  You know me I thought it would be good for him to make something along with it.
First off we made Candy Corn Bark. I found cute little bags at the dollar store then made a little label saying made by Cole especially for you. Thanks for being my friend.

Candy Corn Bark

<p>A super <span class="caps">SWEET</span> treat with a touch of salt. You may only eat a little but it is worth it.</p>

See Candy Corn Bark on Key Ingredient.

And why not make a little something else sweet Smile.  I made these Peanut Butter Cheesecake Brownie Cupcakes.


Peanut Butter Cheesecake Brownie

<p>A special treat topped with a cherry!</p>

See Peanut Butter Cheesecake Brownie on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday it’s been crazy busy here plus Cole has been a stinker and grounded this weekend.  I’m running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off Sad smile.  Hope you all are having better week then me!  Anything sweet on your menu tonight?

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

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