Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year ... Now we recap 2009

Wow guys I woke up this morning thinking it's all going to be different ... LOL. Nope I hear kids screaming it's still my life, yes it's a new year and I'm sure a lot will come. I'm not a resolution person but I am trying for better goals. Less screaming, more time with the kids, more time with hubs (listening to him whining about us time) and getting exercise into my life again. No set amount just a goal to do make a better me. I figure if I can set some goals we'll make it!
So let's recap this amazing year! I've seen this on a few blogs and just had to copy cat like that!
January we had our exchange student from Korea with us. He decided I was the enemy being a woman and refused to speak to me most time unless it was threw Rick. We had a chance to go to Flat Stanley were my mom took a ride with us. Oh fun a car ride where I ended in tears (man I need to work on being to sensitive! We had bunches of birthday parties, Fantasy Lights, Zoo Lights and emergency tooth surgery for Rick. Rick also turned 33! A few of my favorite post from January.
February was a fun month we signed Cole up for Kindergarten and had to have the registration paid, chomping on tums to borrow money from my parents! We really didn't celebrate Valentines day so of course had a make up V-Day Breakfast for Rick, had a chili bake off at work that caused an uproar. People decided they didn't like the bake off idea and some how I got pulled into even though I wasn't the person who made it. Let's just say hurt feelings, mean emails and pissed off people came about from that (glad I'm not working there anymore). Also some fun bathroom humor of being a girl in a boys house! A few favorite February post:
My Chili from the bake off!
No I didn't let other bad attitude stop me!
Make up V-Day Breakfast
Bathroom Wars
March Cole's School celebrated his birthday early and mom bought cupcakes and gift bags for the kids. I won a pink Coach Purse. I participated in FFF each friday posting funny pictures of me as a child and high school, even some pictures of our house. I even showed off a few diaper cakes I made. And we had some fun at the playground moms expense. Some fun post to share:
April was Cole's 5th Birthday, we celebrated at the Children's Museum where I had to deal with a dad of Cole's school mate that kept telling Cole to settle down. Hello dude it's his party! I got sucked into several Pampered Chef parties and always have to buy something! Caden broke my ONE pair of glasses and I had to wait 2 weeks for new ones. We enjoyed parties and the zoo, even got a smile out of our exchange student once or twice! We even started the series of what food items you find under beds.
Caden Enjoying Cole's Cupcakes
Cole and Mommy on his 5th Birthday
My BROKEN glasses!
One pair of the new glasses
yup a banana was found
May brought us better weather, some fun sewing projects, me going a field trip were the mom thought it would be fun to put my fluffy rear in the very back with the kids!! School was coming close to a close oh man the summer is almost here! We did get some good jetskiing time in, that is before my parents decided they could fit with Cole on the jetski and tipped over and scaring him from the water! I even found a new hairstyle. I even started a garden, so doing it again! Cole had a few field trips and I even went to a Spa Party with 5 Minutes for Mom.
My view from the backseat
Field Trip
Cole milding annoying the girls
Cole's Blacket from my MIL
New Hair
Gardening I'm ready
Spa Night

June lead us to the end of our exchange student, yeah he even left a few days early. His dad came to pick him up and decided he didn't need to speak to me either. I had my 33 birthday and celebrated with a great pedi. We found more fun food under the bed, this time an apple. Rick had a dog jump out at him on the free way and then his car got broke into.
Yup that's an apple
Rick's gift to me a closet organizer

Cute Hair day even :)
July was a fun month we had an electrical fire when Cole decided to pee on the wall! We had our first trip to Great Wolf and the boys loved it! Cole got his first big boy bike and scooter, thanks monnie! We also had Caden's 2nd birthday party at the house it was so much fun.
Yup a brunt outlet
Caden Cake Face
Caden's Invites on Magnets
Fourth of July at my parents
Another Diaper Cake
August we had a family reunion, a Hawaiian party and just a bunch of water time fun. Add in a wedding and a bachelorette party and we're having a good summer!
And new "Summer Hair"
Phew I've made it to September! Cole started Kindergartend and I started going back to Church, both are big mile stones. We used up what little weather we had left to get the boys out before we had to put the Jetski away. Or Garden was great and gave us many veggies for our meals. We had field trips back on! We had crazy hair moments for mom and a first haircut for Caden. And my grandmother was hit was a scam by someone pretending to be me.
Fun at Monnie & Bapa's house
Our Garden
Apple Field Trip
What can binder clips and a paperclips do?
Oh yeah and another banana showed up!
Cole's First day in Kindergarten
Caden's First Haircut!
October wow how did you get here so fast! We had Halloween and fun dressing the boys up. We had me being laid off and taking a job working from home (God Sent). We had a back log of laundry try to eat me up! My parents gave us the gift cards from our Christmas Present last year and we built a deck! We found more food under the bed, come on! We hit the pumpkin patch with Bapa had a birthday party for Cole's school friend. And I got to meet a bloggy friend Lauren!
New Deck
Yup things you find under a bed!
War of the bathroom returns
"Winter" Shows up
Bowling/Miniature Golf Party
Pumpkin Patch
Meeting Bloggy friend Lauren
Halloween boys ;)
November brought us our first full month of working at home. Thanksgiving at my house and black Friday Shopping. The big trucks invaded our street and took out our internet with it for 3 days! We met with Santa and didn't cry this year! We of course had gum in our hair! I signed up for cookie baking for the church.
And we end with December, it was a month of great surprises and blessings. Wonderful bosses that sent me a GC that bought new tires, not only that but a GC for dinner! Christmas spent with out our parents. We had a chance to go back to Great Wolf and met even more bloggy friends. Along with meeting another bloggy Friend Robyn! And get this a date night!
FINALLY I know sorry didn't mean for such a long post! Here is how the boys and I celebrated the new year! Rick worked a private party threw the security company. the boys and I bundled up and picked up some pizza, sparkling cider and popcorn! LOL We ended up falling asleep around 9ish. I did wake up right before the new year, but got hooked on the Biography Channel I just couldn't change the channel. Now onto 2010! Many Blessings in the new year! Thank you so much for sticking around with me! I enjoy getting to meet you all and reading your stories. Many times I'm laughing and crying right along with you. Thank you for being part of my life!


