I warned you yesterday that today would be a long post, we have 6 cupcakes to get through so hold on! I know stop shaking your head at the screen I can't help myself I just want to try everything and then I end up over doing it. And then of course you have to make 12 to 15 of each so then you end up with like 80 cupcakes ... hehe! I had enough to give everyone at the party one, one in the gift bags and then left overs that BOTH Cole and Caden's class got one for lunch on Monday.
I made a very simple Moist White Cake recipe found on Cooks.com for the cupcakes (click the link for the recipe didn't want to overwhelm you with recipes ... lol). I made a batch of my Sturdy Buttercream that we tinted orange, green, black and of course left some white (click the link and it will take you to the recipe I posted a few weeks back).
Cupcake invasion
Can you believe it took us 6 1/2 hours to frost & decorate all of them.
WHO am I kidding of course you can.
STOP shaking your head at me ... lol
My favorite Cupcake The Ewok Cupcakes
So I have to start with my favorite cupcake, just because it was so stinking cute. I found this idea for the Ewok cupcake on My Clutzy Cooking. I think our's turned out so cute and by all the kids that asked for this one I know it was a hit!
What you need:
Orange Frosting
Crushed Oreo's (or generic like me because I'm cheap)
Mini Oreo's
Black frosting for eyes & nose (you can use candies or brown icing)
- Frost cupcake with a knife to make a smooth finish.
- Crush Oreo's with a food processor (or in a bag and crush with rolling pin). Pushed some crushed Oreo's on as the face.
- Pipe on hood-line (we used a grass tip to look like fringe).
- Put two mini Oreo's in as ears.
- Pipe some black frosting eyes and a nose on.
Next was my runner up for favorite cupcake, it really turned out fabulous! My friend April made a REALLY simple Rolled Buttercream Fondant found on food.com which was then dyed green and we used the cookie cutters I bought to cut out Yoda's. I was so going to go with one we made his face but I must say this was so cute and the fondant was so FREAKING easy. Compared to the marshmallow fondant I made for the Lego Party last year that had marshmallow goo all up my arms and hands.
First start with the Rolled Buttercream Fondant
- 1 cup light corn syrup
- 1 cup shortening
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, clear
- 2 lbs confectioners' sugarWilton's Gel Food coloring
- In a large bowl, stir together the shortening and corn syrup. Mix in the salt, food coloring and vanilla flavoring, then gradually mix in the confectioners' sugar until it is a stiff dough. If you are using a stand mixer, use the dough hook attachment. Otherwise, knead by hand. If the dough is sticky, knead in more confectioners' sugar until it is smooth. Store in an airtight container at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
- To use, roll out on a clean surface that has been dusted with confectioners' sugar until it is 1/8 inch thick or thinner if you can. Drape over frosted and chilled cakes and smooth the sides down, or cut into strips to make bows and other decorations.
What you Need:
Rolled Buttercream Fondant (dyed Green)
Once your fondant is rolled and ready to go take your Yoda Cookie Cutter and punch out the Yoda's. We had a lot of fondant so we ended up with around 20 Yoda's ... lol they were so cute so we went with it!
April my amazing friend perfected the Princess Leia Hair and they came out so much cuter then one's I made for the classroom party. She actually added some frosting then laid the black licorice rope down, instead of trying to put frosting on each end like I did and did a hope and prayer that it would stay down (insert face palm). I also used the white melts this time instead of the almond bark and I must say they were so much smoother and nicer looking.
PREVIOUS Princess Leia Cupcakes
NEW Princess Leia Cupcakes
What you Need:
Frosted Cupcake
Oreo's - White chocolate dipped if you can find them
White Candy Melts- if you can't find the chocolate dipped oreo's
Mini Oreo's
Black Candy Melts
Wilton's Black Licorice Strings
Wilton's Edible Pens (MUST be the Candy Melt Version)
- Dipped Oreo's in melted White Candy Melts (IF you can't find white chocolate coated Oreo's). Put on a silicone mat in fridge to firm up.
- Dip a mini Oreo in melted black candy melts. Put on a silicone mat in fridge to firm up.
- When White Chocolate is firm, Add the licorice strings for the hair. Added a dab of chocolate ONTO the dipped Oreo to hold them down and just made it look like hair.
- When the licorice is set, put in fridge if you need to help firm up.
- Add a dab of frosting to the chocolate covered mini Oreo. Add one to each side of the face (to resemble buns).
- When everything has set up, take a edible Pen, use black to make eyes and red or pink to make the mouth (you can make a heart and it's a cute mouth).

The Storm Trooper was a super simple one to make! Well let me take that back at first I tried to use edible pens to write on the marshmallows but it sucked! So I put marshmallows in the freezer thinking that would help. It kind of helped but then my friend came up with plan C. Food Coloring + Vodka = paint! Don't worry the vodka evaporates and just leaves the food coloring! It was brilliant and it comes out looking so much nicer then the hand drawn ones! We took inspiration from the Storm Trooper picture on Kitchen Fun With My 3 Boys.
What you Need:
Frosted Cupcake
Extra Large Marshmallow (Campfire One's)
Wilton Black Gel Food Coloring (stick a knife in and grab a few drops)
1/8 cup of Vodka
- Poor Vodka in small Cup
- Add Black Gel Food Coloring
- Take paint brush and paint on the Storm Trooper Face.
- Let dry add to the top of a frosted cupcake.
The R2D2 was a very simple one, just melted some blue melts into my R2D2 mold I purchased on Amazon.
What you Need:
Frosted Cupcake
R2D2 Mold (find on Amazon or Ebay)
Blue Wilton Candy Melts (Craft Store, Walmart or Target)
Cooking Spray or Wilton Cake Release
I put the melts in the microwave for about 1 1/2 minutes, don't let them burn! Stir them around and then put a glob in your greased mold (I use cooking spray or you can use Wilton cake release). You can put in the fridge for 1/2 to 1 hour or if a hurry like I usually am put in freezer for 10 minutes. Be careful when taking out of the mold, they can break! I broke off a few of the R2D2 legs by rushing.
And last we end with the Darth Vader Cupcake. I actually made extra when I did the classroom cupcakes that I kept in the freezer until the party date so this actually was the easiest of them all ... lol.

What you Need:
Candy Melts (black)
Cooking Spray or Wilton Cake Release
I put the melts in the microwave for about 1 1/2 minutes, don't let them burn! Stir them around and then put a glob in your greased mold (I use cooking spray). You can put in the fridge for 1/2 to 1 hour or if a hurry like I usually am put in freezer for 10 minutes. Be careful when taking out of the mold, they can break!
So there you have it! All Cupcakes once decorated were put into a clear plastic cup with a clear plastic bag and tied with ribbon. I hit the Dollar Tree (well actually 3 because I swear it must be the season for parties because it was slim pickings) to pick up the clear plastic cups (10pk $1), clear plastic bags (25pk $1) and ribbon in coordinating colors ($1 each). We did brown ribbons for Ewok, green ribbons for Yoda, teal ribbons for R2D2, white ribbons for Princess Leia and black ribbons for Darth Vader & Storm Troopers. The party had ups and downs but that was just because of the pool and poor organization on their end.
Thanks for stopping by, if you're looking for more Star War's Themed items here is a break down of all the other items I've done for the party:
May the 4th be with you :)
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.