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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Expanding Soap Experiment (4th Grade Science Fair)

Well we wrap up the science fair with a fun experiment! Even though it drives my kids nuts I have them do something that is not the normal for science fair time. Caden actually was pretty excited with this one and his face was priceless when he pulled the winning soap out of the microwave. This experiment took the least amount of time of all the ones we've done over the years but was so much fun!!

What you Need:
Different types of Soap
Tri Board
Card Stock (Whatever colors you like)
Pen and/or Cricut to cut out the letters
Glue Stick
For the board we took my cricut to cut out circles and added a little black outline on each one. Caden cut out the letters and then glued them on to the board. Sorry I didn't get a picture with the words, graph and photos on it. He took it to school before I could snap a pic! 
For the soap we cut each bar into pieces (4 slices) and placed on a dinner plate. My microwave took 2 minutes to see the change, check your microwave to see what works best. Most puffed up only one became a big pile of gooey mess that we had to wait until it hardened to get off the plate. We put each soap after into a clear bag so he could display at the science fair. 

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Other Science Fair Projects we've done:

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!

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