  1. Ok, maybe I need to work on being emotional too. I watched/read you year in review and laughed while I cried.
    Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!!

  2. O.M.G.

    That had to of taken you forever!

    I must have missed the post about the car wreck, but I DO have to say I LOVE YOUR hair in that post! It's got a little bit of wave in it and it is super cute!

    What a busy crazy year!

    Here is to another one! (maybe not so busy though...huh??)

  3. Wow, what a year you have had. How do you even have the patience to put all of these pics up?? I truly enjoyed it. What app do you use for your pictures?

  4. This was a great post. I love all of the pictures and thoughts and post. I remember some of them too. I am glad my RR made it into a post. Guess what it is going to be this Friday.. if you want to join in. Just letting you know. I love the hat in the last picture. Most of all I loved seeing you. At first when I saw the picture of your student. I thought oh no he is back. But he is not. I know he put you through a lot. Have a great 2010.


  5. WOW!!! what a mother of a post... but i totally enjoyed it!!!

    and i had TOTALLY forgotten about the exchange student.. bet you are still trying to forget too!!

    hope ur 2010 is going well...

  6. Happy New Year.
    This sounds so very wrong but, who kept hiding the banana.

    And...what brand closed organizer is that? Did you like it? Was it easy to install? I only ask 'cause we need to get one for the closet in the yurt.

  7. Hey, I am so impressed with how organized you are. I loved all the pictures. The bathroom wars looks like what we have at my house. Sorry you had such a bad experience with your exchange student. OUCH! I am so glad I met you this year. Can't wait for more posts and fun together.

  8. Now I feel kind of caught up. Looks like you had a great year. I hope this one is even better!

  9. You never cease to make me laugh! I had to do speedy style past the "things under the bed" pictures!

  10. I loved reading your year in review!!! Great job........wanna do one for me now LOL.

    Hope you have a great 2010.

  11. What an awesome looking back post! I love the recap and appreciate the time it took to put it together.

    OH MY! an electrical fire from peeing on the socket? What a story to retell when he's 16! LOL

    I can't believe your exchange student not talking to you. What a turd! I realize he's from a different culture...respect is respect...sheesh

    All your hair shots are awesome. I love that you put up your good hair days. That's something I would do too!

    Great post friend! Cheers to a fabulously blessed 2010

  12. What an awesome looking back post! I love the recap and appreciate the time it took to put it together.

    OH MY! an electrical fire from peeing on the socket? What a story to retell when he's 16! LOL

    I can't believe your exchange student not talking to you. What a turd! I realize he's from a different culture...respect is respect...sheesh

    All your hair shots are awesome. I love that you put up your good hair days. That's something I would do too!

    Great post friend! Cheers to a fabulously blessed 2010

  13. Sounds like you had quite the year! Wow, you are talented...baking and making diaper cakes. Neither of which I'm good at. The blanket your MIL made is just darling.
    I'm hoping my New Year gets better. Hubby and I aren't talking to each other and I spent New Year's Eve at work listening to people tell me about their bar fights.
    Have a wonderful 2010!

  14. What an amazing post by an amazing person! Your year recap was awesome! Happy New Year. ;o)

  15. Happy New Year to you too! I am glad to have you as a friend.

  16. Wow girlie just WOW love all of it :) hope your New Year was as awesome as you are!!!

  17. Great post. I was very surprised that you BOUGHT cupcakes ~ you ~ Miss bake something new each day!!
    Love the old school photos, so cute. What a great recap of the year. That is what you should have made into a book. Do that every year! This is one really great way to have the history of a family.
    You young ladies are lucky!

  18. Loved the post... I didn't start following you until about June, so I didn't know about your exchange student... man what a pain that must have been.
    I was laughing and crying as I remembered most of these posts - I had to look up the one about the Cakewrecks, that was hysterical!!
    It has been so wonderful becoming your friend, and I hope to learn so much more about you and some day your coming to Disney World with your family so we can meet in person!
    Hugs and happy new year.

  19. What a year! Always so busy! Can't wait to share this new year with you as well! Happy New Year! :-)

  20. I didn't do half as much as you did last year! That post must have taken you forever to do. I loved it!

  21. What a year!........Oy........
    Well, here we go again........

    And, see now why I posted about Happy New Day???......


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!